Type | Oceanographic cruise |
Set | This cruise is part of the set PELMED - PELAGIQUES MEDITERRANÉE |
Ship | L'Europe |
Ship owner | Ifremer |
Dates | 28/06/2015 - 02/08/2015 |
Chief scientist(s) | BOURDEIX Jean-Hervé |
IFREMER STATION DE SETE Bd Jean Monnet BP 171 34203 SETE CEDEX +33(0)4 99 57 32 00 |
DOI | 10.17600/15006400 |
Objective | The series of PELMED cruises began in 1993. Their objective is to assess small pelagic resources in the Gulf of Lion, using the echo-integration method and trawling to identify the detections observed. Until 2007, each cruise consisted in systematically prospecting from Port-Vendres to Marseille, along 9 legs set 12 nautical miles apart, perpendicular to the coast, in daytime (6 am to 9 pm), along the entire width of the continental shelf. Acquisition along legs for acoustic prospection covered 440 nautical miles and the catches from trawling to identify the structures encountered led to a complete analysis: number and weight by species, size sampling, otolith samples taken in order to construct size-age keys for sardines, anchovies and hake, updating of biological parameters. |