Type Campagne océanographique
Série Cette campagne fait partie de la série de campagnes BIOBAZ
Navire Pourquoi pas ?
Propriétaire navire Ifremer
Dates 02/08/2013 - 21/08/2013
Chef(s) de mission LALLIER François ORCID


Place Georges Teissier

29680 Roscoff

DOI 10.17600/13030030
Objectif BioBaz, Biologie intégrée de Bathymodiolus azoricus, est une campagne d'échantillonnage et d'expérimentation focalisée sur les modioles, organisme modèle pour la symbiose chimiotrophe en environnement extrême. Cette espèce, inféodée aux sources hydrothermales de la dorsale Atlantique nord, abrite à la fois des endosymbiotes bactériens sulfo-oxydants et méthanotrophes en proportions variables selon les conditions environnementales des sites d'origine. La campagne BioBaz explorera donc les moulières des sites Menez Gwen (-850m), Lucky Strike (-1700m) et Rainbow (-2400m) sur la dorsale médio-Atlantique au sud-ouest des Açores pour y réaliser parallèlement la caractérisation physico-chimique du micro-environnement et l'analyse de paramètres biologiques des moules et de leurs bactéries symbiotiques. Un certain nombre de projets concernent également la crevette Rimicaris exoculata, qui vit en ectosymbioses avec d'autres bactéries. L'originalité de cette campagne réside principalement dans la mise en oeuvre conjointe d'outils de récolte isobare, d'expérimentation hyperbare et d'outils d'analyse moléculaire (puces ADN, génomique, protéomique) permettant le couplage d'approches expérimentales et d'analyses globales. Ces analyses doivent aboutir à une meilleure compréhension de la relation symbiotique entre animaux et bactéries, relation qui affecte aussi bien la nutrition, l'immunité, ou l'écotoxicologie de ces espèces. Des objectifs supplémentaires concernant l'écologie des communautés complètent le programme scientifique de BioBaz. Enfin, un film documentaire sur le thème « Symbiose dans les abysses » sera réalisé et bénéficiera de temps de plongée dédié.

Données publiées

Sarrazin Jozee, Matabos Marjolaine, Cathalot Cecile, Laes Agathe, Marticorena Julien, Michel Loic, Pernet Marie Eve-Julie (2022). Diversity, abundance, environmental conditions and stable isotopes within new gastropod assemblages from three vent fields (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Snake Pit) on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Données archivées au Sismer

Opérations de Prélèvements





Shillito B., Amand L., Hamel G. (2023). Update of the PERISCOP system for isobaric sampling of deep-sea fauna. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 193, 103956 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lallier François H. (2023). Roscoff dives down to the deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a 35-year story. Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 64(1), 65-75.

Aubé JohanneORCID, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Velo-Suárez Lourdes, Cueff-Gauchard ValerieORCID, Lesongeur Francoise, Guéganton Marion, Durand Lucile, Reveillaud Julie (2022). A novel and dual digestive symbiosis scales up the nutrition and immune system of the holobiont Rimicaris exoculata. Microbiome, 10(1), 189 (17p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Laes AgatheORCID, Marticorena JulienORCID, Michel LoïcORCID, Matabos MarjolaineORCID (2022). Integrated Study of New Faunal Assemblages Dominated by Gastropods at Three Vent Fields Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Diversity, Structure, Composition and Trophic Interactions. Frontiers In Marine Science, 9, 925419 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Konn Cecile, Donval Jean-Pierre, Guyader VivienORCID, Germain Yoan, Alix Anne-Sophie, Roussel ErwanORCID, Rouxel OlivierORCID (2022). Extending the dataset of fluid geochemistry of the Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Rainbow, TAG and Snake Pit hydrothermal vent fields: Investigation of temporal stability and organic contribution. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 179, 103630 (26p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ravaux Juliette, Machon Julia, Shillito Bruce, Barthélémy Dominique, Amand Louis, Cabral Mélanie, Delcour Elise, Zbinden Magali (2021). Do Hydrothermal Shrimp Smell Vents? Insects, 12(11), 1043 (29p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Aubé JohanneORCID, Cueff-Gauchard ValerieORCID, Reveillaud Julie (2021). Niche partitioning in the Rimicaris exoculata holobiont: the case of the first symbiotic Zetaproteobacteria. Microbiome, 9(1), 87 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Piquet Bérénice, Lallier François H., André Coralie, Shillito Bruce, Andersen Ann C., Duperron Sebastien (2020). Regionalized cell proliferation in the symbiont-bearing gill of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. Symbiosis, 82(3), 225-233. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zbinden M, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID (2020). Rimicaris exoculata: biology and ecology of a shrimp from deep-sea hydrothermal vents associated with ectosymbiotic bacteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 652, 187-222. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Shillito B., Désurmont Celine, Barthélémy D., Farabos D., Despres G., Ravaux J., Zbinden M., Lamazière A. (2020). Lipidome variations of deep-sea vent shrimps according to acclimation pressure: A homeoviscous response? Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 161, 103285 (11p.).

Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Portail Marie, Legrand E., Cathalot CecileORCID, Laes AgatheORCID, Lahaye Noe, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Husson Berengere (2020). Endogenous versus exogenous factors: What matters for vent mussel communities? Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 160, 103260 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Assie Adrien, Leisch Nikolaus, Meier Dimitri, V, Gruber-Vodicka Harald, Tegetmeyer Halina E., Meyerdierks Anke, Kleiner Manuel, Hinzke Tjorven, Joye Samantha, Saxton Matthew, Dubilier Nicole, Petersen Jillian M. (2020). Horizontal acquisition of a patchwork Calvin cycle by symbiotic and free-living Campylobacterota (formerly Epsilonproteobacteria). Isme Journal, 14(1), 104-122. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ansorge Rebecca, Romano Stefano, Sayavedra Lizbeth, Porras Miguel Angel Gonzalez, Kupczok Anne, Tegetmeyer Halina E., Dubilier Nicole, Petersen Jillian (2019). Functional diversity enables multiple symbiont strains to coexist in deep-sea mussels. Nature Microbiology, 4(12), 2487-2497. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Martins Eva, Bettencourt Raul (2019). Gene expression study in Bathymodiolus azoricus populations from three North Atlantic hydrothermal vent sites. Developmental And Comparative Immunology, 99, 103390 (16p.).

Mestre N.C., Auguste M., de Sá L.C., Fonseca T.G., Cardoso C., Brown A., Barthelemy D., Charlemagne N., Hauton C., Machon J., Ravaux J., Shillito B., Thatje S., Bebianno M.J. (2019). Are shallow-water shrimps proxies for hydrothermal-vent shrimps to assess the impact of deep-sea mining? Marine Environmental Research, 151, 104771 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zeppilli DanielaORCID, Bellec Laure, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Decraemer Wilfrida, Fontaneto Diego, Fuchs Sandra, Gayet Nicolas, Mandon Perrine, Michel LoicORCID, Portail Marie, Smol Nic, Sørensen Martin V., Vanreusel Ann, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2019). Ecology and trophic role of Oncholaimus dyvae sp. nov. (Nematoda: Oncholaimidae) from the lucky strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Bmc Zoology, 4(1), 6 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Duperron Sebastien, Gaudron Sylvie M., Laming SvenORCID (2019). A Mussel's Life Around Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents. Frontiers for Young Minds, 7(76), 9p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Detree Camille, Haddad Iman, Demey-Thomas Emmanuelle, Vinh Joelle, Lallier Francois H., Tanguy Arnaud, Mary Jean (2019). Global host molecular perturbations upon in situ loss of bacterial endosymbionts in the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus assessed using proteomics and transcriptomics. Bmc Genomics, 20(109), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Piquet Berenice, Shillito Bruce, Lallier Francois H., Duperron Sebastien, Andersen Ann C. (2019). High rates of apoptosis visualized in the symbiont-bearing gills of deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels. Plos One, 14(2), e0211499 (21p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Apremont Vincent, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Cueff-Gauchard ValerieORCID, Francois David, Pradillon FlorenceORCID, Corbari Laure, Zbinden Magali (2018). Gill chamber and gut microbial communities of the hydrothermal shrimp Rimicaris chacei Williams and Rona 1986: A possible symbiosis. Plos One, 13(11), e0206084 (22p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zbinden Magali, Gallet Alison, Szafranski Kamil M., Machon Julia, Ravaux Juliette, Leger Nelly, Duperron Sebastien (2018). Blow Your Nose, Shrimp! Unexpectedly Dense Bacterial Communities Occur on the Antennae and Antennules of Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp. Frontiers In Marine Science, 5(357), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bellec Laure, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID, Cueff-Gauchard ValerieORCID, Durand Lucile, Gayet Nicolas, Zeppilli DanielaORCID (2018). A Nematode of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Vents Harbors a Possible Symbiotic Relationship. Frontiers In Microbiology, 9(2246), 12p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cerqueira Teresa, Barroso Cristina, Froufe Hugo, Egas Conceicao, Bettencourt Raul (2018). Metagenomic Signatures of Microbial Communities in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments of Azores Vent Fields. Microbial Ecology, 76(2), 387-403.

