MD 204 / MIRAGE-1

Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 01/07/2016 - 30/07/2016
Chief scientist(s) HANANTO Nugroho Dwi , CARTON Hélène


Research Center for Geotechnology-LIPI

LIPI Campus - Jl. Sangkuriang


022-250 36 54

DOI 10.17600/16003200

The scientific objectives of MIRAGE-1 cruise were to: 1) Determine the location and geometry of the active faults accommodating deformation in the northern part of the Wharton basin, especially those involved in the 2012 great strike-slip earthquakes, from bathymetric mapping and sub-bottom profiling in shallow sediments; 2) Search for possible fresh earthquake rupture breaks at the seafloor that could be related to the 2012 Mw 8.6 and Mw 8.2 events, and characterize them (location, strike and sense of slip, scarp height); 3) Further our understanding of the formation and evolution of the Wharton Basin through the pattern of magnetic lineations, in particular determine the exact location of paleo-transform faults that bound spreading corridors on the plate and other ridge axis discontinuities. Multi-national ocean marine explorations, such as MIRAGE-1, require specific capacities such as human resources, state of the art research vessels, advanced technologies and data processing. Some of the ASEAN and IOC-WESPAC country member have relatively high standard and advance scientific skill, knowledge and infrastructure for implementing ocean going marine research. However, there are still many countries with lack of adequate capacities and capabilities to implement marine research. To filling the gap between countries in the Indian Ocean region, especially between the ASEAN, IOC WESPAC member countries, the MIRAGE-1 scientific team has decided to organize a Floating Summer School. During this course, the participants were introduced and trained in the field of marine geology, marine geophysical data acquisition and processing and data interpretation. This course consisted of lectures, technical training and four hours of working on the real data acquisition and processing. They also participated as watch stander during the cruise. The participant consists of 15 young scientists and PhD students from Indonesia (6), France (5), Singapore (2), Myanmar (1), South Korea (1). The MIRAGE-2 cruise will complement the above survey by acquiring multi-channel seismic reflection profiles that will provide insight into patterns of deformation within the deeper sediments, oceanic crust and uppermost mantle, determine the geographic extent of the region of thin crust detected farther north closer to the trench, and investigate the likely complex structure of reactivated fracture zone FZ6. The related project is MEGATERA (Mentawai Gap Tsunami Earthquake Assessment) on board R/V Falkor of Schmidt Ocean Institute year 2015.

Data managed by SISMER



Coudurier‐curveur A., Karakaş Ç., Singh S., Tapponnier P., Carton H., Hananto N. (2020). Is there a Nascent Plate Boundary in the Northern Indian Ocean? Geophysical Research Letters, 47(7), e2020GL087362 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hananto Nugroho, Boudarine Asmoune, Carton Helene, Singh Satish C., Avianto Praditya, Dyment Jerome, Qin Yanfang, Ghosal Dibakar, Zuraida Rina, Tapponnier Paul E., Deplus Christine, Sieh Kerry (2018). Evidence of pervasive trans-tensional deformation in the northwestern Wharton Basin in the 2012 earthquakes rupture area. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 502, 174-186. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Harisma Andikagumi (2018), Pelagic sediment thickness variations on the relict Nicobar Fan from analysis of Mirage I/II SBP seismic data, stage Undergraduate, Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Asmoune Boudarine (2017), Great intra-plate earthquakes and diffuse deformation in the Indian Ocean, stage de M2 parcours Géologie, IPGP.

Bertrand Beunaiche (2016), Traitement de données in et offshore, stage de 2e année ENSTA Bretagne effectué à l'IPGP.

Elodie Duyck (2016), Traitement de données bathymétriques et de backscatter en mer et à terre, Bassin de Wharton, stage de 2e année ENSTA Bretagne effectué à l'IPGP.