Type Campagne océanographique
Série Cette campagne fait partie de la série de campagnes SOGIR
Navire Côtes De La Manche
Propriétaire navire CNRS jusqu'en 2019 - IFREMER depuis 2020
Dates 12/01/2015 - 05/11/2015
Chef(s) de mission DERRIENNIC Hervé , SOTTOLICHIO Aldo


Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

CS 50023

33615 Pessac Cedex

+33 (0)5 40 00 88 67

DOI 10.17600/15011000

Le SOGIR (Service d'Observation de la GIRonde) regroupe deux campagnes : le contrat de surveillance de la centrale nucléaire et le SOMLIT (Service d'Observation des Milieux LITtoraux). Nous avons 4 points fixes sur l'estuaire de la Gironde qui nous permettent cette surveillance.

La mission annuelle consiste en 10 sorties mensuelles, où sont échantillonnés 3 ou 4 points le long de l'axe estuarien. Chaque point est échantillonné pendant un cycle de marée semi-diurne, dans des conditions de marée comparables d'un mois à l'autre, de préférence en mortes-eaux ou marées moyennes.

Contexte scientifique et programmatique des campagnes

Résultats majeurs



Pougnet Frédérique, Gil-Díaz Teba, Blanc Gerard, Coynel Alexandra, Bossy Cécile, Schäfer Jörg (2022). Historical mass balance of cadmium decontamination trends in a major European continent-ocean transition system: Case study of the Gironde Estuary. Marine Environmental Research, 176, 105594 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pougnet F., Blanc G, Mulamba-Guilhemat E., Coynel A., Gil-Diaz T., Bossy C., Strady E., Schäfer J. (2021). Nouveau modèle analytique pour une meilleure estimation des flux nets annuels en métaux dissous. Cas du cadmium dans l’estuaire de la Gironde / New computation for a better estimation of the annual dissolved metal net fluxes. The case of the cadmium in the Gironde estuary. Hydroécologie Appliquée, 21, 47-69. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fuentes-Cid A., Chauvet E., Etcheber H., De-Oliveira E., Sottolichio Aldo, Schmidt S. (2015). Leaf litter degradation in highly turbid transitional waters: preliminary results from litter-bag experiments in the Gironde Estuary. Geodinamica Acta, 27(1), 60-66. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fuentes-Cid Ana, Etcheber Henri, Schmidt Sabine, Abril Gwenael, De-Oliveira Eric, Lepage Mario, Sottolichio Aldo (2014). Dynamics of coarse particulate matter in the turbidity maximum zone of the Gironde Estuary. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 346(1-2), 28-36.

Fuentes-Cid A., De-Oliveira E., Schmidt S., Sottolichio Aldo, Etcheber H. (2014). Apport d’une étude pluridisciplinaire des débris végétaux dans l’estuaire de la Gironde à la compréhension des phénomènes de colmatage du circuit de refroidissement du Centre Nucléaire de Production d’Électricité du Blayais / Contribution of a multidisciplinary study of vegetal debris in the Gironde estuary to understand clogging events of the cooling circuit of the Blayais Nuclear Power Plant. Hydroécologie Appliquée, 18, 165-188.

Chaalali Aurelie, Chevillot Xavier, Beaugrand Gregory, David Valerie, Luczak Christophe, Boet Philippe, Sottolichio Aldo, Sautour Benoit (2013). Changes in the distribution of copepods in the Gironde estuary: A warming and marinisation consequence? Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 134, 150-161.

Chaalali Aurelie, Beaugrand Gregory, Boet Philippe, Sautour Benoit (2013). Climate-Caused Abrupt Shifts in a European Macrotidal Estuary. Estuaries And Coasts, 36(6), 1193-1205.

Savoye Nicolas, David Valerie, Morisseau Francois, Etcheber Henri, Abril Gwenael, Billy Isabelle, Charlier Karine, Oggian Georges, Derriennic Herve, Sautour Benoit (2012). Origin and composition of particulate organic matter in a macrotidal turbid estuary: The Gironde Estuary, France. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 108, 16-28.

Saari Hanna-Kaisa, Schmidt Sabine, Castaing Patrice, Blanc Gerard, Sautour Benoit, Masson Olivier, Cochran J. Kirk (2010). The particulate 7Be/210Pbxs and 234Th/210Pbxs activity ratios as tracers for tidal-to-seasonal particle dynamics in the Gironde estuary (France): Implications for the budget of particle-associated contaminants. Science Of The Total Environment, 408(20), 4784-4794.