Bebianno Maria Joao, Cardoso Catia, Gomes Tania, Blasco Julian, Santos Ricardo Serrao, Colaco Ana (2018). Metal interactions between the polychaete Branchipolynoe seepensis and the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from Mid-Atlantic-Ridge hydrothermal vent fields. Marine Environmental Research, 135, 70-81.

Baldrighi Elisa, Zeppilli DanielaORCID, Crespin Rosalie, Chauvaud Pierre, Pradillon FlorenceORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2018). Colonization of synthetic sponges at the deep-sea Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): a first insight. Marine Biodiversity, 48(1), 89-103. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Portail Marie, Brandily Christophe, Cathalot CecileORCID, Colaco Ana, Gelinas Yves, Husson Berengere, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2018). Food-web complexity across hydrothermal vents on the Azores triple junction. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 131, 101-120. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barros Ines, Froufe Hugo, Marnellos George, Egas Conceicio, Delaney Jennifer, Clamps Michele, Santos Ricardo Serrio, Bettencourt Raul (2018). Metatranscriptomics profile of the gill microbial community during Bathymodiolus azoricus aquarium acclimatization at atmospheric pressure. Aims Microbiology, 4(2), 240-260. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cerqueira Teresa, Pinho Diogo, Froufe Hugo, Santos Ricardo S., Bettencourt Raul, Egas Conceicao (2017). Sediment Microbial Diversity of Three Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Southwest of the Azores. Microbial Ecology, 74(2), 332-349.

Detree Camille, Lallier Francois H., Tanguy Arnaud, Mary Jean (2017). Identification and gene expression of multiple peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) in the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus , involvement in symbiosis? Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 207, 1-8. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zbinden Magali, Berthod Camille, Montagne Nicolas, Machon Julia, Leger Nelly, Chertemps Thomas, Rabet Nicolas, Shillito Bruce, Ravaux Juliette (2017). Comparative Study of Chemosensory Organs of Shrimp From Hydrothermal Vent and Coastal Environments. Chemical Senses, 42(4), 319-331.

Plum Christoph, Pradillon FlorenceORCID, Fujiwara Yoshihiro, Sarrazin JozeeORCID (2017). Copepod colonization of organic and inorganic substrata at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent site on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 137, 335-348. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Le Bloa Simon, Durand Lucile, Cueff-Gauchard ValerieORCID, Le Bars Josiane, Taupin Laure, Marteau Charlotte, Bazire Alexis, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-AnneORCID (2017). Highlighting of quorum sensing lux genes and their expression in the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata ectosymbiontic community. Possible use as biogeographic markers. Plos One, 12(3), e0174338 (1-19). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sabroux Romain, Corbari Laure, Krapp Franz, Bonillo Celine, Le Prieur Stepahnie, Hassanin Alexandre (2017). Biodiversity and phylogeny of Ammotheidae (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida). European Journal Of Taxonomy, 286, 1-33. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Breusing Corinna, Vrijenhoek Robert C., Reusch Thorsten B. H. (2017). Widespread introgression in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels. Bmc Evolutionary Biology, 17, -. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barros Ines, Mendes Susana, Rosa Domitilia, Serrao Santos Ricardo, Bettencourt Raul (2016). Vibrio diabolicus Immunomodulatory Effects on Bathymodiolus azoricus During Long-term Acclimatization at Atmospheric Pressure. Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development, 7(12), 1000464 (1-15).

