Type | Oceanographic cruise |
Set | This cruise is part of the set EMSO LIGURE OUEST |
Ship | Téthys II |
Ship owner | CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020 |
Dates | 24/11/2017 - 25/11/2017 |
Chief scientist(s) | LEFEVRE Dominique , GOJAK Carl |
INSTITUT MÉDITERRANÉEN D'OCÉANOLOGIE - UMR 7294 UMR IRD 235 - MARSEILLE 163 avenue de Luminy Bâtiment Méditerranée 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 +33(0)4 86 09 05 00 |
DOI | 10.17600/17009000 |
Objective | EMSO (European Multidiciplinary Subsea Observatory) is a European network for sub-sea observatories dedicated to environmental sciences. EMSO aims at acquiring long term time series (> 12 years) in European adjacent seas with the main objective of studying the impact of climate change. EMSO-France is a research infrastructure build over many sites of activity with one being the ANTARES-MEUST site in the Western Ligurian Sea. Driven by the DT INSU and CPPM, MEUST (Mediterranean Eurocenter for Underwater Sciences and Technologies) project has for objective to develop a scientific and technical to mutualise the effort and open to the international and also unique in the world. This infrastructure merges the latest technologies dedicated to environmental sea sciences as well as a telescope of a new generation for neutrinos based astronomy. This multidisciplinary project, led by INSU and IN2P3 institutes, University of Aix-Marseille and Toulon-Var, in collaboration with IFREMER in the working frame of the GIS Oceanomed and the CETSM as well as the European project KM3NeT and EMSO. This project is part of the « Technopôle de la Mer » of Toulon Provence Méditerranée development. This work is supporting the science carried out within MISTRALS and the SOERE MOOSE. This research infrastructure presents a unique opportunity to develop multidisciplinary project. The scientific motivation are numerous and across different scientific field. Based on the ANTARES experience, like the instrumentation line and on-going activity aiming at instrumenting the water column for sustainable in situ a real time data acquisition, there is a need to develop and diversify our observing system, taking into account the link between the surface to the deep ocean in relation with surface oceanic circulation (i.e. Courant Nord), events at the basin scale like deep water formation, flux of organic matter and particles originating from diverse horizon. Climatic changes will trigger change in temperature and other parameters which will impact on biogeochemical processes and biodiversity. It is therefore a strong necessity to setup the appropriate tools to monitor, understand our ecosystem evolution. |