Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Antea
Propriétaire navire IRD
Dates 13/05/2015 - 02/06/2015
Chef(s) de mission PEREZ Thierry


IMBE - UMR7263

Station Marine d'Endoume

Chemin de la Batterie des Lions


+33 (0)4 91 04 16 14

DOI 10.17600/15005300
Objectif Patrons de biodiversité et de connectivité aux Petites Antilles : éponges, coraux et algues. Leg 2 centré sur les éponges et l'étude de la biodiversité des grottes sous-marines.

Résultats majeurs

Données acquises et analyses effectuées en mer et à terre

Données archivées au Sismer



ICES (2024). Workshop on the Occurrence of VMEs (Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems) and Fishing Activities in EU waters of the Outermost Regions (WKOUTVME). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM, 6(45), 213p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ruiz Cesar, Ereskovsky Alexander, Perez Thierry (2022). New Skeleton-Less Homoscleromorphs (Porifera, Homoscleromorpha) from the Caribbean Sea: Exceptions to Rules are Definitely Common in Sponge Taxonomy. Zootaxa, 5200(2), 128-148.

Riquet FlorentineORCID, Japaud Aurélien, Nunes FlaviaORCID, Serrano Xaymara M., Baker Andrew C., Bezault Etienne, Bouchon Claude, Fauvelot Cécile (2022). Complex spatial patterns of genetic differentiation in the Caribbean mustard hill coral Porites astreoides. Coral Reefs, 41(3), 813-828.

Lagourgue Laura, Payri Claude E. (2021). Diversity and taxonomic revision of tribes Rhipileae and Rhipiliopsideae (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta) based on molecular and morphological data. Journal Of Phycology, 57(5), 1450-1471. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cóndor-Luján Báslavi, Leocorny Pedro, Padua André, Azevedo Fernanda, Seixas Victor Corrêa, Hooker Yuri, Hajdu Eduardo, Willenz Philippe, Pérez Thierry, Klautau Michelle (2021). Evolutionary history of the calcareous sponge Clathrina aurea: genetic connectivity in the Western Atlantic and intriguing occurrence in the Eastern Pacific. Marine Biology, 168(127), 23p.

Griffiths Sarah M., Butler Mark J., Behringer Donald C., Pérez Thierry, Preziosi Richard F. (2021). Oceanographic features and limited dispersal shape the population genetic structure of the vase sponge Ircinia campana in the Greater Caribbean. Heredity, 126(1), 63-76. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Vieira Christophe, Morrow Kathleen, D'Hondt Sofie, Camacho Olga, Engelen Aschwin H., Payri Claude E., de Clerck Olivier (2020). Diversity, ecology, biogeography and evolution of the prevalent brown algal genus Lobophora in the greater Caribbean sea, including the description of five new species. Journal Of Phycology, 56(3), 592-607. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Vieira Christophe, Henriques Filipe, D'Hondt Sofie, Neto Ana, Almada Carmen H., Kaufmann Manfred, Sansón Marta, Sangil Carlos, Clerck Olivier De (2020). Lobophora (Dictyotales) Species Richness, Ecology and Biogeography Across the North ‐ Eastern Atlantic Archipelagos and Description of Two New Species 1. Journal Of Phycology, 56(2), 346-357. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Griffiths Sarah M., Taylor-Cox Evelyn D., Behringer Donald C., Butler Mark J., Preziosi Richard F. (2020). Using genetics to inform restoration and predict resilience in declining populations of a keystone marine sponge. Biodiversity And Conservation, 29(4), 1383-1410. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Grenier Marie, Ruiz César, Lage Anaira, Perez Thierry (2020). New cave-dwelling Plakina (Plakinidae, Homoscleromorpha, Porifera) from Martinique Island (French Antilles). Zootaxa, 4729(1), 92-104.

Japaud Aurélien, Bouchon Claude, Magalon Hélène, Fauvelot Cécile (2019). Geographic distances and ocean currents influence Caribbean Acropora palmata population connectivity in the Lesser Antilles. Conservation Genetics, 20(3), 447-466. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lopes Matheus, V, Condor-Lujan Baslavi, Azevedo Fernanda, Perez Thierry, Klautau Michelle (2018). A new genus of calcareous sponge discovered in the Caribbean Sea: Bidderia gen. nov (Porifera, Calcarea, Calcinea). Zootaxa, 4526(1), 56-70.

Lagourgue Laura, Puillandre Nicolas, Payri Claude (2018). Exploring the Udoteaceae diversity (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) in the Caribbean region based on molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 127, 758-769.

Fontana Tayara, Condor-Lujan Baslavi, Azevedo Fernanda, Perez Thierry, Klautau Michelle (2018). Diversity and distribution patterns of Calcareous sponges (subclass Calcinea) from Martinique. Zootaxa, 4410(2), 331-369.

Perez Thierry, Ruiz Cesar (2018). Description of the first Caribbean Oscarellidae (Porifera: Homoscleromorpha). Zootaxa, 4369(4), 501-514.

Ruiz Cesar, Muricy Guilherme, Lage Anaira, Domingos Celso, Chenesseau Sandrine, Perez Thierry (2017). Descriptions of new sponge species and genus, including aspiculate Plakinidae, overturn the Homoscleromorpha classification. Zoological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 179(4), 707-724.

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

Pérez, T., Chevaldonné, P. 2019. Plongée sous-marine dans des grottes. In : Arnaud, N., Thiébault, S. (Eds.). L'Atlas des nouveaux mondes. Territoires d'exploration et de découverte. Le Cherche Midi / CNRS, Paris : 36-37.

Références des rapports techniques

Fauvelot Cécile, Perrez Thierry (2018). PACOTILLES. PAtterns of diversity and COnnectivity in Lesser AnTILLES (West Indies). Preliminary Report.

Fauvelot C, Pérez T. (2018) Preliminary results of PACOTILLES: PAtterns of diversity and COnnectivity in Lesser AnTILLES (West Indies). Rapport intermédiaire d'activités, distribué aux autorités compétentes des pays concernés par la mission océanographique.

Références des articles parus dans des revues ou des journaux à grand public

Article de presse dans le journal de la Reserve Naturelle de Saint Martin (2015) PACOTILLES : Une campagne pour améliorer la connaissance des fonds marins. Journal 23, Juillet 2015, p6

Article de presse dans le journal « Le Marin » (2015) La magie des éponges marines. Hebdomadaire n° 3551 du 31 juillet 2015, p. 20-21

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux

Fauvelot C, Riquet F, Daguin-Thiébaut C, Nuñes F, Japaud A, Bézault E, Irisson J-O, Bouchon C. (2019) Porites astreoides throughout the Caribbean: the success of one or several species? Fifth International Marine Connectivity (iMarCo) Conference, 24-26 Sept. 2019, Aveiro, Portugal

Chevaldonné, P., Ruiz, C., Grenier, M., Klautau, M., Pérez, T. & the PACOTILLES team. 2018. Marine caves of the Lesser Antilles: A preliminary community survey conducted during the 2015 PACOTILLES cruise with an emphasis on sponges. 4th International Workshop on Taxonomy of Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea and Cave Sponges, Marseille, 10-15 September 2018.

Fauvelot C, Pérez T, Azevedo F, Bouchon C, Bouchon Y, Chevaldonné P, Chenesseau S, Condor-Lujan, B, Diaz C, Ereskovsky A, Griffith S, Magalon H, Menou J-L, Payri C, Thomas O, Ruiz C, Vecelet J, Vanbostal L. (2017) PACOTILLES : PAtrons de diversité et COnnectivité des Petites AnTILLES. Workshop du réseau thématique pluridisciplinaire International (RTPI) Caraibes du CNRS-INEE. 10-12 juin 2017, Marseille, France

Chevaldonné, P., Boury-Esnault, N., Diaz, M.C., Dubois, M., Ereskovsky, A., Ruiz, C., Grenier, M., Vacelet, J., Klautau, M., Pérez, T. 2017. Exploring remote islands and remote habitats: the key role of hidden cave sponges in solving systematic issues. 2ème Workshop du Réseau Thématique Pluridisciplinaire International (RTPI) Caraïbes du CNRS-INEE. Station Marine d'Endoume, Marseille, 12-13 June 2017.

Chevaldonné, P., Boury-Esnault, N., Díaz, M.C., Dubois, M., Ereskovsky, A., Ruiz, C., Grenier, M., Vacelet, J., Klautau, M., Pérez, T., 2017. Exploring remote islands and remote habitats: the key role of hidden cave sponges in solving systematic issues. 10th World Sponge Conference, Galway, Ireland, June 25-30, 2017.

