Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 20/04/2016 - 15/05/2016
Chief scientist(s) POORT Jeffrey , LUCAZEAU Francis


4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 44 27 52 73



DOI 10.17600/16000600

The purpose of WestMedFlux is to study thermal fields in ocean-continent transition zones in the Western Mediterranean, and the role of fluids and salt diapirs on the thermal field.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations



Bellucci Massimo, Poort Jeffrey, Lucazeau Francis, Rolandone Frédérique, Do Couto Damien, Blondel Simon, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Moulin MarylineORCID, Pellen Romain, Leroux EstelleORCID, Vázquez Juan-Tomás, Gorini Christian (2024). New heat flow data on the South Balearic margin: Evidence of regional fluid circulation system. Tectonophysics, 870, 230155 (15p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2023.230155 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00864/97590/

Bellucci Massimo, Aslanian DanielORCID, Moulin MarylineORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Leroux EstelleORCID, Pellen Romain, Poort Jeffrey, Del Ben Anna, Gorini Christian, Camerlenghi Angelo (2021). Salt morphologies and crustal segmentation relationship: New insights from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Earth-science Reviews, 222, 103818 (21p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103818 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00724/83641/

Poort Jeffrey, Lucazeau Francis, Le Gal Virginie, Dal Cin Michaela, Leroux EstelleORCID, Bouzid Abderrezak, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Palomino Désirée, Battani Anne, Akhmanov G. Grigory, Ferrante G. Matilde, Gafurova R. Dina, Si Bachir Roza, Koptev Alexander, Tremblin Maxime, Bellucci Massimo, Pellen Romain, Camerlenghi Angelonghi, Migeon Sebastien, Alonso Belen, Ercilla Gemma, Yelles-Chaouche A. Karim, Khlystov M. Oleg (2020). Heat flow in the Western Mediterranean: Thermal anomalies on the margins, the seafloor and the transfer zones. Marine Geology, 419, 106064 (15p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106064 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00588/70052/

References of Technical Reports

Poort Jeffrey, Lucazeau Francis, The Westmedflux Team (2017). WestMedFlux. La thermicité des zones de transitions océan-continent dans la Méditerranée occidentale, et le rôle des fluides et diapirs de sel sur le champ thermique. Rapport du mission. N/O L'Atalante April 20 – May 15, 2016, Toulon –Toulon (France) / WestMedFlux. Thermal signatures of the ocean-continent transitions in the Western Mediterranean, and the role of fluids and salt diapirs. Cruise Report. N/O L'Atalante April 20 – May 15, 2016, Toulon –Toulon (France).

Poort J., Lucazeau F. & the WestMedFlux team (2017). WestMedFlux: Thermal signatures of the ocean-continent transitions in the Western Mediterranean, and the role of fluids and salt diapirs. Cruise Report / Rapport du mission, N/O L'Atalante April 20 - May 15, 2016, Toulon -Toulon (France), 77 pages.

References of International Seminar Communications

Bellucci M., Poort J., Rabineau M., Aslanian D., Moulin M., Leroux E., Lucazeau F., Pellen R., Gorini C., Del Ben A., Camerlenghi A. (2019). Heat flow, salt tectonics and nature of crust. WESTMEDFLUX Post-Cruise Meeting, Oceanographic Centre of the Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, November 13 and 14, 2019. (présentation orale)

Caradonna M.C. (2019). Megaturbidite in the Western Mediterranean. WESTMEDFLUX Post-Cruise Meeting, Oceanographic Centre of the Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, November 13 and 14, 2019. (présentation orale)

Margot N., Leroux E., Guérin C., Loubrieu B., Bellucci M., Caradonna C., Gayot A., Poort J., Rabineau M. & WestMedFlux 1 & 2 crews (2019). Preliminary exploration of the WESTMEDFLUX Multibeam data. WESTMEDFLUX Post-Cruise Meeting, Oceanographic Centre of the Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, November 13 and 14, 2019. (présentation orale)

Migeon S., Ratzov G., Cattaneo A., Poort J. (2019). Megaturbidites and turbidites along the southern Balearic Margin: A record of past earthquakes? WESTMEDFLUX Post-Cruise Meeting, Oceanographic Centre of the Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, November 13 and 14, 2019. (présentation orale)

