Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set PIRATA
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 09/04/2014 - 22/05/2014
Chief scientist(s) GOURIOU Yves, BOURLES Bernard


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable



+33 (0)2


DOI 10.17600/14002100
Objective This is part of the general international PIRATA programme. Since it is the 24th French cruise of this type, it is called PIRATA-FR24. Leg 1 from 9 to 29 April 2014 (Yves Gouriou) and leg 2 from 30 April to 22 May (Bernard Bourles). The objectives of the cruise were: to replace 6 Pirata ATLAS buoys located in the Gulf of Guinea, replace an ADCP current meter mooring at 10°W-0°N, perform 2 hydrological legs with CTD-O2/LADCP, deploy 4 drifting SVPBS buoys and 6 Arvor profiling floats (CORIOLIS), take seawater samples to analyze S, O2, CO2, C13/O18, nutrients and pigments and make heat profiles with XBT probes. Also, in addition to routine and recurrent PIRATA tasks: retrieval of 2 deep sea moorings (hydrophones) during leg 1, adding "Chipods" turbulence sensors to 2 ATLAS buoys, adding acoustic receivers to all ATLAS buoys, continuous deployment of a Picarro analyzer (measuring isotopomers) during the second part of the PIRATA-FR24 cruise (in contribution to the national LEFE "PIRATA 2014: boundary layer and convection in the Gulf of Guinea" programme), deployment of 33 atmospheric radiosondes during the second part of the PIRATA-FR24 cruise (in contribution to the national LEFE "PIRATA 2014: boundary layer and convection in the Gulf of Guinea" programme). The related project is SO PIRATA (SOERE CTDO2).

Published data

Bourles Bernard, Cariou Thierry, Hillion Sandrine, Brouquier Armelle, Rousselot Pierre, Roubaud Fabrice, Pondaven Ildut, Diverres Denis, Bachelier Celine, Francois Grelet, Gouriou Yves, Chuchla Remy, Llido Jerome (2025). French PIRATA cruises: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS data. https://doi.org/10.17882/58141

Bourlès Bernard, Herbert Gaëlle, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Pondaven Ildut, Llido Jerome (2024). French PIRATA cruises: S-ADCP data. https://doi.org/10.17882/44635

Data managed by SISMER



Bourlès Bernard, Araujo Moacyr, McPhaden Michael J., Brandt Peter, Foltz Gregory R., Lumpkin Rick, Giordani Hervé, Hernandez Fabrice, Lefèvre Nathalie, Nobre Paulo, Campos Edmo, Saravanan Ramalingam, Trotte‐duhà Janice, Dengler Marcus, Hahn Johannes, Hummels Rebecca, Lübbecke Joke F., Rouault Mathieu, Cotrim Leticia, Sutton Adrienne, Jochum Markus, Perez Renellys C (2019). PIRATA: A Sustained Observing System for Tropical Atlantic Climate Research and Forecasting. Earth And Space Science, 6(4), 577-616. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EA000428 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00485/59680/

Benetti Marion, Steen-Larsen Hans Christian, Reverdin Gilles, Sveinbjornsdottir Arny Erla, Aloisi Giovanni, Berkelhammer Max B., Bourles Bernard, Bourras Denis, de Coetlogon Gaelle, Cosgrove Ann, Faber Anne-Katrine, Grelet Jacques, Hansen Steffen Bo, Johnson Rod, Legoff Herve, Martin Nicolas, Peters Andrew J., Popp Trevor James, Reynaud ThierryORCID, Winther Malte (2017). Data Descriptor: Stable isotopes in the atmospheric marine boundary layer water vapour over the Atlantic Ocean, 2012-2015. Scientific Data, 4(160128), 1-17. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.128 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00371/48195/

Meynadier Remi, de Coetlogon Gaelle, Leduc-Leballeur Marion, Eymard Laurence, Janicot Serge (2016). Seasonal influence of the sea surface temperature on the low atmospheric circulation and precipitation in the eastern equatorial Atlantic. Climate Dynamics, 47(3-4), 1127-1142. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-015-2892-7

Da-Allada Casimir Yelognisse, Alory G., Du Penhoat Y., Jouanno J., Hounkonnou M. N., Kestenare E. (2014). Causes for the recent increase in sea surface salinity in the north-eastern Gulf of Guinea. African Journal Of Marine Science, 36(2), 197-205. https://doi.org/10.2989/1814232X.2014.927398

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Kouame Kanga Désiré, Kouassi Aka Marcel, Trokourey Albert, Toualy Elisée, N’guessan Benjamin K., Brehmer Patrice, Ostrowski Marek (2021). Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Mixed Layer Depth in the Tropical Atlantic at 10 °W using 40 Years of Observation Data. European Journal of Scientific Research / Revue Européenne de la recherche Scientifique, 158(3), 207-217. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00684/79619/

Herbert Gaelle, Kermabon Catherine, Grelet Jacques, Bourles Bernard (2015). French PIRATA cruises S-ADCP data processing. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter, (52), 22-26. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00272/38320/

Thesis using campaign data

Houndegnonto Odilon (2021). Analyse des variations thermohalines des échelles intra-saisonnière à saisonnière des panaches d’eau douce du Golfe de Guinée / Analysis of thermohaline variations from intra-seasonal to seasonal scales of freshwater plumes in the Gulf of Guinea. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.