Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Europe
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 04/05/2018 - 29/10/2018
Chief scientist(s) PAIRAUD Ivane ORCID, FRAUNIE Philippe , FUCHS Rosalie


Centre Ifremer Bretagne

ZI Pointe du Diable

CS 10070

29280 Plouzané

+33 (0)2 98 22 42 76



DOI 10.17600/18000435

Ocean-atmosphere exchanges across the ocean surface layer constitute an identified lock of forced or even multi-scale oceanic modeling, especially in coastal areas subject to significant transient processes. Improving the representation of the surface layer received a great deal of attention from the community of modelers (AMICO-next projects, ANR TURBIDENT), especially in the immediate vicinity of the interface, because of the difficulty of obtaining sufficiently reliable measurements. However, this layer conditions the turbulent transfer vertically of any substance brought by the atmosphere or the terrigenous flows. There is therefore a great deal of importance in better defining the turbulent closure models. As part of the ANR TURBIDENT project, the objective was to improve turbulence models of 3D ocean models, using a new assimilation method using a new physics data set from innovative platforms (AUV , radar, Kursk, Ocarina, MASTODON-2D) deployed during the TURBIDENT campaign to specify vertical coefficients of diffusivity below the surface. The study area concerned the Provençal coast from the islands of Hyères to the creeks, influenced both by the circulation of the sea and by transient processes at the interface with the atmosphere (Ekman's layer, upwelling jets, inertia, de-layering and re-stratification). Indeed, the current ocean numerical models do not always correctly represent these processes, as it has been identified for coastal upwellings generated by North / North-West winds, which induce a cooling of the surface layer.

The fine measurement of parameters under the surface, and therefore currents, is essential to improve our ability to reproduce these physical processes influenced by air-sea interactions. The strategy for measuring currents using an AUV in the first 100 meters of the water column, with a high resolution close to the surface, was validated during the AUV-COURANTO campaign of October 2016. Finally, measurement campaigns from smaller vessels (Antédon, zodiac) were planned in parallel in the framework of the LEFE TURBORADAR project, which made it possible to supplement marine measurements with turbulent flow measurements at the air-sea interface (Koursk and OCARINA platforms) to study the evolution of the vertical surface current shear following an episode of Mistral, off the island of Porquerolles. Hydrological data were also intended to be used for other programs (eg AMICO-next).

The campaign helped improving our understanding of ocean (sub) surface layer processes, and thus improve their representation in numerical prediction models. This contribution is placed on several levels:

i) Acquire high resolution hydrological and current data in the ocean subsurface layer on the plateau using a mooring in the area of the Blauquières Bank and MASTODON-2D thermistor lines in the same area of Hyères islands over a period of 6 months, in order to broaden our knowledge of the temporal and spatial variability of the subsurface physical processes. This dataset was thought to complement the surface current measurements by the HF radar.

ii) Carry out complementary measurements along radials at the beginning and end of the deployment, to supplement the characterization of the processes and their spatial variability at the air-sea interface, from the Blauquières Bank to the area off the islands of Hyères, in particular the surface currents using an AUV. Radials were chosen to pass close to the moorings of the campaign and BOMBYX

iii) Compare the currents measured near the surface by the ADCP positioned on the AUV and the towed ADCP to the currents deduced from the radar measurements along the radials of the Toulon area

iv) Perform complementary measurements of turbulent flows, radiative fluxes and associated environmental conditions using systems left adrift on the surface (Koursk-Ocarina, deployed from an independent zodiac).

v) Provide data to modellers to identify the complex transient processes involved to control turbulent parameterization in ocean models in near-surface areas that may affect wind-induced and associated mixing process (diffusion, turbidity). The campaign was organized in two LEGs, the first one being dedicated to the positioning of of moorings (the second to their recovery) as well as to the realization of various measurements along radials or with the help of autonomous instruments.

Scientific context

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore

Data managed by SISMER




References of Technical Reports

Pairaud IvaneORCID, Fuchs Rosalie (2021). Rapport des campagnes TURBIDENT Leg1 (Mai 2018) & Leg2 (Octobre 2018). LOPS/21-01. https://doi.org/10.13155/78596

Greer, J. (2016). AUVs côtiers : Exploitation simultanée d'un DVL/ADCP pour la navigation et la courantométrie. Rapport interne IFREMER IMN/SM/S3E/16-435