Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 05/04/2017 - 16/04/2017
Chief scientist(s) RODOLFO METALPA Riccardo


IRD Centre de Nouméa


98848 NOUMEA Cedex

DOI 10.17600/17003400
Objective Our main hypothesis is that many marine species previously suggested (using a laboratory approach) to be sensitive to OA actually have the capacity to acclimatize and potentially to adapt to future conditions. The evidence for this hypothesis is the fact that several populations of reef forming coral species thrive well at the mangrove in Bourake where pH, oxygen and temperature conditions are similar to future climate scenarios, thus suggesting that they are capable of acclimatization or even adaptation in this naturally extreme environment. Our overarching goal is to address the following question, "How do changes in coral functional metabolism and gene expression (the host and associated microbiome) enable corals to thrive into extreme mangrove waters in New Caledonia?"; we used a combination of state-of-the-art sequencing technology and physiological rate measurements to specifically address the objectives: (a) Identify the physiological trait changes in the whole holobiont metabolic rates (i.e., respiration, photosynthetic, excretion and calcification rates as well as protein and lipid profiles), the endosymbiont (i.e. photosynthetic efficiency, chlorophyll symbiont density, cell division rates, etc); (b) Identify and contrast the biodiversity of coral endosymbiont and microbiome communities across the reef-mangrove habitat continuum; (c) Examine the functional genetic response expressed by the coral "holobiont" (the host and associated microbiome) for species common to reef and mangrove habitats; (d) Identify how changes in gene expression (objectives b-c) relate to differences in key metabolic traits that govern fitness across habitats. The related project is Fonds Pacifique, project Colimat.

Data managed by SISMER



Jacquemont Juliette, Houlbrèque Fanny, Tanvet Clément, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo (2022). Long-term exposure to an extreme environment induces species-specific responses in corals’ photosynthesis and respiration rates. Marine Biology, 169(6), 82 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Maggioni Federica, Pujo-Pay Mireille, Aucan Jérôme, Cerrano Carlo, Calcinai Barbara, Payri Claude, Benzoni Francesca, Letourneur Yves, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo (2021). The Bouraké semi- enclosed lagoon (New Caledonia). A natural laboratory to study the life-long adaptation of a coral reef ecosystem to climate change-like conditions. Biogeosciences, 18(18), 5117-5140. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bang In-Chul, Bruggemann Fleur, Chen Chen, D’alexis Quentin, Gao Hongmei, Gélin Pauline, Hong Xiaoyou, Inoue-Murayama Miho, Kim Kang-Rae, Kwak Yeong-Ho, Li Wei, Ma Haitao, Magalon Hélène, Nakajima Nobuyoshi, Oury Nicolas, Pierrat Joséphine, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo, Sato Yu, Taki Yuto, Vincenot Christian E., Xiang Zhiming, Yu Ziniu, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yuehuan, Zhu Xinping (2020). Microsatellite records for volume 12, issue 2. Conservation Genetics Resources, 12(2), 337-351.

Camp Emma F., Suggett David J., Pogoreutz Claudia, Nitschke Matthew R., Houlbreque Fanny, Hume Benjamin C. C., Gardner Stephanie G., Zampighi Marco, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo, Voolstra Christian R. (2020). Corals exhibit distinct patterns of microbial reorganisation to thrive in an extreme inshore environment. Coral Reefs, 39(3), 701-716.

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

ISBN 979-10-910321-1-7

References of International Seminar Communications

2022 Maggioni F, Bell J. J, Pujo-Pay M, Shaffer M, Cerrano C, Lemonnier H, Letourneur Y, Rodolfo-Metalpa R. Shift in sponge organic matter recycling and symbiont photosynthetic activity under extreme environmental conditions. 11th International sponge symposium, 10-14 October 2022, Leiden (Netherlands). ?

2022 Tanvet C, Dissard D, Guillermic M, Sutton J, Thouzeau G, Butscher J, Dubosc J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R. First long-term (~30 years) coral acclimatization to ocean acidification recorded in geochemical signatures: A case study of New Caledonia. International Coral Reef Symposium, 03-08 July 2022, Bremen, Germany (Oral). ?

2021 Maggioni F, Bell J. J, Pujo-Pay M, Cerrano C, Letourneur Y, Rodolfo-Metalpa R. Effect of high pCO2 and low oxygen on the sponge loop in a mangrove lagoon in New Caledonia. 14th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Bremen (Germany), 21 July 2021. ?

2021 Majorel C, Maggioni F, Jourand P, Rodolfo-Metalpa R. SAR202 clade of the phylum Chloroflexi dominates the Rhabdastrella globostellata sponge microbiome exposed to sub-optimal environmental conditions. 14th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Bremen (Germany), 19 July 2021. ?

2021 Tanvet C, Sutton J, Guillermic M, Govan S, Thouzeau G and Rodolfo-Metalpa R. Physiological plasticity of corals long-life acclimatized to contrasting pH conditions. International Coral Reef Symposium,19-23 July 2021, Bremen, Germany.