Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set MOMARSAT : MONITORING THE MID ATLANTIC RIDGE
Ship Pourquoi pas ?
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 13/07/2014 - 31/07/2014
Chief scientist(s) SARRADIN Pierre-Marie ORCID, CANNAT Mathilde


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable

CS 10070


+33 (0)2

DOI 10.17600/14000300
Objective The cruise's objective was to perform the annual maintenance of the seafloor observatory set up on the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field during the MoMARSAT 201O cruise. This observatory, which can transmit its data in near real time via acoustic, then Hertzian, channels, is one of the nodes in the EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory) network. Its objective is to study over the long-term of active processes linked to seismicity, volcanism and hydrothermalism of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and associated ecosystems. It includes both an infrastructure for data transmission (SEAMON stations on seafloor and BOREL surface buoy) and a set of sensors (geophysics, chemistry, physics, oceanography and biology). Some sensors are connected to the SEAMON stations and communicate all or part of their data towards shore every 6 hours, while the others are autonomous and store their data inside. As well as the observatory's technical maintenance, the second objective of MoMARSAT 2014 was to acquire measurements and spot observations on the Lucky Strike field in order to validate the time series data, extend the range of parameters studied and improve the spatial resolution of the study. This cruise is part of the EU EMSO European multidisciplinary seafloor and water column observatory project.

Published data

Labaste Matthieu, Reverdin Gilles, Roullet Guillaume, Cannat Mathilde, Sarradin Pierre-Marie (2024). Hydrographic mooring data from EMSO-Azores observatory, 2014-2015.

Chavagnac Valérie, Castillo Alain, Leleu Thomas (2023). Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2014.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations





Matabos MarjolaineORCID, Cottais Pierre, Leroux Riwan, Cenatiempo Yannick, Gasne-Destaville Charlotte, Roullet Nicolas, Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Tourolle JulieORCID, Borremans CatherineORCID (2025). Deep sea spy: An online citizen science annotation platform for science and ocean literacy. Ecological Informatics, 86, 103065 (17p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Alfaro-Lucas Joan M., Martin Daniel, Michel LoïcORCID, Laes AgatheORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Fuchs Sandra, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2024). Fluid chemistry alters faunal trophodynamics but not composition on the deep-sea Capelinhos hydrothermal edifice (Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1940 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Laes AgatheORCID, Marticorena JulienORCID, Michel LoïcORCID, Matabos MarjolaineORCID (2022). Integrated Study of New Faunal Assemblages Dominated by Gastropods at Three Vent Fields Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Diversity, Structure, Composition and Trophic Interactions. Frontiers In Marine Science, 9, 925419 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sánchez‐mora Dennis, Jamieson John, Cannat Mathilde, Escartín Javier, Barreyre Thibaut (2022). Effects of substrate composition and subsurface fluid pathways on the geochemistry of seafloor hydrothermal deposits at the Lucky Strike Vent Field, Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 23(5), e2021GC010073 (24p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Artigue Lise, Chavagnac Valérie, Destrigneville Christine, Ferron BrunoORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID (2022). Tracking the Lithium and Strontium Isotope Signature of Hydrothermal Plume in the Water Column: A Case Study at the EMSO-Azores Deep-Sea Observatory. Frontiers In Environmental Chemistry, 3, 784385 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pillot Guillaume, Amin Ali Oulfat, Davidson Sylvain, Shintu Laetitia, Combet-Blanc Yannick, Godfroy AnneORCID, Bonin Patricia, Liebgott Pierre-Pol (2021). Evolution of Thermophilic Microbial Communities from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Chimney under Electrolithoautotrophic Conditions with Nitrate. Microorganisms, 9(12), 2475 (17p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pillot Guillaume, Amin Ali Oulfat, Davidson Sylvain, Shintu Laetitia, Godfroy AnneORCID, Combet-Blanc Yannick, Bonin Patricia, Liebgott Pierre-Pol (2021). Identification of enriched hyperthermophilic microbial communities from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney under electrolithoautotrophic culture conditions. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 14782 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cotte Laura, Chavagnac V., Pelleter EwanORCID, Laes-Huon AgatheORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Dulaquais Gabriel, Riso Ricardo, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Waeles Mathieu (2020). Metal partitioning after in situ filtration at deep-sea vents of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (EMSO-Azores, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°N). Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 157, 103204 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pillot Guillaume, Davidson Sylvain, Auria Richard, Combet-Blanc Yannick, Godfroy AnneORCID, Liebgott Pierre-Pol (2020). Production of Current by Syntrophy Between Exoelectrogenic and Fermentative Hyperthermophilic Microorganisms in Heterotrophic Biofilm from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Chimney. Microbial Ecology, 79(1), 38-49. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zeppilli DanielaORCID, Bellec Laure, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Decraemer Wilfrida, Fontaneto Diego, Fuchs Sandra, Gayet Nicolas, Mandon Perrine, Michel LoicORCID, Portail Marie, Smol Nic, Sørensen Martin V., Vanreusel Ann, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2019). Ecology and trophic role of Oncholaimus dyvae sp. nov. (Nematoda: Oncholaimidae) from the lucky strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Bmc Zoology, 4(1), 6 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lopes Carina L., Bastos Luisa, Caetano Miguel, Martins Irene, Santos Miguel M., Iglesias Isabel (2019). Development of physical modelling tools in support of risk scenarios: A new framework focused on deep-sea mining. Science Of The Total Environment, 650(Part. 2), 2294-2306.

