Garrigue Claire, Derville Solène (2022).
Behavioral responses of humpback whales to biopsy sampling on a breeding ground: the influence of age‐class, reproductive status, social context, and repeated sampling.
Marine Mammal Science, 38(1), 102-117.
Chero Guillaume, Pradel Roger, Derville Solene, Bonneville Claire, Gimenez Olivier, Garrigue Claire (2020).
Reproductive capacity of an endangered and recovering population of humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 643, 219-227. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garrigue C, Derville S, Bonneville C, Baker Cs, Cheeseman T, Millet Laurent, Paton D, Steel D (2020).
Searching for humpback whales in a historical whaling hotspot of the Coral Sea, South Pacific.
Endangered Species Research, 42, 67-82. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Derville Solene, Torres Leigh G., Albertson Renee, Andrews Olive, Baker C. Scott, Carzon Pamela, Constantine Rochelle, Donoghue Michael, Dutheil Cyril, Gannier Alexandre, Oremus Marc, Poole Michael M., Robbins Jooke, Garrigue Claire (2019).
Whales in warming water: Assessing breeding habitat diversity and adaptability in Oceania's changing climate.
Global Change Biology, 25(4), 1466-1481. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Références des rapports techniques
Garrigue Claire, Derville Solene, Bonneville Claire (2018). Searching for humpback whales two centuries post-whaling: what is left in the Chesterfield-Bellona archipelago? SC/67B/SH/17.
Garrigue Claire, Bonneville Claire, Derville Solène, Dodemont Rémi,
Le Gendre Romain![ORCID](
, Oremus Marc, Pérard Véronique, Williamson Mike (2018).
Rapport des campagnes MARACAS 3, 4 & 5.
Bell, E. (2018) IWC-SORP Research Fund: progress report 2016-2018. Report to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission SC_67B_SH_18
Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Bonneville, C., Anderson, M., Baker, C. S., Bott, N., Schmitt, N., Steel, D., Oremus, M., and Garrigue, C. (2017). Temporal and spatial investigation of genetic diversity in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) wintering in New Caledonia. In ?2nd Humpback Whale World Congress'. (La Réunion Island.)
Derville, S., Aucan, J., Le Gendre, R., Menkes, C., Oremus, M., Torres, L. G., and Garrigue, C. (2017). Why do humpback whales aggregate around seamounts in South Pacific tropical waters? New insights from diving behaviour and ocean circulation analyses. XXIIth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.
Garrigue, C., Bonneville, C., Derville, D., Dodemont, R., Oremus, M., and Pérard, V. (2017). Humpback whale offshore breeding grounds in the South Pacific: unravelling the network. In ?22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals'. (Halifax, NS, Canada, Oct 2017.)
Liste des documents vidéo-films
Monts sous-marins trésors cachés du parc naturel de la mer de Corail (2020). Réalisation Bloom
Atrokwàà Jo Un océan en héritage (2017) The Pew Charitable Trusts
Sur la piste des baleines (2016) Réalisation Luc Mauduit. Production : Archipel Calédonie / France Télévisions - Nouvelle-Calédonie1ère.
DEA ou MASTER 2 ayant utilisé les données de la campagne
Chaplin, G. (2018). Population identity of humpback whales in the Chesterfield reef complex through song. Bachelor of Science (Honours) University of Queensland, School of Veterinary Science
Chero, G. (2017). Dynamique de population liée au comportement de reproduction des baleines à bosse de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Master 2 Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC Paris VI).
Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne
Eichenberger Franca (2024). Unravelling the complex reproductive tactics of male humpback whales : an integrative analysis of paternity, age, testosterone, and genetic diversity. PhD Thesis, University St Andrews.
Panetier Aurélie (2023). Shipborne Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Offshore Atmospheric Water Vapor Monitoring. PhD Thesis, ENSTA Bretagne.
Eichenberger, F. (2023). Unravelling the complex reproductive tactics of male humpback whales: an integrative analysis of paternity, age, testosterone, and genetic diversity PhD University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, UK
Receveur Aurore (2019). Ecologie spatiale du micronecton : distribution, diversité et importance dans la structuration de l'écosystème pélagique du Pacifique sud-ouest. PhD Thesis, Unversité d'Aix Marseille.
Derville Solène (2018). Écologie spatiale des baleines à bosse en zone de reproduction : habitats, distribution et mouvements dans le Pacifique Sud / Spatial ecology of humpback whales in breeding areas : habitats, distribution and movements in the South Pacific. PhD Thesis, Unversité Sorbonne.
Derville, S. (2018). ?Ecologie spatiale des baleines à bosse en zone de reproduction : habitats, distribution et mouvements dans le Pacifique Sud.' (PhD dissertation, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.)