Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 02/08/2012 - 10/08/2012
Chief scientist(s) GALGANI François ORCID


Z.I Furiani

Immeuble Agostini

20600 BASTIA

33 (0)4 95 38 00 24

DOI 10.17600/12450160

The Stellamare 2012 cruise had three main objectives: 1) Acquisition of hydrology and currentology data in order to validate a numerical model of circulation of water bodies in the Bonifacio straits; 2) Collecting data on plankton larvae to understand the interactions between larvae/circulation and understand the larval recruitment process in the area of the international marine park of the Bonifacio straits; 3) Collection on data on marine litter or macrowaste in order to study predicting the transport of waste at sea. The cruise was conducted in the framework of the following programmes: (i) MOMAR (Cross-border Interreg, 2010-2012, environment in sensitive areas for shipping in Corsica, Sardinia and Tuscany), (ii) CPER/ Stella mare (DRRT, Corsica, modelling studies) and (iii) the DCSMM/MDDTL project (IFREMER/MEDDTL agreement, marine strategy framework directive for indicator 10.1.3, microplastics).

Data managed by SISMER



Gerigny Olivia, Coudray Sylvain, Lapucci Chiara, Tomasino Corinne, Bisgambiglia Paul-Antoine, Galgani FrancoisORCID (2015). Small-scale variability of the current in the Strait of Bonifacio. Ocean Dynamics, 65(8), 1165-1182. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Koeck Barbara, Gerigny Olivia, Durieux Eric Dominique Henri, Coudray Sylvain, Garsi Laure-Helene, Bisgambiglia Paul-Antoine, Galgani FrancoisORCID, Agostini Sylvia (2015). Connectivity patterns of coastal fishes following different dispersal scenarios across a transboundary marine protected area (Bonifacio strait, NW Mediterranean). Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 154, 234-247. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of International Seminar Communications

Olivia Gerigny S. Coudray Paul-Antoine Bisgambiglia Cristina Lapucci Daniel Le Berre, François Galgani. Systemic approach in a Marine Protected Area (Strait of Bonifacio ? South of Corsica). Modeling and hydrodynamics for applied research (larvae dispersion, marine litter, chlorophyll) . JONSMOD 2014, Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group Conference, May 2014, Brussels, Belgium. 2014.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

IFREMER (2015) Rapport de contrat CTC/ CPER/ IFREMER 2008-2013, 13 pages. (convention Collectivité/IFREMER document interne IFREMER/CTC).