Baringou Stephane, Rouault Jacques-Deric, Koken Marcel, Hardivillier Yann, Hurtado Luis, Leignel Vincent (2016). Diversity of cytosolic HSP70 Heat Shock Protein from decapods and their phylogenetic placement within Arthropoda. Gene, 591(1), 97-107.

Assie Adrien, Borowski Christian, Van Der Heijden Karina, Raggi Luciana, Geier Benedikt, Leisch Nikolaus, Schimak Mario P., Dubilier Nicole, Petersen Jillian M. (2016). A specific and widespread association between deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels and a novel family of Epsilonproteobacteria. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 8(5), 805-813.

Laes-Huon AgatheORCID, Cathalot CecileORCID, Legrand JulienORCID, Tanguy Virginie, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID (2016). Long-Term In Situ Survey of Reactive Iron Concentrations at the EMSO-Azores Observatory. Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering, 41(4), 744-752. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Breusing Corinna, Biastoch Arne, Drews Annika, Metaxas Anna, Jollivet Didier, Vrijenhoek Robert C., Bayer Till, Melzner Frank, Sayavedra Lizbeth, Petersen Jillian M., Dubilier Nicole, Schilhabel Markus B., Rosenstiel Philip, Reusch Thorsten B. H. (2016). Biophysical and Population Genetic Models Predict the Presence of "Phantom" Stepping Stones Connecting Mid-Atlantic Ridge Vent Ecosystems. Current Biology, 26(17), 2257-2267. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Martins Ines, Romao Celia V., Goulart Joana, Cerqueira Teresa, Santos Ricardo S., Bettencourt Raul (2016). Activity of antioxidant enzymes in response to atmospheric pressure induced physiological stress in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. Marine Environmental Research, 114, 65-73.

Detree Camille, Chabenat Apolline, Lallier Francois H., Satoh Nori, Shoguchi Eiichi, Tanguy Arnaud, Mary Jean (2016). Multiple I-Type Lysozymes in the Hydrothermal Vent Mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus and Their Role in Symbiotic Plasticity. Plos One, 11(2), e0148988 (1-19). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Martins Eva, Santos Ricardo Serrao, Bettencourt Raul (2015). Vibrio diabolicus challenge in Bathymodiolus azoricus populations from Menez Gwen and Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent sites. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 47(2), 962-977.

Shillito Bruce, Ravaux Juliette, Sarrazin JozeeORCID, Zbinden Magali, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Barthelemy Dominique (2015). Long-term maintenance and public exhibition of deep-sea Hydrothermal fauna: the AbyssBox project. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 121, 137-145. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sayavedra Lizbeth, Kleiner Manuel, Ponnudurai Ruby, Wetzel Silke, Pelletier Eric, Barbe Valerie, Satoh Nori, Shoguchi Eiichi, Fink Dennis, Breusing Corinna, Reusch Thorsten B. H., Rosenstiel Philip, Schilhabel Markus B., Becher Doerte, Schweder Thomas, Markert Stephanie, Dubilier Nicole, Petersen Jillian M. (2015). Abundant toxin-related genes in the genomes of beneficial symbionts from deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels. Elife, 4(e07966), 1-39. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Szafranski Kamil M., Piquet Berenice, Shillito Bruce, Lallier Francois H., Duperron Sebastien (2015). Relative abundances of methane- and sulfur-oxidizing symbionts in gills of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus under pressure. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 101, 7-13.

Szafranski Kamil M., Deschamps Philippe, Cunha Marina R., Gaudron Sylvie M., Duperron Sebastien (2015). Colonization of plant substrates at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean and occurrence of symbiont-related bacteria. Frontiers In Microbiology, 6(162), 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barros Ines, Divya Baby, Martins Ines, Vandeperre Frederic, Santos Ricardo Serrao, Bettencourt Raul (2015). Post-capture immune gene expression studies in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus acclimatized to atmospheric pressure. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 42(1), 159-170.

Martins Eva, Figueras Antonio, Novoa Beatriz, Santos Ricardo Serrao, Moreira Rebeca, Bettencourt Raul (2014). Comparative study of immune responses in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus and the shallow-water mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis challenged with Vibrio bacteria. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 40(2), 485-499.

