Garziglia Sebastien,
Sultan Nabil
, Thomas Yannick,
Ker Stephan
Marsset Bruno, Bompais Xavier

Woerther Patrice, Witt C., Kopf A.,
Apprioual Ronan (2021).
Assessing spatio‐temporal variability of free gas in surficial cohesive sediments using tidal pressure fluctuations.
Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 126(10), e2021JF006131 (26p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
References of International Seminar Communications
Garziglia, S., Sultan, N., Bompais, X., Woerther, P., Roudaut, M., & Apprioual, R. (2019, April). Characterization of the presence of free gas in sediment from long term pore pressure monitoring. In EGU General Assembly 2019.
Garziglia, S., Thomas, Y., Gaillot, A., Colin, F., & Marsset, B. (2016, September). Investigation of Fluid Seepage Off the Nice Airport (South-Eastern France). In Near Surface Geoscience 2016-Second Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference.
References of National Seminar Communications
Garziglia, S., Sultan, N., Bompais, X., Woerther, P., Roudaut, M., & Apprioual, R. (2019, Octobre). Apports des mesures long-terme à la quantification des facteurs prédisposant l'instabilité des sédiments
au large de l'aéroport de Nice. In JAG 2019.
Witt, C., Garziglia, S., Migeon, S., Sultan, N., Wenau, S., Kopf, A (2019, September). Hydrogeology of the submarine slope off Nice, France. In ICYMARE 2019.
DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data
STEP III, IV Laura Chamorro Mauricio, Ifremer, Géosciences marines, Laboratoire Environnements Sédimentaires. « Etude des modalités de circulation de fluides dans les alluvions quaternaires du fleuve Var. » soutenu le 08/06/2015.
STEP III, IV Tugdual Gauchery, Marum, Departement of Geosciences, University of Bremen. «Side effects of the 1979 landslide (Nice, France) on the submarine groundwater discharge and its consequences. » soutenu le 14/10/2016
Thesis using campaign data
Christoph Witt, Marum, Brême et Ifremer Brest: Stability and hydrogeology of the submarine slope off Nice, France, Septembre 2021.