Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set MOOSE-GE
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 23/07/2012 - 09/08/2012
Chief scientist(s) TESTOR Pierre , COPPOLA Laurent ORCID, MORTIER Laurent


Institut Pierre Simon Laplace

Boîte 100

4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (1) 44 27 32 48

DOI 10.17600/12020030
Objective The main objective of the MOOSE-GE cruises is to observe the annual evolution of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea in the context of the climate change and anthropogenic pressure in order to be able to detect and identify long-term environmental trend and anomalies of the marine ecosystem. The annual cruise focuses on moorings maintenance and hydrology, biogeochemistry and biology monitoring of the Northwestern Mediterranean basin. It aims to follow variability of water masses properties (LIW and WMDW) and biogeochemical and biological content related to these water masses. BILLION 32 cruise was part of this cruise too.

Data managed by SISMER




Belgacem Malek, Schroeder Katrin, Barth Alexander, Troupin Charles, Pavoni Bruno, Raimbault Patrick, Garcia Nicole, Borghini Mireno, Chiggiato Jacopo (2021). Climatological distribution of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the western Mediterranean Sea (1981-2017). Earth System Science Data, 13(12), 5915-5949. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bosse Anthony, Testor Pierre, Damien Pierre, Estournel Claude, Marsaleix Patrick, Mortier Laurent, Prieur Louis, Taillandier Vincent (2021). Wind-Forced Submesoscale Symmetric Instability around Deep Convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Fluids, 6(3), 123 (26p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ulses Caroline, Estournel Claude, Fourrier Marine, Coppola Laurent, Kessouri Faycal, Lefèvre Dominique, Marsaleix Patrick (2021). Oxygen budget for the north-western Mediterranean deep-convection region. Biogeosciences, 18(3), 937-960. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Testor Pierre, Bosse Anthony, Houpert Loic, Margirier Felix, Mortier Laurent, Legoff Herve, Dausse Denis, Labaste Matthieu, Karstensen Johannes, Hayes Daniel, Olita Antonio, Ribotti Alberto, Schroeder Katrin, Chiggiato Jacopo, Onken Reiner, Heslop Emma, Mourre Baptiste, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Mayot Nicolas, Lavigne Heloise, de Fommervault Orens, Coppola Laurent, Prieur Louis, Taillandier Vincent, de Madron Xavier Durrieu, Bourrin Francois, Many Gael, Damien Pierre, Estournel Claude, Marsaleix Patrick, Taupier-Letage Isabelle, Raimbault Patrick, Waldman Robin, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Giordani Herve, Caniaux Guy, Somot Samuel, Ducrocq Veronique, Conan Pascal (2018). Multiscale Observations of Deep Convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea During Winter 2012-2013 Using Multiple Platforms. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 123(3), 1745-1776. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Margirier Felix, Bosse Anthony, Testor Pierre, L'Heveder Blandine, Mortier Laurent, Smeed David (2017). Characterization of Convective Plumes Associated With Oceanic Deep Convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean From High Resolution In-Situ Data Collected by Gliders. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(12), 9814-9826. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mayot Nicolas, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Uitz Julia, Gentili Bernard, Ras Josephine, Vellucci Vincenzo, Golbol Melek, Antoine David, Claustre Herve (2017). Influence of the phytoplankton community structure on the spring and annual primary production in the NorthWestern Mediterranean Sea. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(12), 9918-9936. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mayot Nicolas, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Taillandier Vincent, Prieur Louis, de Fommervault Orens Pasqueron, Claustre Herve, Bosse Anthony, Testor Pierre, Conan Pascal (2017). Physical and biogeochemical controls of the phytoplankton blooms in North-Western Mediterranean Sea: A multiplatform approach over a complete annual cycle (2012-2013 DEWEX experiment). Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(12), 9999-10019. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Waldman Robin, Herrmann Marine, Somot Samuel, Arsouze Thomas, Benshila Rachid, Bosse Anthony, Chanut Jerome, Giordani Herve, Sevault Florence, Testor Pierre (2017). Impact of the Mesoscale Dynamics on Ocean Deep Convection: The 2012-2013 Case Study in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(11), 8813-8840. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Coppola L., Prieur L., Taupier-Letage I., Estournel C., Testor P., Lefevre D., Belamari S., Le Reste Serge, Taillandier V. (2017). Observation of oxygen ventilation into deep waters through targeted deployment of multiple Argo-O 2 floats in the north-western Mediterranean Sea in 2013. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(8), 6325-6341. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lebeaupin Brossier Cindy, Leger Fabien, Giordani Herve, Beuvier Jonathan, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Ducrocq Veronique, Fourrie Nadia (2017). Dense Water Formation in the North-Western Mediterranean area during HyMeX-SOP2 in 1/36° ocean simulations: Ocean-atmosphere coupling impact. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(7), 5749-5773. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Caniaux G., Prieur L., Giordani H., Redelsperger Jean-Luc (2017). An inverse method to derive surface fluxes from the closure of oceanic heat and water budgets: Application to the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(4), 2884-2908. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Waldman Robin, Somot Samuel, Herrmann Marine, Bosse Anthony, Caniaux Guy, Estournel Claude, Houpert Loic, Prieur Louis, Sevault Florence, Testor Pierre (2017). Modeling the intense 2012-2013 dense water formation event in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Evaluation with an ensemble simulation approach. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(2), 1297-1324. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Houpert L., Durrieu De Madron X. Durrieu, Testor P., Bosse A., D'Ortenzio F., Bouin M. N., Dausse D., Le Goff H., Kunesch S., Labaste M., Coppola L., Mortier L., Raimbault P. (2016). Observations of open-ocean deep convection in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Seasonal and interannual variability of mixing and deep water masses for the 2007–2013 period. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 121(11), 8139-8171. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mayot Nicolas, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, D'Alcala Maurizio Ribera, Lavigne Heloise, Claustre Herve (2016). Interannual variability of the Mediterranean trophic regimes from ocean color satellites. Biogeosciences, 13(6), 1901-1917. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pasqueron De Fommervault Orens, Migon Christophe, Dufour Aurelie, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Kessouri Faycal, Raimbault Patrick, Garcia Nicole, Lagadec Veronique (2015). Atmospheric input of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus to the Ligurian Sea: Data from the Cap Ferrat coastal time-series station. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 106, 116-125.