Bettencourt Raul, Rodrigues Monica, Barros Ines, Cerqueira Teresa, Freitas Catia, Costa Valentina, Pinheiro Miguel, Egas Conceicao, Santos Ricardo Serrao (2014). Site-related differences in gene expression and bacterial densities in the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from the Menez Gwen and Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 39(2), 343-353.

Références des rapports techniques

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Synthèse du rapport, 110 p.

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Rapport, CNRS – Ifremer, 937 p.

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Résumé exécutif. 12p.

(2013) Campagne BIOBAZ 2013. Dorsale médio‐Atlantique. Du 2 au 21 août 2013.

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Thomas-Bulle Camille (2019). Influence du mode de spéciation sur l'architecture des génomes et la diversité des éléments transposables chez les bivalves et les annélides hydrothermaux / Influence of the speciation mode on the genome architecture and the diversity of transposable elements in bivalves and annelids from hydrothermal ventS. PhD Thesis, Université Sorbonne.

Piquet Bérénice (2018). Flexibility of the symbiosis between Bivalves and chemosynthetic bacteria : mechanism, control and resilience. PhD Thesis, Université Sorbonne.

Machon Julia (2018). Adaptations sensorielles chez les crevettes hydrothermales profondes : comparaison des facultés chimio et thermo-sensorielles de la crevette hydrothermale mirocaris fortunata et de la crevette côtière palaemon elegans / Sensory adaptations in shrimp from deep hydrothermal vents : Comparison of chemo‐ and thermo-sensory abilities in the vent species Mirocaris fortunata and the coastal species Palaemon elegans. PhD Thesis, Sorbonne Université – Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

Cerqueira Maria Teresa Sousa Barros (2018). Microbial ecology in Azores deep-seafloor hydrothermal environments. PhD Thesis, Universidade dos Açores.

Cotte Laura (2017). Devenir des éléments métalliques en milieu hydrothermal profond : partition dissous-particulaire effective et spéciation dans le mélange fluide hydrothermal-eau de mer précoce. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Apremont Vincent (2017). Description de la diversité microbienne associée à la crevette Rimicaris Chacei : une possible double symbiose. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Le Bloa Simon (2016). Mode de reconnaissance hôte symbionte en milieux extrêmes : cas du modèle symbiotique Rimicaris exoculata / Toward a better understanding of the symbiotic relationships in Rimicaris exoculata model. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale.

Fuenzalida Gonzalo (2016). Transcriptomic approach of the response to metals in the hydrothermal mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. PhD Thesis, Université Paris 06.

Baringou Stéphane (2016). Diversité et fonctionnalité de « nouveaux types » de Heat Shock Protein-70 kDa chez les arthropodes / Diversity and functionality of Heat Shock Protein-70 kDa within Arthropoda. PhD Thesis, Université Le Mans.

Sayavedra Lizbeth (2016). Host-symbiont interactions and metabolism of chemosynthetic symbiosis in deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels. PhD Thesis, Universitat Bremen.

Breusing Corinna (2016). Population genetics and contemporaneous connectivity in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels of genus Bathymodiolus. PhD Thesis, Universität Kiel.

Assié Adrien (2016). Deep Se(a)quencing: A study of deep sea ectosymbioses using next generation sequencing. PhD Thesis, Universität Bremen.

Landreau Matthieu (2016). Immobilisation et culture continue en bioréacteur gas-lift de microorganismes marins thermophiles et hyperthermophiles anaérobies / Immobilization and continuous culture in gas-lift bioreactor of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic marine anaerobic microorganisms. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale.

Detree Camille (2015). Mise en évidence des acteurs moléculaires de la symbiose chimiosynthetique chez Bathymodiolus azoricus : une approche OMIC / Revealing the molecular actors of symbiosis in the deep sea mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus : an OMICs approach. PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

Szafranski Kamil (2014). Cycles de vie des symbiontes chez les bivalves des environnements à base chimiosynthétique de l'océan profond / Aspects of the life cycles of chemosynthetic bacterial symbionts associated with bivalves from deep-sea chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. PhD Thesis, Université Paris 06.