Husson Berengere, Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Van Oevelen Dick, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Soetaert Karline, Menesguen Alain (2018). Modelling the interactions of the hydrothermal mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus with vent fluid. Ecological Modelling, 377, 35-50. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Martins Ines, Goulart Joana, Martins Eva, Morales-Roman Rosa, Marin Sergio, Riou Virginie, Colaco Ana, Bettencourt Raul (2017). Physiological impacts of acute Cu exposure on deep-sea vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus under a deep-sea mining activity scenario. Aquatic Toxicology, 193, 40-49.

Waeles Mathieu, Cotte Laura, Pernet-Coudrier Benoit, Chavagnac V., Cathalot CecileORCID, Leleu T., Laes-Huon AgatheORCID, Perhirin Antoine, Riso R. D., Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID (2017). On the early fate of hydrothermal iron at deep-sea vents: A reassessment after in situ filtration. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(9), 4233-4240. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Husson Berengere, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Zeppilli DanielaORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2017). Picturing thermal niches and biomass of hydrothermal vent species. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 137, 6-25. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Plum Christoph, Pradillon FlorenceORCID, Fujiwara Yoshihiro, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2017). Copepod colonization of organic and inorganic substrata at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent site on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 137, 335-348. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Legendre Pierre, de Busserolles Fanny, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Guilini Katja, Ivanenko Viatcheslav N., Morineaux Marie, Vanreusel Ann, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID (2015). Biodiversity patterns, environmental drivers and indicator species on a High-temperature Hydrothermal edifice, mid-Atlantic ridge. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 121, 177-192. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Matabos MarjolaineORCID, Cuvelier D., Brouard J., Shillito B., Ravaux J., Zbinden M., Barthelemy D., Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2015). Behavioural study of two Hydrothermal crustacean decapods: Mirocaris fortunata and Segonzacia mesatlantica, from the lucky strike vent field (mid-Atlantic ridge). Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 121, 146-158. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Cotten ClemenceORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2022). Data management plan. DEEP-REST: Conservation and restoration of deep-sea ecosystems in the context of deep-sea mining. Deliverable D1.2.

Alix Anne-Sophie, Besson FlorianORCID, Chu Nan-Chin, Fouquet Yves, Lacroix Denis, Le Gall Morgane, Pelleter EwanORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Ybert Sebastien (2018). Rapport de veille scientifique et technologique relative aux ressources minerales non energetiques des grands fonds. Convention référence 18/2102427980 entre le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire – Direction de l’Eau et de la Biodiversité et l’Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer – Action 6.2. REM/2018-016. Rapport n°6.

Laes AgatheORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Ouisse VincentORCID, Davy Romain, Munaron DominiqueORCID, Repecaud MichelORCID, Mazeas Florence, Delauney LaurentORCID, Thomas Lena, Salvetat Florence, Waeles Mathieu, Colas FlorentORCID (2018). CR Réunion bilan Chemini Pepito : 13 ans de développement. RDT/LDCM/18-004-ALH/CR.

Laes-Huon AgatheORCID (2014). Compte Rendu de Réunion. CHEMINI - A050802. RDT/LDCM 14-311.

Thesis using campaign data

Van Audenhaege LoicORCID (2023). Étude par l'imagerie de la distribution spatio-temporelle multi-échelles des communautés benthiques associées au champ hydrothermal Lucky Strike / Imaging study of the multi-scale spatio-temporal distribution of benthic communities associated with the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Machon Julia (2018). Adaptations sensorielles chez les crevettes hydrothermales profondes : comparaison des facultés chimio et thermo-sensorielles de la crevette hydrothermale mirocaris fortunata et de la crevette côtière palaemon elegans / Sensory adaptations in shrimp from deep hydrothermal vents : Comparison of chemo‐ and thermo-sensory abilities in the vent species Mirocaris fortunata and the coastal species Palaemon elegans. PhD Thesis, Sorbonne Université – Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

Cotte Laura (2017). Devenir des éléments métalliques en milieu hydrothermal profond : partition dissous-particulaire effective et spéciation dans le mélange fluide hydrothermal-eau de mer précoce. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Leleu Thomas (2017). Variabilité spatio-temporelle de la composition des fluides hydrothermaux (observatoire fond de mer EMSO-Açores, Lucky Strike) : traçage de la circulation hydrothermale et quantification des flux chimiques associés / Spatial and temporal variability of the composition of hydrothermal fluids (Deep sea observatory EMSO-Azores, Lucky Strike) : tracing the hydrothermal pathway and quantification of the associated chemical fluxes. PhD Thesis, Université de Toulouse.

Husson Berengere (2017). Fonctionnement et dynamique des écosystèmes hydrothermaux: vers un premier modèle. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Henri Pauline (2015). Etude de l’altération précoce des verres basaltiques par les microorganismes en contexte hydrothermal océanique : Exemple du site de Lucky Strike (dorsale Médio-Atlantique, 37° N). PhD Thesis, IPGP.