Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set PHRESQUES
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 25/01/2016 - 21/12/2016
Chief scientist(s) VERNEY Romaric ORCID, JACQUET Matthias , CHAPALAIN Marion


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable

CS 10070


33 (0)2 98 22 47 60


DOI 10.17600/16009300
Objective The TURBISEINE Field surveys were dedicated to investigate the SPM dynamics, associated to the seasonal variability of the nature of SPM. We focused on the interactions between sediment fraction and organic matter.



Fettweis Michael, Riethmüller Rolf, Verney RomaricORCID, Becker Marius, Backers Joan, Baeye Matthias, Chapalain Marion, Claeys Styn, Claus Jan, Cox Tom, Deloffre Julien, Depreiter Davy, Druine Flavie, Flöser Götz, Grünler Steffen, Jourdin Frédéric, Lafite Robert, Nauw Janine, Nechad Bouchra, Röttgers Rüdiger, Sottolichio Aldo, Van Engeland Tom, Vanhaverbeke Wim, Vereecken Hans (2019). Uncertainties associated with in situ high-frequency long-term observations of suspended particulate matter concentration using optical and acoustic sensors. Progress In Oceanography, 178, 102162 (26p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102162 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00510/62132/

Chapalain Marion, Verney RomaricORCID, Fettweis Michael, Jacquet MatthiasORCID, Le Berre DavidORCID, Le Hir Pierre (2019). Investigating suspended particulate matter in coastal waters using the fractal theory. Ocean Dynamics, 69(1), 59-81. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-018-1229-6

References of Technical Reports

Jacquet MatthiasORCID (2017). PHRESQUES Leg 4. Compte-Rendu de Campagne / Rapport technique. ODE/DYNECO/DHYSED – 17/004.

Jacquet MatthiasORCID (2017). PHRESQUES Leg 2. Compte-Rendu de Campagne / Rapport technique. ODE/DYNECO/DHYSED.

Jacquet MatthiasORCID (2016). Compte-Rendu de Campagne / Rapport Technique : "TURBISEINE - LEG 6".

Jacquet MatthiasORCID (2016). Compte-Rendu de Campagne / Rapport Technique : "TURBISEINE - LEG 5".

Jacquet MatthiasORCID (2016). Compte-Rendu de Campagne. Rapport Technique. "TURBISEINE - LEG 2". ODE/DYNECO/DHYSED - 2016-06.

Jacquet MatthiasORCID (2016). Compte-Rendu de Campagne. Rapport Technique. "TURBISEINE - LEG1". ODE/DYNECO/DHYSED - 2016-05.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Germain C. (2017) L'observatoire D4 en Seine : analyse de la dynamique multi-échelle des processus sédimentaires à l'interface entre estuaire et baie. Master 2 Marine Physics (UBO) et 3ème cycle ingénieur ENSTA Bretagne.

Thesis using campaign data

Chapalain Marion (2019). Dynamique des matières en suspension en mer cotière : caractérisation, quantification et interactions sédiments/matière organique / Dynamics of suspended particulate matter in coastal waters: characterization, quantification and interactions sediments / organic matter. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00500/61155/