Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Thalia
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 21/04/2018 - 25/04/2018
Chief scientist(s) CARLIER Antoine ORCID


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable

CS 10070


+33 (0)2 98 22 49 19

DOI 10.17600/18000413

The objective of the cruise PAGURE-NEXT-2018 is to analyse change of benthic biodiversity (both structural and functional diversity) in a coastal benthic ecosystem (the Bay of Brest) under the influence of the slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata), a benthic invasive species. This goal is achieved by the use of an innovative underwater towed video system (Pagure-2), which is a complementary tool with respect to classical quantitative grab sampling.

Published data

Bajjouk Touria, Hamdi Anouar, Chevalier Claire, Cordier Céline, Grall Jacques, Carlier Antoine, Caisey Xavier, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Blanchet Aline, Segeat Benjamin (2023). Carte de synthèse des habitats benthiques côtiers des sites Natura 2000 de la Rade de Brest (FR5300046), estuaire de l'Aulne et du site Rivière Elorn (FR5300024).

Carlier Antoine, Androuin Thibault, Caisey Xavier, Cordier Céline, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Perier Vincent, Grall Jacques (2023). Distribution spatiale de la crépidule (Crepidula fornicata) en rade de Brest entre 2013 et 2018.

Data managed by SISMER



References of Technical Reports

Facq Jean-Valery, Vaz Sandrine, Laffargue Pascal, Carlier Antoine (2023). Outil PAGURE : Résultats et perspectives après 10 ans d'utilisation. PDG/REM/RDT/LHyMar 14LHYMARBL23.

Carlier Antoine, Vaz Sandrine, Facq Jean-Valery (2017). JERICO-NEXT. Report on developments dedicated to monitor and study benthic comportment and processes. D3.10. JERICO-NEXT-WP3-D3.10-170917-V1.3.

Durand Dominique, Puillat Ingrid, Karlson Bengt, Grémare Antoine, Nizzetto Luca, Rubio Anna, Laakso L, Mourre Baptiste (2016). JERICO-NEXT. Approaches to monitor European coastal seas. JERICO-NEXT-WP4-D4.1-V3.0.

References of International Seminar Communications

Puillat Ingrid, Carlier Antoine, Facq Jean-Valery, Rubio Anna, Lazure Pascal, Delauney Laurent, Petihakis George, Karlson Bengt, Artigas Felipe, Farcy Patrick (2018). Deployment of new observing systems within the JERICO-RI. Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway. E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.) EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1 ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. pp.43-51.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Derrien-Courtel Sandrine, Androuin Thibault, Ar Gall Erwan, Aublet Erwan, Bouriat Alize, Boyé Aurélien, Broudin Caroline, Catherine Elodie, Decaris François-Xavier, Derrien René, Grall Jacques, Houbin Céline, Huber Matthias, Le Duff Michel, Le Gal Aodren, Le Garrec Vincent, Maguer Marion, Perrier Lucile, Thiébaut Eric (2020). Le REBENT-II Bretagne. Surveillance du Benthos du littoral breton. Années 2015-2016. Rapport final. Vf2-11/03/2019. 257p.

Thesis using campaign data

Androuin Thibault (2018). Ecologie trophique de l'espèce ingénieur Crepidula fornicata et implications pour le fonctionnement de son habitat / Trophic ecology of the engineer species Crepidula fornicata and implications for its habitat functioning. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.