Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Antea
Ship owner IRD
Dates 18/04/2018 - 30/07/2018
Chief scientist(s) ARTIGAS Luis Felipe ORCID


28 avenue Foch

BP 80

62930 Wimereux

+33(0)3 21 99 29 00

DOI 10.17600/18000443

The ECOPEL Channel 2018 cruises are devoted to the hydrological, biogeochemical and biological observation and characterization of pelagic coastal and offshore ecosystems in the Channel and southern North Sea. In particular, the main objective is to study the distribution and dynamics of phytoplankton (at sub-mesoscale) and of zooplancton (at mesoscale) at two crucial biological periods, during the dévelopment of the spring bloom (Leg-1) and in the summer season (Leg-2), across coastal-offshore gradients studied from the Finistère to the Dover strait and the southern bight of the North Sea. These cruises are in the continuity of previous campaigns as PHYCO (Côtes de la Manche R.V., INSU) et Pelrad (Sepia II R.V., INSU) in spring and summer 2017 (CPER project MARCO and H2020 project JERICO-Next) and of DYPHYMA I & II cruises (Côtes de la Manche R.V., INSU) in spring 2012 (INTERREG IVA « 2 Seas » project DYMAPHY), which have allowed to test and implement a coupled approach combining bio-optical continuous recording sub-surface measurements with profiles and sampling at discrete stations, for the calibration and improvement of algorithms "ocean colour" (remote sensing) characterization and the understanding of the distribution and dymamics of phytoplankton abundance and diversity in the eastern Channel.

The ECOPEL cruises contribute to the implementation of an in situ observation platform of coastal marine ecosystems in the Channel (CPER project MARCO) and represent a preliminary action for the implementation of the « Monitoring Programme » of Pelagic Habitats within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) funded by the French Ministry of Ecology, engaging both the CNRS-INSU and IFREMER as co-Scientific Leads of the Pelagic Habitats theme. Together with the monitoring performed through the optimization of fisheries cruises in winter (IBTS, Thalassa R.V., IFREMER) and autumn (CGFS, Thalassa R.V., IFREMER), they will make it possible to address the seasonal variability of the hydrological and biogeochemical characteristics and the plankton diversity, distribution and dynamics in the Channel and southern North Sea area.  Moreover, they will contribute to the definition of the observation strategy for the monitoring programme of pelagic habitats and to the implementation and calculation of related ecological state and surveillance indicators.  

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore

Data managed by SISMER




Michel-Rodriguez Monica, Lefebvre Sebastien, Crouvoisier Muriel, Mériaux Xavier, Lizon Fabrice (2021). Underwater light climate and wavelength dependence of microalgae photosynthetic parameters in a temperate sea. Peerj, 9, e12101 (39p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gómez Fernando, Artigas Luis Felipe, Gast Rebecca J. (2021). Molecular phylogeny and synonymy of Balechina gracilis comb. nov. (= Gymnodinium gracile ), a widespread polymorphic unarmored dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae). Journal Of Phycology, 57(2), 694-697. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gomez Fernando, Felipe Artigas Luis, Gast Rebecca J. (2019). Molecular phylogeny of the parasitic dinoflagellate Syltodinium listii (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) and generic transfer of Syltodinium undulans comb. nov. (=Gyrodinium undulans). European Journal Of Protistology, 71, 125636 (10p.).

References of Technical Reports

Jouandet Marie-Pâule, Lebourg Emeline, Bruault Marie, Dedecker Claire, Louchart Arnaud, Gomez Fernando, Nowaczyck Antoine, Wacquet Guillaume, Lizon Fabrice, Crouvoisier Muriel, Cornille Vincent, Lefebvre Kévin, Bouchaud Fanny, Lécuyer Eric, Mériaux Xavier, Cauvin Arnaud, Didry Morgane, Delabre Jessica, Duflos Marie, Artigas Luis Felipe (2020). Résultats des campagnes océanographiques 2017- 2019 en Mers Celtiques et Manche Mer du Nord. Test pour la mise en place du Programme de Surveillance DCSMM. [PHYCO 2017 - PELRAD 2017 - ECOPEL 2018 leg 1 et leg 2 - CGFS 2018 - IBTS 2018 et 2019].