Poort J., Lucazeau F., Bellucci M., Ferrante M., Do Couto D. (2019). Main heat flow results and preliminary hypothesis from the WestMedFlux 1 and 2 the Western Mediterranean. WESTMEDFLUX Post-Cruise Meeting, Oceanographic Centre of the Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, November 13 and 14, 2019. (présentation orale)

Poort J., Lucazeau F., Le Gal V., Rabineau M., Dal Cin M., Bouzid A., Palomino D., Leroux E., Akhmanov G., Battani A., Si Bachir R., Koptev A., Khlystov O., and the WestMedFlux scientific team (2017). Heat flow anomalies on the Western Mediterranean margins: first results from the WestMedFlux-2016 cruise. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienne, Autrich, 23-28 avril, 2017. (présentation orale)

Aloisi G., Le Gal V. & J. Poort (2016). A gypsum-driven deep biosphere with microbial dolomite by-product? COST-­?ANR Medsalt Symposium, Palermo, Italie, 24-­?26 octobre, 2016. (présentation orale)

Poort J., Lucazeau F., Le Gal V., Rabineau M., Battani A., Akhmanov G., Bouzid A., Palomino D., Dal Cin M., Leroux E., Giliazetdinova D., Ferrante G., Si Bachir R., Koptev A., Khlystov O., Tremblin M., Camerlenghi A., Aloisi G., Migeon S., Ercilla G. and the WestMedFlux scientific team (2016). Heat flow anomalies on the Western Mediterranean margins and the possible role of fluid flow and salt tectonics: first results of the WestMedFlux-2016 cruise. International Conference Marine Research and Education, Moscou, Russie, 18 - 21 octobre 2016. (présentation orale)

Poort J., Lucazeau F.and the WestMedFlux scientific team (2016). Heat flow anomalies on the Western Mediterranean margins and the possible role of fluid flow and salt tectonics: first results of the WestMedFlux-2016 cruise. COST-­?ANR Medsalt Symposium, Palermo, Italie, 24-­?26 octobre, 2016. (présentation orale)

References of National Seminar Communications

Bellucci M., Rabineau M., Poort J., Aslanian D., Moulin M., Leroux E., Lucazeau F., Pellen R., Gorini C., Gardien V., Del Ben A., Camerlenghi A. (2018). Thermal influence on salt deformation: WestMedFlux cruise. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre 26 (RST-26), Lille, France, 22-26 octobre, 2018. (présentation orale)

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Noël M. (2019). Traitement des données de sondeurs multifaisceaux des campagnes WestMedFlux. (L3 - Le Mans Université & Ifremer)

Bouchet O. (2018). Les mégaturbidites de la marge Sud des Baléares: Un indice de l'activité sismique de la faille Emile Baudot ? (M2 - Géoazur & SU)

Lurin A. (2017). Modélisation thermique des diapirs en Méditerranée Ouest et flux de chaleur en surface. (L3 - ENS Paris et UPMC)

Thomas E. (2017). Méditerranée occidentale : expression de surface des déformations salifères dans les bassins profonds. (M1 - UPMC)

Thesis using campaign data

Panetier Aurélie (2023). Shipborne Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Offshore Atmospheric Water Vapor Monitoring. PhD Thesis, ENSTA Bretagne.

Haidar Shaza (2021). Contraintes géophysiques sur la formation et l'évolution tectonique, sédimentaire et volcanique du bassin algérien (Méditerranée Occidentale) / Geophysical constraints on the formation and tectonic, sedimentary and volcanic evolution of the Algerian basin (Western Mediterranean). PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Bellucci Massimo (2021). Relation entre la segmentation de la croûte terrestre, la nature, la thermicité et la tectonique du sel dans la mer Méditerranée occidentale / Relationship between crustal segmentation, nature, thermicity and salt tectonics in the Western Mediterranean Sea. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Badhani ShrayORCID (2020). Instabilités des fonds marins dans le Golfe du Lion, Méditerranée occidentale / Seafloor instabilities in the Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Le Gal Virginie (2017). Traçage thermique et géochimique des systèmes hydrothermaux : exemple d'un domaine océanique jeune et d'une marge continentale / Thermal and geochemical tracing of hydrothermal systems : example of a young oceanic domain and a continental margin. PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

Virginie Le Gal (2017): Traçage thermique et géochimique des systèmes hydrothermaux: Ex. d'un domaine océanique jeune et d'une marge continentale. Thèse à l'ED Géosciences, ressources naturelles et environnement (Paris), soutenu 24/11/2017.