Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Albert Lucas
Ship owner CNRS
Dates 20/05/2014 - 26/05/2014
Chief scientist(s) GREGOIRE Gwendoline , LE ROY Pascal


Digue de Collignon

50110 Tourlaville


DOI 10.17600/14010800
Objective There are very few recent sedimentological data for the shallow areas (-2 to -10 m) of the Bay of Brest. And yet, our current hypothesis is based on positive sedimentation in these low energy zones colonized by maerl and crepidula populations. Therefore, the mission aimed to: (1) Sample using grabs and interface coring over all the shallow zones (greater than 10 m) that are favourable for silting up (Le Fret cove, Poulmic, Bay of Daoulas and Roscanvel, Aulne and Elorn estuaries) (fig.2). Trials run in the framework of an educational mission in early November 2013 made it possible to assess the feasibility of deploying the corer aboard the vessel Albert Lucas. Cores from 20 to 80 cm in length were sampled in the Elorn river and in l'Auberlac'h cove; (2) Perform granulometric analyses which will enable us to understand the sedimentary distribution and that of biosedimentary facies in the estuaries, bay and coves of the Bay of Brest; (3) Do lead dating that will inform us about the rate of sedimentation in shallow water in the Bay of Brest over the past century; (4) Observe the presence of foraminifera at the present interface (1 cm) in order to determine the pattern of distribution of different foraminifera species in the Bay of Brest; (5) Perform palynological and foraminifera analyses on some of the core samples which will make enable us to establish calibration of current micropaleontological signals in the Bay of Brest; (6) Carry out chemical and biological analyses which could highlight the beginning of toxic blooms of the Alexandrium Minutum microalgae in the Bay of Daoulas.

Published data

Valero Clara, Penaud Aurélie, Lambert Clément, Vidal Muriel, David Ophélie, Leroux Estelle, Pailler Yvan, Nicolas Clément, Poncin Olivier, Stephan Pierre, Siano Raffaele, Ehrhold Axel (2024). Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions in western Brittany (Bay of Brest) with a focus on the Neolithic-Bronze transition.



Lambert Clément, Vidal Muriel, Penaud Aurélie, Le Roy Pascal, Goubert Evelyne, Pailler Yvan, Stephan Pierre, Ehrhold AxelORCID (2019). Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions during the Meso- to Neolithic transition (9.2–5.3 cal. ka BP) in Northwestern France: Palynological evidences. Holocene, 29(3), 380-402. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lambert Clement, Penaud Aurelie, Vidal Muriel, Klouch Khadidja, Gregoire Gwendoline, Ehrhold AxelORCID, Eynaud Frederique, Schmidt Sabine, Ragueneau Olivier, Siano Raffaele (2018). Human-induced river runoff overlapping natural climate variability over the last 150 years: Palynological evidence (Bay of Brest, NW France). Global And Planetary Change, 160, 109-122. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lambert Clement, Vidal Muriel, Penaud Aurelie, Combourieu-Nebout Nathalie, Lebreton Vincent, Ragueneau Olivier, Gregoire Gwendoline (2017). Modern palynological record in the Bay of Brest (NW France): Signal calibration for palaeo-reconstructions. Review Of Palaeobotany And Palynology, 244, 13-25. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gregoire Gwendoline, Le Roy Pascal, Ehrhold AxelORCID, Jouet Gwenael, Garlan Thierry (2017). Control factors of Holocene sedimentary infilling in a semi-closed tidal estuarine-like system: the bay of Brest (France). Marine Geology, 385, 84-100. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Thesis using campaign data

Olivier Matthieu (2022). Modélisation numérique de l'impact des courants tidaux sur le long-terme : application aux enregistrements sédimentaires Holocène de la rade de Brest / Numerical modelling of the impact of tidal currents over the long-term : application to Holocene sedimentary records from the bay of Brest. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Lambert Clément (2017). Signature paléoenvironnementale des séquences holocènes en Rade de Brest : forçages climatiques et anthropiques / Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Bay of Brest (NW France) : evidences of climate and human forcings. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Gregoire Gwendoline (2016). Dynamique sédimentaire et évolution holocène d'un système macrotidal semi-fermé : l'exemple de la rade de Brest / Sediment dynamics and Holocene evolution of a semi-closed macrotidal system : the example of the bay of Brest. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale.