Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Brethous, L., Rabouille, C., Lansard, B., Bombled, B., Toussaint, F. and Kombo, J. (2018) OSM2018, Spatio-temporal variability of the oxygen demand in deltaic sediments: the benthic station, an in situ autonomous profiler Portland, USA.
Rabouille, C., Rassmann, J., Eitel, E., Cathalot, C., Brandily, C., Bombled, B., Lansard, B. and Taillefert, M. (2018) Benthic Alkalinity and DIC Fluxes in the Rhône River Prodelta Indicating Decoupled Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes, OSM2018, Portland, USA.
Rabouille C, Lansard B, Rassmann R, Pozzato L, Taillefert M, Eytel E, Abchiche A, Moriarty J and C Harris. Sediment carbon and oxygen cycling and its temporal variations at the continent-ocean interface. EGU 2017, 23-28/04/17, Vienna, Austria.
Rassmann R, Rabouille C, Taillefert M, Eitel E, Bombled B, Pozzato L and B Lansard (2017). Alkalinity fluxes across the sediment-water interface from anoxic sediments in the Rhône River Delta (NW Mediterranean) 14th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium (IEBS) 4-7/06/17, Rimouski, Canada.
Rassmann, R, Eitel, E, Cathalot, C, Brandily, C, Lansard, B, Taillefert, M and C Rabouille (2017). Benthic fluxes indicating uncoupled aerobic and anaerobic processes in the Rhône River prodelta, Goldschmidt Conference, 13-18/08/17, Paris, France.
Rassmann J, Rabouille C, Taillefert M, Eitel E, Bombled B and B Lansard. Quantifying chemical fluxes across the sediment-water interface and their impact on the carbonate system: A case study at the Rhône River mouth (NW Mediterranean), 17-22/04/2016, EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria.