References of International Seminar Communications
Briais, A., E. Ruellan, G. Ceuleneer, M. Maia, and the STORM cruise science party (2019) Complex tectono-magmatic interaction in the evolution of the George V Transform Fault, South-East Indian Ridge, 140°E, and implications for mantle dynamics, paper presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Briais, A., and STORM cruise scientific party (2017) Segmentation and contrasting magma supply along the South-East Indian Ridge, 130°E to 140°E: Results of the STORM cruise, in AGU Fall Meeting, edited, New Orleans.
Hanan, B., et al. (2017), Geochemical and Isotopic Variations Along the Southeast Indian Ridge (126°-140°E) Related to Mantle Flow Originating from Beneath Antarctica (abstract), in AGU Fall Meeting, edited, New Orleans.
Ruellan, E., A. Briais, and STORM cruise scientific party (2017) Complex tectono-magmatic interaction along the George V Transform Fault, South-East Indian Ridge, 140°E, and implications for mantle dynamics, in AGU Fall Meeting, edited, New Orleans.
Boulart, C., Chavagnac, V., Révillon, S., Donval, J.-P., Guyader, V., Briais, A., and the STORM cruise science party (2015) Newly discovered hydrothermal plumes along the Furious Fifties of the South East Indian Ridge (SEIR; 128°E-140°E), AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco.
Briais, A., Barrere, F., Boulart, C., Ceuleneer, G., Ferreira, N., Hanan, B., Hémond, C., Macleod, S., Maia, M., Maillard, A., Merkuryev, S., Park, S.-H., Révillon, S., Ruellan, E., Schohn, A., Watson, S., and Yang, Y.-S. (2015) Structure and dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and off-axis volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary results of the STORM cruise., 2nd InterRidge Workshop on Circum-Antarctic Ridges: Incheon, South Korea.
Briais, A., Barrere, F., Boulart, C., Ceuleneer, G., Ferreira, N., Hanan, B., Hémond, C., Macleod, S., Maia, M., Maillard, A., Merkuryev, S., Park, S.-H., Révillon, S., Ruellan, E., Schohn, A., Watson, S., and Yang, Y.-S. (2015) Structure and dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and off-axis volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary results of the STORM cruise., InterRidge Theoretical Institute: Hangzhou, China.
Briais, A., and the STORM cruise science party (2015) Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, 2015.
References of National Seminar Communications
Briais, A., Barrere, F., Boulart, C., Ceuleneer, G., Ferreira, N., Hanan, B.B., Hémond, C., Macleod, S., Maia, M., Maillard, A., Merkuryev, S., Park, S.-H., Révillon, S., Ruellan, E., Schohn, A., Watson, S., Yang, Y.-S., 2016. Structure et dynamique de la Dorsale Sud-Est Indienne, 129°E à 140°E, et du volcanisme hors-axe: Premiers résultats de la campagne océanographique STORM. Presented at the Réunion du CNFGG, Brest.
DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data
Dufour, Frédéric (2017) Study of mantle dynamics under the South-East Indian Ridge from geochemical data of the STORM cruise (South Tasmania Ocean Ridge and Mantle), Mémoire de stage de Master2 Terre et Planètes, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Juin 2017.
Bah, Djenabou, Etude de l'évolution de la géométrie de l'axe de la dorsale océanique Sud-Est Indienne à partir de données de la campagne en mer STORM, Mémoire de stage de Master1 Terre et Planètes, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Juin 2016.
Dufour, Frédéric, Etude des volcans hors-axe à l'est de la Discordance Australie-Antarctique, Projet STORM, Mémoire de stage de Master1 Terre et Planètes, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Juin 2016.
Nzengue Diba, Frid, Etude de l'évolution du système de failles transformantes à 140°E sur la dorsale océanique Sud-Est Indienne à partir de données de la campagne en mer STORM, Mémoire de stage de Master1 Terre et Planètes, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Juin 2016.
Mundjian, Sarah, Etude pétrologique et géochimique des basaltes de la dorsale Sud-Est Indienne dans la zone Australie-Antarctique et de la zone de fracture George V (Campagne océanographique STORM, L'Atalante, Janvier 2015), Mémoire de stage de Master 2 Terre et Planètes, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Juin 2016.