Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set MOOSE (DYFAMED)
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 09/01/2016 - 10/12/2016
Chief scientist(s) DIAMOND-RIQUIER Emilie , COPPOLA Laurent ORCID


181 chemin du Lazaret

06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer

DOI 10.17600/16007700

MOOSE's objective is to maintain a multi-sites, integrated observation network in order to observe the effects of climate change and those induced by anthropogenic activities in the North-West Mediterranean over the long term. This SOERE- and SNO-labelled, permanent observation project, takes part in operations of the INSU's MISTRAL programme (Ocean-Atmosphere project) by ensuring LOP (Long Observing Periods) for the HYMEX, MERMEX and CHARMEX programmes, and in developing operational oceanography (MERCATOR, CORIOLIS). MOOSE's marine activities are based on a network of fixed stations (buoys, deep lines) and mobile platforms (gliders, floats) on pertinent sites set up in the North-Western Mediterranean in order to: detect and identify anomalies in the Mediterranean ecosystem over the long term, ensure lasting time series, which are the only tool for observing long-term changes, intensify the flow of real-time data to better constr ain operational oceanography models. The DYFAMED site is part of this network of fixed stations which are visited every two months in order to observe: 1) changes in the hydrological and biogeochemical properties of intermediate and deep water masses; 2) sequestration of anthropogenic carbon and acidification; and 3) the seasonal variability of the chlorophyll biomass and zooplankton communities.

Published data

Coppola Laurent, Diamond Riquier Emilie, Carval Thierry, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Desnos Corinne (2025). Dyfamed observatory data.

Data managed by SISMER


References of National Seminar Communications

Nitrogen and phosphorus seasonal dynamics and annual budget in the Northwestern Mediterranean deep convection region inferred from a 3D physical/biogeochemical coupled modelby Fayçal Kessouri et al., 2 Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea. EGU General Assembly 23 - 28 avril 2017

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Marine Fourrier, "Application d'un réseau de neurones pour améliorer l'observation des paramètres biogéochimiques en mer Méditerranée", Master 2 mention Sciences de l'Univers, Environnement, Ecologie, 2018, Sorbonne Université.

Thesis using campaign data

Fourrier Marine (2021). Impact des forçages physiques sur la dynamique des éléments biogéochimiques en mer Méditerranée : approche couplée observations in situ et réseaux de neurones / Impact of physical forcings on the dynamics of biogeochemical elements in the Mediterranean Sea : combined use of in situ observations and neural networks. PhD Thesis, Unversité Sorbonne.

Marine Fourrier (thèse en cours - 2021), "Impact des forçages physiques sur la dynamique des éléments biogéochimiques en Méditerranée : utilisation combinée des observations in situ et d'un réseau de neurones", encadrants : Laurent Coppola, Sorbonne Université.