Díaz, M.C., Chevaldonné, P., Dubois, M., Grenier, M., Ruiz, C., Ereskovsky, A., Vacelet, J., Boury-Esnault, N., Pérez, T. 2017. Are we there yet? Novel families and genera revealed within Verongimorpha while expanding geographic and habitats explorations. 10th World Sponge Conference, Galway, Ireland, June 25-30, 2017.

Ereskovsky, A., Chevaldonné, P., Dubois, M., Grenier, M., Tokina, D., Pérez, T. 2017. Three new Halisarca-like sponges (Porifera, Verongimorpha) from tropical seas. 10th World Sponge Conference, Galway, Ireland, June 25-30, 2017.

Japaud A, Bouchon C, Fauvelot C. (2017) Genetic diversity, genotypic diversity and connectivity of Acropora in french West Indies. Workshop du réseau thématique pluridisciplinaire international (RTPI) Caraibes du CNRS-INEE. 10-12 juin 2017, Marseille, France

Pérez, T., Klautau, M., Thomas, O.P., the MARRIO team. 2017. The International Associated Laboratory MARRIO (France, Brazil, Ireland): Patterns of sponge biodiversity and chemical diversity from Martinique to Rio de Janeiro. 10th World Sponge Conference, Galway, Ireland, June 25-30, 2017.

Dubois, M., Diaz, M.C., Chevaldonné, P., Ruiz, C., Grenier, M., Chenesseau, S., Pérez, T. 2016. Molecular investigation of new Verongimorpha suggests several new taxa: species, genera, families, etc. 2nd Workshop LIA MARRIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 31 October - 4 November 2016.

Références des nouvelles espèces (animales, végétales, microorganismes) décrites, lieux où sont déposés les holotypes

Lobophora caboverdeana sp. nov. C.W. Vieira, C.H. Almada (2020) Type locality, Cabo verde. Holotype: CHA002, collected 26 November 2018, deposited in the Herbarium of the Botanic Garden Meise, Belgium (BR). Paratype: CP15294 collected 28 April 2015, West Cay, Bequia, leg. C. Payri.

Lobophora richardii sp. nov. C.W. Vieira & Payri (2020) Holotype NOU 201785 [IRD11170, CP15127]. Type locality: Diamant (14.6579, -61.15755), Martinique, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies.

Lobophora agardhii sp.nov. (2020) C. Payri & C.W. Vieira Holotype: NOU 201772 [CP15811] Type locality: Rocher Alizé (18.1173, -63.226333), Saint Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies.

Lobophora dickiei sp. nov. Payri & C.W. Vieira (2020) Holotype NOU 201781 [CP15473]. Type locality: Trou du Diable (13.860833, -61.074167), Saint Lucia, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies.

Lobophora lamourouxii sp. nov. Payri & C.W. Vieira (2020) Holotype NOU 201665 [IRD11176, CP15166]. Type locality: Wallibou (13.333, -61.221617), Saint Vincent, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies.

Lobophora setchellii sp. nov. C.W. Vieira & Payri (2020) Holotype NOU 206223 [CP15174]. Type locality: Château Bel Air Bay (13.29955, -61.2483), Saint Vincent, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies.

Borojevia crystallina sp. nov. Fontana et al., (2018) Holotype: UFRJPOR 7937, Le Rocher du Diamant, Martinique (1426.556'N-612.408' W), collected by B. Cóndor-Luján, 15 May 2015, 12 m depth.

Bidderia bicolora gen. nov. sp. nov. Lopes, Cóndor-Luján, Azevedo, Pérez & Klautau (2018) Holotype, UFRJPOR 8227, Chico 2, Tintamare Island, Saint Martin, Caribbean Sea (18°06.501' N, 62°59.005' W), 20 m depth, coll. B. Cóndor-Luján, 27 May 2015.

Clathrina delicata sp. nov. Fontana et al. (2018) Holotype: UFRJPOR 7841, Anse Noire, Anses d¿Arlet, Martinique (14°32.024' N-61°05.278' W), collected by B. Cóndor-Luján, 14 May 2015, 6 m depth.

Ernstia adunca sp. nov. Fontana et al., (2018) Holotype: UFRJPOR 7644, Le Rocher du Diamant, Martinique (14°26.556' N-61°2.408' W), collected by F. Azevedo, 25 April 2015, 18.8 m. depth.