Lizon F., Artigas L.F., Louchart A., Michel-Rodríguez M., Pernak M. 2020. Résultats des campagnes océanographiques 2017-2019 en Mers Celtiques et Manche Mer du Nord : Test pour la mise en place du Programme de surveillance DCSMM : Apports de la Fluorescence Variable FV de type FRRF (Fast Repetition Rate fluorometer), sur la caractérisation biologique des masses d'eau (campagnes préliminaires et exploratoires 2017-2019). DCSMM HP 2016-2019, CNRS LOG, 45 pp.

Lefebvre AlainORCID, Devreker David (2019). Contributions des mesures automatisées à haute fréquence de type FerryBox pour les programmes thématiques Eutrophisation et Habitats Pélagiques de la DCSMM. Campagnes 2018. ODE/LITTORAL/LER.BL/19.06.

Jouandet M.P., Petit L., Wacquet G., Dédécker C., Duflos M., Aubert A., Rombouts I., Mialet B., Lebourg E., Bruaut M., Gómez F., Delarbre J., DidryM., Artigas L.F. 2019 Mise en ?uvre du programme de surveillance "Habitats Pelagiques" : test de mise en place des campagnes saisonnières sur le site atelier Manche Mer du Nord et Mers Celtiques. Rapport sur les campagnes DCSMM 2017-2019 - SRM MMN, CNRS LOG-MTES, 126 pages.

References of International Seminar Communications

Artigas, L.F., Rombouts I., Duflos M., Budria A., Wacquet G., Aubert A., Mialet B., Devreker D., Lefebvre A. Challenges and strategies that can enlighten the characterization and status of pelagic habitats - perspectives from automated approaches and ICG COBAM PH indicators. Workshop on Pelagic Habitats - The European Commission's science and Knowledge Service - Joint Research Center November 18-20, 2020

Artigas ,L.F., Duflos, Guillaume Wacquet, Anaïs Aubert, Isabelle Rombouts, Benoit Mialet, David Devreker, Alain Lefebvre, Felipe Artigas Phytoplankton monitoring and assessment of pelagic habitats for the European Water Framework and Marine Strategy Framework Directives : the case of France. ICES WGPME, Las Palmas, March 11-14, 2019

Artigas L.F ;, Claquin P., Créach V, de Blok R., Delarbre J., Debusschere E, Deneudt K., Grégori G., Hébert P.-A.7, Karlson B., Kromkamp J., Lahbib S., Lefebvre A., Lizon F., Louchart A., Möller, K.O., Poisson-Caillault E., Rijkeboer M., Rutten T., Tyberghein L., Thyssen M., Seppälä J., Stemmann L., Van Dijk M., Veen A., Wacquet G., Wollschläger J., Ylöstalo, P., Puillat I. Combining automated optical approaches for building an integrated platform for marine phytoplankton observation. IMBeR Open Science Conference, Brest, France, Juin 2019.

Artigas L.F ;, Claquin P., Créach V, de Blok R., Delarbre J., Debusschere E, Deneudt K., Grégori G., Hébert P.-A.7, Karlson B., Kromkamp J., Lahbib S., Lefebvre A., Lizon F., Louchart A., Möller, K.O., Poisson-Caillault E., Rijkeboer M., Rutten T., Tyberghein L., Thyssen M., Seppälä J., Stemmann L., Van Dijk M., Veen A., Wacquet G., Wollschläger J., Ylöstalo, P., Puillat I. Combining automated optical approaches for building an integrated platform for marine phytoplankton observation. IMBeR Open Science Conference, Brest, France, Juin 2019.

