Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 21/05/2014 - 31/05/2014
Chief scientist(s) BAILLY DU BOIS Pascal ORCID, LAGUIONIE Philippe


Digue de Collignon

50110 Tourlaville


DOI 10.17600/14010300

The objective of the TRACES (2014, 2016) cruises is to help evaluate what proportion of a known quantity of released tracers will bind to the sediments, with what kinetics and to what extent these tracers can become bioavailable again for living species. The sampling strategy will be based on grab samples of sediments distributed evenly over the entire Brittany Normandy Gulf. Concurrently, regular collection of seawater samples will be used to test how representative the hydrodynamic models applied for this study are. Samples of seaweeds and limpets will be taken at two points which are inaccessible from shore (Chausey, Roches Douvres), in addition to regular monitoring. The results obtained will make it possible to specify the conditions for mobilizing the deposited sediments, the dynamics of their evolution and the marking induced within living species. This information will be utilized to assess the medium- and long-term consequences of environmental pollution. The ultimate objective is to have models simulating dispersion, transport and transfers of radionuclides within the marine ecosystem on a multiannual scale.

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore


References of Technical Reports

Bailly du Bois, P., Morillon, M., L., S., Laguionie, P., Fiévet, B., Voiseux, C. and Le Cavelier, S. (2018) INvestigations sur la DIspersion et les transferts de radionucléides dans le GOlfe normand-breton, volet dispersion, p. 25, RT/PSE-ENV.

Laguionie, P., Perier, V., Bailly du Bois, P., Beryouni, K., Boust, D., Cazimajou, O., Connan, O., Fievet, B., Godinot, C., Lamotte, M., Le Cavelier, S., Lesourd, S., Maro, D., Morillon, M., Oms, P.E., Pellerin, G., Poizot, E., Rivier, A., Solier, L. and Voiseux, C. (2018) Pénétration des radionucléides au sein des matrices sédimentaires hétérogènes du golfe normand-breton, p. 80, IRSN.

References of International Seminar Communications

Rivier, A., Le Hir, P., Bailly du Bois, P., Laguionie, P. and Morillon, M. (2017) Numerical modelling of heterogeneous sediment transport: new insights for particulate radionuclide transport and deposition. Troels Aagaard, R.D., David Fuhrman (ed), pp. pp. 1767-1778, Helsingør, Denmark.

References of National Seminar Communications

Bailly du Bois, P., Dumas, F., Caillaud, M., Solier, L., Morillon, M., Oms, P.E. and Voiseux, C. (2018) Simulation de la dispersion des radionucléides dissous en mer, pp. res1p., 23 transp, Sochaux.