Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 19/06/2014 - 20/06/2014
Chief scientist(s) MIGEON Sébastien


250 rue Albert Einstein

CS 10269

Campus Azur

06905 Sophia-Antipolis

+33 (0)4 92 94 26 02

DOI 10.17600/14007200

The SPARKLICE cruise aimed to take images offshore from Nice airport of the zones deeply affected by the circulation of fresh water and gas, then identify the existing or developing gliding planes and their relationship with the circulation zones. To do so, the proposal was to collect an array of very high resolution seismic profiles using a Sparker (SIG 2mille) type system. These profiles have a vertical resolution of less than 50 cm which will enable small vertical offsetting which could be associated with gliding planes or precursor signs of these slides to be identified. The mean frequency of the acoustic signal (1,000 Hz) will make it possible to recognize variations in impedance linked to the presence of fresh water and gas in the sediments.

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore



Courboulex Francoise, Mercerat E. Diego, Deschamps Anne, Migeon Sebastien, Baques Marion, Larroque Christophe, Rivet Diane, Hello Yann (2020). Strong Site Effect Revealed by a New Broadband Seismometer on the Continental Shelf Offshore Nice Airport (Southeastern France). Pure And Applied Geophysics, 177(7), 3205-3224. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Thesis using campaign data

KELNER M. (2018), Analyse des processus de glissements gravitaires sous-marins par une approche géophysique, géotechnique et expérimentale : cas de la pente continentale de Nice ». Thèse de l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 358 p.