Artigas L.F., Karlson B., Claquin P., Créach V., De Blok R., Debusschere E., Deneudt K., Gómez F., Grégori G., Hébert P.-A., Kromkamp J., Lefebvre A., Lizon F., Louchart A., Möller, K., Petersen W., Poisson-Caillault E., Rijkeboer M., Rutten T., Tyberghein L., Thyssen M., Seppälä J., Stemmann L., Veen A., Wacquet G., Wollschläger J., Puillat I. Automated in vivo approaches for characterizing HAB coastal waters: the JERICO-Next European Research Infrastructure. International Congress of Harmful Algae, Nantes, October 21-26, 2018

Artigas, L.F. et al., The Joint Research Activities of the North Sea, Channel and Celtic Seas. JERICO-Next General Assembly, Galway, September 24-27, 2018

Workshop: Interoperability of Technologies and Best Practices: in situ applications to nutrient and phytoplankton fluorescence measurements Brest, 4-6th December, 2018 Ifremer Centre de Bretagne - France

Artigas L.F., Lizon F., Lefebvre A. On the application and interpretation of chlorophyll fluorescence measurements by multiple sensor systems. From Coastal to Open Sea observations

References of National Seminar Communications

Artigas L. F., Karlson B., Brosnahan, M.L., Claquin P., Créach V., de Blok R., Debusschere E., Deneudt K., Gómez F., Grégori G, Hébert P.-A., Kromkamp J., Lefebvre A., Lehtinen S., Lizon F., Louchart A., Möller, K., Poisson-Caillault E., Rijkeboer M., Thyssen M., Seppälä J., Stemmann L., Van Dijk M., Veen A. , Wacquet G. (Semi-)automated in vivo approaches for characterizing HAB and other phytoplankton blooms in European coastal waters: News from the Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories - New Expertise (JERICO-Next). Phycotox2019 : Conférence nationale sur les algues toxiques 2019 - GDR PHYCOTOX, 14-17 mai 2019, Plouzané (Brest)

Artigas L.F. (RT D1 HP), Marie Duflos, Marie Paule Jouandet, Anaïs Aubert, Isabelle Rombouts, Benoit Mialet, Guillaume Wacquet, Antoine Nowaczyk, AlexandreBudria, David Devreker, Alain Lefebvre (RT Eutrophisation), Dorothée Vincent (RS HP et Eutrophisation). Indicateurs ICG COBAM et DCSMM de diversité en milieux marins: application à l'évaluation environnementale et au programme de surveillance des habitats pélagiques (et du zooplancton). Atelier RESOMAR ZooNet - Toulon, 19-21 novembre 2019.

Jouandet M.P., Petit L., Wacquet G., Dédécker C., Duflos M., Aubert A., Rombouts I., Mialet B., Lebourg E., Bruaut M., Gómez F., Delarbre J., DidryM., Artigas L.F. 2019 Mise en ?uvre du programme de surveillance "Habitats Pelagiques" : test de mise en place des campagnes saisonnières sur le site atelier Manche Mer du Nord et Mers Celtiques. Rapport sur les campagnes DCSMM 2017-2019 - SRM MMN, CNRS LOG-MTES, 126 pages.

Artigas L.F., Duflos M., Wacquet G., Aubert A., Rombouts R., Mialet B., Devreker D, Lefebvre A. Etat d'avancement sur les travaux thématique Habitats Pélagiques de la DCSMM. Congrès RESOMAR , Perpignan, November 13-15, 2018

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Artigas F., Créach V., Houliez H., Karlson B., Lizon F., Seppälä J., Wacquet G. Novel methods for automated in situ observations of phytoplankton diversity and productivity: synthesis of exploration, inter comparisons and improvements. JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.2 -120819 V5, 85 pages, 2019.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Nicolas Delatre (2020) Structure and diversity of bacterial communities in the English Channel revealed by flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing. Master II Applied Blue Biotechnology (University of La Rochelle). Co-encadrement L.F. Artigas & S. Monchy.

Claire Dédécker (2019) Variabilité spatio-temporelle des communautés phytoplanctoniques, en Manche, caractérisées par l'application de la cytométrie en flux. Master 2 sciences de la Mer spécialité Master 2 Fonctionnement et Gestion des Ecosystèmes Marins (FOGEM - ULCO - UL1) - Encadrement L.F. Artigas.

Thesis using campaign data

Panetier Aurélie (2023). Shipborne Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Offshore Atmospheric Water Vapor Monitoring. PhD Thesis, ENSTA Bretagne.