Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Haliotis
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 18/06/2014 - 24/06/2014
Chief scientist(s) MAILLET Grégoire ORCID


Université d'Angers

2 boulevard Lavoisier

49000 Angers


DOI 10.17600/14011400

Following studies conducted by RV Thalia during the PLABAS missions between 1993 and 1995 (C. Augris, Ifremer GM), we deployed the RV launch Haliotis for 6 days in the very shallow water bordering the foreshore area which aerial and terrestrial measurements can be made on. Beyond -25 m CM, the speed at which morphological characteristics change did not justify an additional survey to that of RV Thalia, except for the overlap zone required to correlate the data. The zone is under strong lithological control due to the presence of subvertical flysch layers including interbank areas, formed due to differential erosion, very locally influencing the directions of wave propagation, controlling tidal currents and trapping sedimentary particles in transit. Therefore, studying this zone should make it possible to: locally limit the wave and tidal current models by the finest possible scale of bathymetry; contribute to reconstructing the total geometry of the area by characterizing the foot of the platform in terms of morphology, type of substrate, roughness; and complement the sediment transit assessment performed on the foreshore by identifying deposition areas in furrows/interbank areas in the subtidal environment.

Scientific context

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore

Data managed by SISMER



Prémaillon Mélody, Dewez Thomas J. B., Regard Vincent, Rosser Nicholas J., Carretier Sébastien, Guillen Lucie (2021). Conceptual model of fracture‐limited sea cliff erosion: erosion of the seaward tilted flyschs of Socoa, Basque Country, France. Earth Surface Processes And Landforms, 46(13), 2690-2709. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5201 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00705/81660/

References of Technical Reports

Caill-Milly NathalieORCID, de Casamajor Marie-NoelleORCID, Bru Noelle, D'Amico Franck, Lalanne Yann, Huguenin Laura, Kermorvant Claire, Sanchez FlorenceORCID, Lissardy MurielORCID, Abadie Stephane, Maron Philippe, Maillet Grégoire, Regard Vincent, Pigot Thierry (2016). Rapport du projet. Développement d'outils méthodologiques pour l'évaluation de biocénoses marines et de ressources halieutiques d'intérêt régional en vue de leur conservation ou de leur valorisation durable. DESCARTES 2. Appel à projets 2015 - Politique de site. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00359/47065/

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

Elise Chavoix (2014). "Ils étudient l'érosion au pied de les falaises de Socoa". Article du Journal SUD-OUEST, mercredi 25 juin 2014 (contact saintjeandeluz@sudouest.fr)

References of International Seminar Communications

Regard V., de Casamajor M-N., Maillet G.M., Prémaillon M., Caill-Milly N., (2017). Quantification of a rock platform bioerosion by the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816): the Basque Coast case (Bay of Biscay). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-7682, EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Autria, 23-28 April 2017.

de Casamajor M. N., Caill-Milly N., Lissardy M., Bru N., Maron P., Abadie S., Maillet G.M., Regard V. (2016). An ecosystem approach to understand stock assessment of sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck 1816) on rocky shore of Bay of Biscay. Littoral 2016: The changing littoral. Anticipation and adaptation to climate change, 13th European Union of Coastal Conservation Conference, 25-29 octobre 2016, Biarritz, France.

References of National Seminar Communications

Caill-Milly Nathalie, de Casamajor Marie-Noëlle, Bru Noëlle, d'Amico Frank, Lalanne Yann, Huguenin Laura, Kermorvant Claire, Sanchez Florence, Lissardy Muriel, Abadie Stéphane, Marron Philippe, Maillet Grégoire, Regard Vincent, Pigot Thierry, Labrousse Jean-Michel, (2016). Développement d'outils méthodologiques pour l'évaluation de biocénoses marines et de ressources halieutiques d'intérêt régional en vue de leur conservation ou de leur valorisation durable. Réunion plénière annuelle de la Fédération de Recherche sur les Milieux et Ressources Aquatiques, 8 décembre 2016, Pau, France.

Regard V., Maillet G.M., Dublanchet A., Razin, Ph, (2016). Geology and geomorphology of the Basque Coast off St Jean de Luz (France). 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 24-28 octobre 2016, Caen, France.

Maillet G.M., Regard V., Martin N., Beneteau E., (2015). Bathymétrie haute résolution de la Corniche Basque au niveau de St Jean de Luz (côte Basque). Résultats préliminaires de la campagne SPLASHALIOT-1 (2014) sur la V/O Haliotis. Communication affichée, Congrès National de la Flotte Côtière, 11-12 juin 2015, Bordeaux, France.


Nature = Futur ! Au coeur de la vague (2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv42e68HyY4

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Adrien Dublanchet (2015) Etude structurale sous-marine a faible bathymétrie de la côte Basque (Socoa). Rapport de master, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 - UMR GET, 10 p.

Thesis using campaign data

Prémaillon, Mélody (2018). Hiérarchisation des facteurs d'érosion des falaises côtières du site au globe. Thèse de doctorat, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, 246p.