de Fommervault Orens Pasqueron, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Mangin Antoine, Serra Romain, Migon Christophe, Claustre Herve, Lavigne Heloise, D'Alcala Maurizio Ribera, Prieur Louis, Taillandier Vincent, Schmechtig Catherine, Poteau Antoine, Leymarie Edouard, Dufour Aurelie, Besson Florent, Obolensky Grigor (2015). Seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea: Contribution of Bio-Argo floats. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 120(12), 8528-8550.

Pasqueron De Fommervault Orens, Migon Christophe, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Ribera D'Alcala Maurizio, Coppola Laurent (2015). Temporal variability of nutrient concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean sea (DYFAMED time-series station). Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 100, 1-12.

Bosse Anthony, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent, Prieur Louis, Taillandier Vincent, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Coppola Laurent (2015). Spreading of Levantine Intermediate Waters by submesoscale coherent vortices in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea as observed with gliders. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 120(3), 1599-1622.

Houpert L., Testor P., Durrieu De Madron X., Somot S., D'Ortenzio F., Estournel C., Lavigne H. (2015). Seasonal cycle of the mixed layer, the seasonal thermocline and the upper-ocean heat storage rate in the Mediterranean Sea derived from observations. Progress In Oceanography, 132, 333-352.

Severin T., Conan P., Durrieu De Madron X., Houpert L., Oliver M. J., Oriol L., Caparros J., Ghiglione J. F., Pujo-Pay M. (2014). Impact of open-ocean convection on nutrients, phytoplankton biomass and activity. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 94, 62-71.

D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Lavigne Heloise, Besson Florent, Claustre Herve, Coppola Laurent, Garcia Nicole, Laes-Huon Agathe, Le Reste Serge, Malarde Damien, Migon Christophe, Morin Pascal, Mortier Laurent, Poteau Antoine, Prieur Louis, Raimbault Patrick, Testor Pierre (2014). Observing mixed layer depth, nitrate and chlorophyll concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean: A combined satellite and NO 3 profiling floats experiment. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(18), 6443-6451. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ducrocq Veronique, Braud Isabelle, Davolio Silvio, Ferretti Rossella, Flamant Cyrille, Jansa Agustin, Kalthoff Norbert, Richard Evelyne, Taupier-Letage Isabelle, Ayral Pierre-Alain, Belamari Sophie, Berne Alexis, Borga Marco, Boudevillain Brice, Bock Olivier, Boichard Jean-Luc, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Bousquet Olivier, Bouvier Christophe, Chiggiato Jacopo, Cimini Domenico, Corsmeier Ulrich, Coppola Laurent, Cocquerez Philippe, Defer Eric, Delanoe Julien, Di Girolamo Paolo, Doerenbecher Alexis, Drobinski Philippe, Dufournet Yann, Fourrie Nadia, Gourley Jonathan J., Labatut Laurent, Lambert Dominique, Le Coz Jerome, Marzano Frank S., Molinie Gilles, Montani Andrea, Nord Guillaume, Nuret Mathieu, Ramage Karim, Rison William, Roussot Odile, Said Frederique, Schwarzenboeck Alfons, Testor Pierre, Van Baelen Joel, Vincendon Beatrice, Aran Montserrat, Tamayo Jorge (2014). HYMEX-SOPI The Field Campaign Dedicated to Heavy Precipitation and Flash Flooding in the Northwestern Mediterranean. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 95(7), 1083-+.