Goberville Eric, Beaugrand Gregory, Sautour Benoit, Treguer Paul (2010). Climate-driven changes in coastal marine systems of western Europe. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 408, 129-U159.

Abril Gwenael, Commarieu Marc-Vincent, Sottolichio Aldo, Bretel Patrice, Guerin Frederic (2009). Turbidity limits gas exchange in a large macrotidal estuary. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 83(3), 342-348.

Etcheber Henri, Taillez Aurelien, Abril Gwenael, Garnier Josette, Servais Pierre, Moatar Florentina, Commarieu Marc-Vincent (2007). Particulate organic carbon in the estuarine turbidity maxima of the Gironde, Loire and Seine estuaries: origin and lability. Hydrobiologia, 588(1), 245-259.

David Valerie, Sautour Benoit, Chardy Pierre (2007). The paradox between the long-term decrease of egg mass size of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis and its long-term constant abundance in a highly turbid estuary (Gironde estuary, France). Journal Of Plankton Research, 29(4), 377-389. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

David Valerie, Sautour Benoit, Chardy Pierre (2007). Successful colonization of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa in the oligo-mesohaline area of the Gironde estuary (SW France) - Natural or anthropogenic forcing? Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 71(3-4), 429-442.

Doxaran D, Froidefond Jm, Castaing P (2003). Remote-sensing reflectance of turbid sediment-dominated waters. Reduction of sediment type variations and changing illumination conditions effects by use of reflectance ratios. Applied Optics, 42(15), 2623-2634.

Doxaran D, Froidefond Jm, Castaing P (2002). A reflectance band ratio used to estimate suspended matter concentrations in sediment-dominated coastal waters. International Journal Of Remote Sensing, 23(23), 5079-5085.

Burdloff D, Gasparini S, Villate F, Uriarte I, Cotano U, Sautour B, Etcheber H (2002). Egg production of the copepod Acartia bifilosa in two contrasting European estuaries in relation to seston composition. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 274(1), 1-17.

Doxaran D, Froidefond Jm, Lavender S, Castaing P (2002). Spectral signature of highly turbid waters : Application with SPOT data to quantify suspended particulate matter concentrations. Remote Sensing Of Environment, 81(1), 149-161.

Abril G, Nogueira M, Etcheber H, Cabecadas G, Lemaire E, Brogueira Mj (2002). Behaviour of organic carbon in nine contrasting European estuaries. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 54(2), 241-262.

Burdloff Didier, Gasparini Stephane, Sautour Benoit, Etcheber Henri, Castel Jacques (2000). Is the copepod egg production in a highly turbid estuary (the Gironde, France) a function of the biochemical composition of seston? Aquatic Ecology, 34(2), 165-175.

Castaing P, Froidefond Jean-Marie, Lazure PascalORCID, Weber O, Prud'Homme R, Jouanneau Jm (1999). Relationship between hydrology and seasonal distribution of suspended sediments on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 46(10), 1979-2001.

Sottolichio Aldo, Castaing P (1999). A synthesis on seasonal dynamics of highly-concentrated structures in the Gironde estuary. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes, 329(11), 795-800.

Castel J (1995). Long-term changes in the population of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the Gironde estuary (1978–1992). Hydrobiologia, 311(1-3), 85-101.

Castaing P (1989). Co-oscillating tide controls long-term sedimentation in the Gironde Estuary, France. Marine Geology, 89(1-2), 1-9.

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

Abril Gwenael, Etcheber Henri, Le Hir Pierre, Bassoullet Philippe, Boutier Bernard, Frankignoulle Michel (1999). Oxic/anoxic oscillations and organic carbon mineralization in an estuarine maximum turbidity zone (The Gironde, France). Limnology And Oceanography, 44(5), 1304-1315.

Références des rapports techniques

Quintin Jean-Yves, Sottolichio Aldo, Derriennic Herve, Doremus Sandrine, Agion Tony, Peset Sébastien, Hervio Heath DominiqueORCID, Sautour Benoit, Parra René, Nowaczyck Antoine, Bachelet Guy, Leconte Michel (2016). Surveillance Ecologique du site du Blayais - Année 2015. RST ODE/DYNECO/LEBCO/16-04.