Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set LANGOLF
Ship Gwen Drez
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 02/05/2012 - 20/05/2012
Chief scientist(s) GARREN François, MARTIN Stéphane


Centre Ifremer Bretagne

ZI Pointe du Diable

CS 10070

29280 Plouzané

+33 (0)2 98 22 43 66

DOI 10.17600/12050020
Objective Calculating an abundance index for the Nephrops stock in the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay), size and sex structure; spatial distribution of the population per sediment unit. Macroscopic observation of stages of sexual maturity in females. Abundance index estimations for related species. Calcified parts (otoliths) or illicia were removed to determine the age of species of commercial interest whose stock dynamics are being monitored. -Maturity stages in sole, angler, hake, red mullets and dab. Temperature, salinity and depth logs taken. Benthos samples taken and frozen at each station (for later analysis in laboratory), with the goal of supplementing knowledge about the structure and distribution of benthic macro-megafauna populations in the Bay of Biscay and to assess the structuring factors as well as the condition of these benthic populations and the impact of trawling on them. The related program is SIH Campagnes (FIS cruises).

Data managed by SISMER


References of Technical Reports

Fifas SpyrosORCID, Woillez MathieuORCID, Salaun Michele, Toulhoat Lucile (2016). Bilan des campagnes expérimentales 2014-2015 d’évaluation du stock de langoustines du Golfe de Gascogne par vidéo sous-marine. Programme expérimental LANGOLF-TV.

Bolam Stéphane, Eggleton Jacqueline D., Garcia Clement, Kenny Andrew J., Buhl-Mortensen Lene, Gonzalez Genoveva, Kooten Tobias, Dinesen Grete E., Hansen Jorgen, Hiddink Jan Geert, Sciberras Marija, Smith Chris, Papadopoulou K. Nadia, Gumus Aysun, Van Hoey Gert, Laffargue PascalORCID, Eigaard Ole, Bastardie Francois (2015). Biological traits as functional indicators to assess and predict (using statistical models) the status of different habitats -. EU-FP7 Benthis Delivrable D3.4.

Salaun Michele (2013). Campagne LANGOLF. Manuel des protocoles de la campagne halieutique LANGOLF. RBE/STH/LBTH 2013.01.

Coquereau Laura (2013). Structure et fonctionnement des communautés d’invertébrés benthiques de la Grande Vasière soumises à un impact de pêche au chalut de fond.

Foucher EricORCID, Bertrand Jacques, Dintheer Christian, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2013). Eléments de réflexion sur les demandes potentielles de campagnes océanographiques par la communauté des halieutes de l’Ifremer à l’horizon 2021.

Thesis using campaign data

Robert Alexandre (2017). Effets combinés des facteurs naturels et anthropiques sur les communautés d'invertébrés benthiques des vasières à langoustines (Nephrops Norvegicus) du golfe de Gascogne. PhD Thesis, Agrocampus Ouest.