Heimbuerger Lars-Eric, Migon Christophe, Losno Remi, Miquel Juan-Carlos, Thibodeau Benoit, Stabholz Marion, Dufour Aurelie, Leblond Nathalie (2014). Vertical export flux of metals in the Mediterranean Sea. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 87, 14-23. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gogou Alexandra, Sanchez-Vidal Anna, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Stavrakakis Spyros, Calafat Antoni M., Stabholz Marion, Psarra Stella, Canals Miguel, Heussner Serge, Stavrakaki Ioanna, Papathanassiou Evangelos (2014). Carbon flux to the deep in three open sites of the Southern European Seas (SES). Journal Of Marine Systems, 129, 224-233.

Heimburger Lars-Eric, Lavigne Heloise, Migon Christophe, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Estournel Claude, Coppola Laurent, Miquel Juan-Carlos (2013). Temporal variability of vertical export flux at the DYFAMED time-series station (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Progress In Oceanography, 119, 59-67.

Salvado Joan A., Grimalt Joan O., Lopez Jordi F., Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Pasqual Catalina, Canals Miquel (2013). Distribution of organochlorine compounds in superficial sediments from the Gulf of Lion, northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Progress In Oceanography, 118, 235-248.

Tamburini Christian, Canals Miquel, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Houpert Loic, Lefevre Dominique, Martini Séverine, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Robert Anne, Testor Pierre, Aguilar Juan Antonio, Al Samarai Imen, Albert Arnaud, Andre Michel, Anghinolfi Marco, Anton Gisela, Anvar Shebli, Ardid Miguel, Assis Jesus Ana Carolina, Astraatmadja Tri L., Aubert Jean-Jacques, Baret Bruny, Basa Stephane, Bertin Vincent, Biagi Simone, Bigi Armando, Bigongiari Ciro, Bogazzi Claudio, Bou-Cabo Manuel, Bouhou Boutayeb, Bouwhuis Mieke C., Brunner Jurgen, Busto Jose, Camarena Francisco, Capone Antonio, Carloganu Christina, Carminati Giada, Carr John, Cecchini Stefano, Charif Ziad, Charvis Philippe, Chiarusi Tommaso, Circella Marco, Coniglione Rosa, Costantini Heide, Coyle Paschal, Curtil Christian, Decowski Patrick, Dekeyser Ivan, Deschamps Anne, Donzaud Corinne, Dornic Damien, Dorosti Hasankiadeh Q., Drouhin Doriane, Eberl Thomas, Emanuele Umberto, Ernenwein Jean-Pierre, Escoffier Stephanie, Fermani Paolo, Ferri Marcelino, Flaminio Vincenzo, Folger Florian, Fritsch Ulf, Fuda Jean-Luc, Galata Salvatore, Gay Pascal, Giacomelli Giorgio, Giordano Valentina, Gomez-Gonzalez Juan-Pablo, Graf Kay, Guillard Goulven, Halladjian Garadeb, Hallewell Gregory, Van Haren Hans, Hartman Joris, Heijboer Aart J., Hello Yann, Hernandez-Rey Juan Jose, Herold Bjoern, Hossl Jurgen, Hsu Ching-Cheng, de Jong Marteen, Kadler Matthias, Kalekin Oleg, Kappes Alexander, Katz Uli, Kavatsyuk Oksana, Kooijman Paul, Kopper Claudio, Kouchner Antoine, Kreykenbohm Ingo, Kulikovskiy Vladimir, Lahmann Robert, Lamare Patrick, Larosa Giuseppina, Lattuada Dario, Lim Gordon, Lo Presti Domenico, Loehner Herbert, Loucatos Sotiris, Mangano Salvatore, Marcelin Michel, Margiotta Annarita, Martinez-Mora Juan Antonio, Meli Athina, Montaruli Teresa, Moscoso Luciano, Motz Holger, Neff Max, Nezri Emmanuel, Palioselitis Dimitris, Pavalas Gabriela E., Payet Kevin, Payre Patrice, Petrovic Jelena, Piattelli Paolo, Picot-Clemente Nicolas, Popa Vlad, Pradier Thierry, Presani Eleonora, Racca Chantal, Reed Corey, Riccobene Giorgio, Richardt Carsten, Richter Roland, Riviere Colas, Roensch Kathrin, Rostovtsev Andrei, Ruiz-Rivas Joaquin, Rujoiu Marius, Russo Valerio G., Salesa Francisco, Sanchez-Losa Augustin, Sapienza Piera, Schock Friederike, Schuller Jean-Pierre, Schussler Fabian, Shanidze Rezo, Simeone Francesco, Spies Andreas, Spurio Maurizio, Steijger Jos J. M., Stolarczyk Thierry, Taiuti Mauro G. F., Toscano Simona, Vallage Bertrand, Van Elewyck Veronique, Vannoni Giulia, Vecchi Manuela, Vernin Pascal, Wijnker Guus, Wilms Jorn, de Wolf Els, Yepes Harold, Zaborov Dmitry, Zornoza Juan De Dios, Zuniga Juan (2013). Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface. Plos One, 8(7), 1-10. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lavigne Heloise, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Migon Christophe, Claustre Herve, Testor Pierre, Ribera D'Alcala Maurizio, Lavezza Rosario, Houpert Loic, Prieur Louis (2013). Enhancing the comprehension of mixed layer depth control on the Mediterranean phytoplankton phenology. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(7), 3416-3430.

