Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Europe
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 02/08/2013 - 10/09/2013
Chief scientist(s) CLABAUT Philippe


9, Impasse du Boutillier

62240 SELLES

03 21 32 63 79

DOI 10.17600/13060080
Objective The CORALCORSE project's objectives are to: 1) performing mapping of seamounts off Cap Corse headland (between depths of 100 and 200 m), of the large seagrass meadows on the eastern coast and coralligenous populations in the Nature reserve of Bouches de Bonifacio; 2) looking for the origin and dynamics of "coralligenous atolls"; 3) creating an inventory of species of conservation interest. At the international level, the project is part of the framework of three Barcelona Convention action plans and as such, enjoys support from the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas(RAC/SPA ' PAM): 1) Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in the Mediterranean Sea(adopted in 1999); 2) Action Plan for the conservation of the coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions in the Mediterranean Sea(adopted in 2008); 3) Action Plan for the conservation of dark assemblages in the Mediterranean Sea(currently being adopted by contracting parties). At national and regional levels, the project falls under the NATURA 2000 framework at sea and the Strategic analysis for Corsica. The sites studied correspond to the sectors identified to be part of this network and/or for the creation of new marine protected areas and as such are supported by the Agency for marine protected areas, the DREAL authority for Corsica and the Corsican environment office: Cerbicales islands (FR9400587), Pertusato Bonifacio plateau and Lavezzi islands (FR9400591), east coast Grand herbier seagrass meadows (FR9402014), Cap Corse plateau (FR9402013).

Data managed by SISMER



Monnier Briac, Pergent Gérard, Mateo Miguel Ángel, Carbonell Ramon, Clabaut Philippe, Pergent-Martini Christine (2021). Sizing the carbon sink associated with Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows using very high-resolution seismic reflection imaging. Marine Environmental Research, 170, 105415 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Boudouresque Charles-François, Blanfuné Aurélie, Pergent Gérard, Thibaut Thierry (2021). Restoration of Seagrass Meadows in the Mediterranean Sea: A Critical Review of Effectiveness and Ethical Issues. Water, 13(8), 1034 (34p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Monnier Briac, Pergent Gérard, Mateo Miguel Ángel, Clabaut Philippe, Pergent-Martini Christine (2020). Seismic interval velocity in the matte of Posidonia oceanica meadows: Towards a non-destructive approach for large-scale assessment of blue carbon stock. Marine Environmental Research, 161, 105085 (14p.).

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Verlaque Marc, Boudouresque Charles-François (2024). The enigmatic coralligenous atolls of northern Corsica: possible scars from World War II. Scientific Reports Port-Cros National Park / Travaux Scientifiques Du Parc National De Port Cros, (38), 165-181. Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Monnier Briac (2016). Evaluation des stocks de carbone par sismique réflexion dans le site Natura 2000 « FR9402014 -­‐ Grand Herbier de la Côte Orientale ». Mémoire de Master Mention Gestion de l’Environnement et Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles. Spécialité Gestion Intégrée du Littoral et des Ecosystèmes – Option Recherche.

Thesis using campaign data

Monnier Briac (2020). Quantification et dynamique spatio-temporelle des puits de carbone associés aux herbiers à Posidonia oceanica. PhD Thesis, Université de Corse.

Valette Audrey (2018). Changement climatique : Caractérisation des puits de carbone liés aux herbiers de magnoliophytes marines de la Corse. PhD Thesis, Université de Corse.