Type | Oceanographic cruise |
Ship | Côtes De La Manche |
Ship owner | CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020 |
Dates | 21/04/2017 - 29/04/2017 |
Chief scientist(s) | ARTIGAS Luis Felipe ![]() |
LABORATOIRE D'OCÉANOLOGIE ET DE GÉOSCIENCES - UMR 8187 28 avenue Foch BP 80 62930 Wimereux +33(0)3 21 99 29 00 |
DOI | 10.17600/17010500 |
Objective | The PHYCO cruise is devoted to the study of the phytoplankton spring bloom in the Eastern Channel-southern North Sea region, by combining both reference sampling as well as the implementation of combined methods for high resolution observation of phytoplankton. We define the biogeochemical characteristics, the bio-optical environment and the distribution and characterization of phytoplankton communities along inshore-offshore and eastern-western gradients in both sides of the Channel, from the Bay of Seine to the strait of Dover, at high temporal and spatial resolution, in a season characterized by starting and/or decaying phytoplankton blooms (particularly those of diatoms and the haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa) and a great spatial heterogeneity, as well as rapid community changes. We combine in situ continuous recording at sub-surface waters and discrete sampling and profiling at fixed stations, collecting and analyzing samples both in surface and at different depths. We study the abundance, composition (functional groups, taxonomy) and physiological state of phytoplankton assemblages discriminated by in situ multi-spectral fluorometry, pulse shape-recording flow cytometry, image in flow analysis, Pulse Amplitude Fluorometry (PAM) and Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF). We also carry out reference determination of phytoplankton species and pigmentary groups by microscopic observation and pigments analysis. The PHYCO cruise also allow us to gather marine reflectance as well as optical properties of both dissolved and particulate matter in order to calibrate and to allow the discrimination phytoplankton functional types (PFT) from space. This cruise is the first of a series of three cruises of the implementation of innovative semi-automated techniques for defining an automated observatory of phytoplankton and HABs, Joint Research Action (JRAP #1) of the JERICO-Next project ( and is a follow up o INTERREG IV A "2 Seas" DYMAPHY Project. It represents an observation action of the French Regional "Hauts de France" project MARCO as well as a monitoring exploratory action for the French Monitoring Programme of Pelagic Habitats of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).