Oscarella filipoi sp. nov. T. Pérez & C. Ruiz (2018) Holotype: MNHN-DJV193: Martinique, Le Diamant, Caribbean Sea. Site «Tunnel du Diamant » (14°26.556'; N, 61°2.408'; W), 10 m depth, date 11/06/2011. Sample code: 120325-MT1TP14 collector T. Pérez; Paratype 2: MNHN-DJV195: Saint Martin, Caribbean Sea. Site « Rocher Créole» (18°07.038'; N, 063°03.419'; W), 10 m, date 26/05/2015. Sample code: 150526-SN3CR08 collector C. Ruiz.

Oscarella zoranja sp. nov. T. Pérez & C. Ruiz (2018) Holotype: MNHN-DJV196: Martinique, Anses d'Arlet, Caribbean Sea. Site « Grotte Couleur » (14°29.752'N, 61°05.407'W), 7 m depth, date 11/06/2011. Sample code: 110611-MT3TP5, collector T. Pérez; Paratype 2: MNHN-DJV198: Martinique, Le Diamant, Caribbean Sea. Site « Grotte Zeb » (14°27.832' N, 61°01.065' W), 19 m depth, date 15/05/2016. Sample code: 150516-MT4CR13, collector C. Ruiz.

Aspiculophora madinina gen. nov. sp. nov. C. Ruiz, G. Muricy, A. Lage, C. Domingos, S. Chenesseau & T. Pérez (2017) Holotype: MNHN-DJV180, Rocher du Diamant at 12 m depth, La Martinique (14°26.5'N, 61°03.083'W). Collector: T. Pérez, 13 June 2011. Paratype 1: MNHN DJV181, Tintamare, Les Arches at 10 m depth, Saint Martin (18°07.588'N, 62°58.248'W). Collector: C. Ruiz, 26 May 2015. Paratype 2: MNHN DJV182, Grotte Cathédrale at 16 m depth, Anse Bertrand, La Guadeloupe (16°27.740'N, 061°31.837'W). Collector: C. Ruiz, 29 May 2015.

Plakina arletensis sp. nov. C. Ruiz, G. Muricy, A. Lage, C. Domingos, S. Chenesseau & T. Pérez (2017) Holotype: MNHN-DJV177, Grotte Chauve-Souris at 12 m depth, Anse Noire, La Martinique (14°32.024'N, 61°05.278'W). Collector: T. Pérez, 10 December 2013. Other specimens examined: 150530-GU6-TP04, Grotte Amédien at 12 m depth, La Guadeloupe (16°30.033'N, 061°28.774'W). Collector: T. Pérez, 30 May 2015; 150516-MT8-CR03, Anse Fortune at 7 m depth, La Martinique (14°30.377'N, 61°05.850'W). Collector: C. Ruiz, 16 May 2015.

Références des rapports de contrats (Union européenne, FAO, Convention, Collectivités ...)

Fauvelot C, Japaud A, Bouchon C. (2016) C3A : Connectivité des Acropora de l'Arc Antillais. Compte-Rendu final projet LabEx CORAIL, AO2014.

DEA ou MASTER 2 ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Pedro Víctor Leocorny Ferreira (2017) Past and present scenario of the Western Atlantic sponge Clathrina aurea. BIODIVERSIDADE E BIOLOGIA EVOLUTIVA - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Supervisor: Michelle Klautau.

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Laura LAGOURGUE (2019) Diversité et évolution des algues vertes Udoteaceae et Rhipiliaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta).

Sarah M Griffiths (2018) Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

JAPAUD Aurélien (2017) Les coraux du genre Acropora sur les récifs des Petites Antilles : approches génétiques, écologiques et de conservation.

César Augusto Ruiz Pinzon (2017) Apport de la taxonomie intégrative à la compréhension des mécanismes à l'origine de la biodiversité des spongiaires dans les grottes sous-marines.

Daria Firsova (2017) Combining biological and chemical approaches in marine biodiscovery.

Báslavi Marisbel Cóndor Luján. (2017) Biodiversity and connectivity of calcareous sponges (Porifera: Calcarea) in the Western Tropical Atlantic. 2017. BIODIVERSIDADE E BIOLOGIA EVOLUTIVA) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Supervisor: Michelle Klautau.;jsessionid=a3ba1621f5b6a7062d7308087529?id_investigador=19180