Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set HALIOLOIRE
Ship Haliotis
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 04/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
Chief scientist(s) MAILLET Grégoire ORCID


Université d'Angers

2 boulevard Lavoisier

49000 Angers


DOI 10.17600/12120050
Objective The objective of the HalioLoire 1 mission is to characterize a morphosedimentary and structural baseline state for the Loire estuary, from Nantes to Pointe St Gildas, with special focus on mudflat zones in the mid-estuary, the main worksite zones for the teams working in the Axe 2 (biogeochemistry) theme of the RS2E (environmental surveillance and monitoring network) programme of OSU Nantes Atlantique, as basis of this mission. The team's goal is to utilize the data acquired by RV Haliotis in order to: 1) Analyze the zone's topography to identify and qualify forcings which govern the processes of deposit/remobilization of sediments (multibeam echosounder). 2) Characterize the type of surface sediments (sonar and RoxAnn). 3) Study the volumes and architecture of the sedimentary bodies making up the most recent sealing or smothering period in the Loire estuary (seismics). 4) Assess the degree of morphological stability of the zones studied and the nature of sediments that could potentially be remobilized (diachronic approach). 5) Determine how representative the biogeochemical study worksite zones are (spatial approach). The focus on mudflat is justified by their geotechnical specificities (high water content, highly variable plasticity) and their high adsorbent capacity (storage / release of pollutants, fixing of organic matter whose degradation controls the oxygenation of the benthic compartment, etc.). That said, data must be acquired over a larger area than that of the mudflats alone, to enable them to be put into context along an upstream/downstream continuum and to distinguish between the intrinsic variability of the zone and that linked to evolutions in the forcing conditions over time and space.

Data managed by SISMER



Thibault De Chanvalon A., Geslin E., Mojtahid M., Métais I., Méléder V., Metzger E. (2022). Multiscale analysis of living benthic foraminiferal heterogeneity: Ecological advances from an intertidal mudflat (Loire estuary, France). Continental Shelf Research, 232, 104627 (12p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2021.104627 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00739/85136/

Coynel Alexandra, Gorse Laureline, Curti Cecile, Schafer Jorg, Grosbois Cecile, Morelli Guia, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Blanc Gerard, Maillet Gregoire M., Mojtahid Meryem (2016). Spatial distribution of trace elements in the surface sediments of a major European estuary (Loire Estuary, France): Source identification and evaluation of anthropogenic contribution. Journal Of Sea Research, 118, 77-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2016.08.005

Durand M., Mojtahid M., Maillet G. M., Proust J. -N., Lehay D., Ehrhold AxelORCID, Barre A., Howa H. (2016). Mid- to late-Holocene environmental evolution of the Loire estuary as observed from sedimentary characteristics and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Journal Of Sea Research, 118, 17-34. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2016.08.003 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00347/45849/

Mojtahid M., Geslin E., Coynel A., Gorse L., Vella C., Davranche A., Zozzolo L., Blanchet L, Beneteau E., Maillet G. (2016). Spatial distribution of living (Rose Bengal stained), benthic foraminifera in the Loire estuary (western France). Journal Of Sea Research, 118, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2016.02.003

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Maillet G.M., Clouet, H., (2012). Potentiel de l'étude des formations sédimentaires superficielles de l'estuaire moyen de la Loire pour la compréhension des processus morpho-dynamiques en milieu estuarien mésotidal. Dynamiques Environnementales, 30, 41-54.

References of International Seminar Communications

Maillet G.M., Blanchet L, Vella C., Durand M. and Mojtahid M., (2017). Spatial variability of surface sediments grain-size of the Loire estuary. International Meeting of Sedimentology IMS 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France, 10-12 Octobre 2017

Maillet G.M., Palma-Lopes S. and Lefeuvre M., (2017). Evaluation of two near surface geophysical methods to investigate mud flat deposits in the Loire estuary. International Meeting of Sedimentology IMS 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France, 10-12 Octobre 2017

Durand, M., Mojtahid, M., Maillet, G.M., Proust, J.-N., Lehay, D., Ehrhold, A., Barré, A., Howa, H., (2016). Mid- to late-Holocene environmental evolution of the Loire estuary as observed from sedimentary and microfaunal characteristics. Annual Congres of The Micropalaeontological Society(TMS), Angers, France, 19-24 Juin 2016.

References of National Seminar Communications

Durand M., Mojtahid M., Maillet G.M., Howa H., (2016). Dynamique hydro-sédimentaire de l'estuaire aval de la Loire depuis 6 000 ans BP : apport de la micropaléontologie. 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 24-28 octobre 2016, Caen, France.

Maillet G.M., Durand M., Clouet H., Martin N., Beneteau E., Mojtahid M., (2016). Caractéristiques sédimentologiques des environnements de dépôts actuels de l'estuaire de la Loire. 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 24-28 octobre 2016, Caen, France

Durand, M., Howa, H., Mojtahid, M., Maillet, G.M., (2015). Archives sédimentaires de l'estuaire de la Loire : histoire des dépôts et des signaux environnementaux enregistrés durant l'Holocène Tardif. 15ème Congrès français de Sédimentologie, Chambéry, France, 13 -15 octobre 2015

Thesis using campaign data

Matthieu Durand (2017). De l'estuaire à l'océan : expression des forçages locaux et globaux dans l'enregistrement sédimentaire de la dynamique de la Loire depuis l'Holocène Moyen. Thèse de doctorat, Université d'Angers, soutenue le 19/12/2017, 225 p. NNT: 2017ANGE0037. tel-02076974v2.