Puig Pere, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Salat Jordi, Schroeder Katrin, Martin Jacobo, Karageorgis Aristomenis, Palanques Albert, Roullier Francois, Luis Lopez-Jurado Jose, Emelianov Mikhail, Moutin Thierry, Houpert Loic (2013). Thick bottom nepheloid layers in the western Mediterranean generated by deep dense shelf water cascading. Progress In Oceanography, 111, 1-23.

Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Houpert L., Puig P., Sanchez-Vidal A., Testor Pierre, Bosse A., Estournel Claude, Somot S., Bourrin F., Bouin M. N., Beauverger M., Beguery L., Calafat A., Canals M., Cassou Christophe, Coppola Laurent, Dausse D., D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Font J., Heussner S., Kunesch S., Lefevre D., Le Goff H., Martin J., Mortier L., Palanques A., Raimbault Patrick (2013). Interaction of dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(7), 1379-1385.

Stabholz M., Durrieu De Madron X., Canals M., Khripounoff AlexisORCID, Taupier-Letage IsabelleORCID, Testor Pierre, Heussner S., Kerherve P., Delsaut N., Houpert Loic, Lastras G., Dennielou BernardORCID (2013). Impact of open-ocean convection on particle fluxes and sediment dynamics in the deep margin of the Gulf of Lions. Biogeosciences, 10(2), 1097-1116. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Schroeder K., Millot C., Bengara L., Ben Ismail Sana, Bensi Manuel, Borghini M., Budillon G., Cardin Vanessa, Coppola Laurent, Curtil Colin, Drago Aldo, El Moumni B., Font J., Fuda Jean-Luc, Garcia-Lafuente J., Gasparini G. P., Kontoyiannis H., Lefevre D., Puig P., Raimbault Patrick, Rougier Gilles, Salat J., Sammari Cherif, Sanchez Garrido J. C., Sanchez-Roman A., Sparnocchia Stefania, Tamburini C., Taupier-Letage IsabelleORCID, Theocharis A., Vargas-Yanez M., Vetrano Anna (2013). Long-term monitoring programme of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network. Ocean Science, 9(2), 301-324. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pusceddu A., Mea M., Canals M., Heussner S., Durrieu De Madron X., Sanchez-Vidal A., Bianchelli S., Corinaldesi C., Dell'Anno A., Thomsen L., Danovaro R. (2013). Major consequences of an intense dense shelf water cascading event on deep-sea benthic trophic conditions and meiofaunal biodiversity. Biogeosciences, 10(4), 2659-2670. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Palanques A., Puig P., Durrieu De Madron X., Sanchez-Vidal A., Pasqual C., Martin J., Calafat A., Heussner S., Canals M. (2012). Sediment transport to the deep canyons and open-slope of the western Gulf of Lions during the 2006 intense cascading and open-sea convection period. Progress In Oceanography, 106, 1-15.

Salvado Joan A., Grimalt Joan O., Lopez Jordi F., Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Heussner Serge, Canals Miquel (2012). Transformation of PBDE mixtures during sediment transport and resuspension in marine environments (Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea). Environmental Pollution, 168, 87-95.

Zunino P., Schroeder K., Vargas-Yanez M., Gasparini G. P., Coppola L., Garcia-Martinez M. C., Moya-Ruiz F. (2012). Effects of the Western Mediterranean Transition on the resident water masses: Pure warming, pure freshening and pure heaving. Journal Of Marine Systems, 96-97, 15-23.

Roussiez Vincent, Heussner Serge, Ludwig Wolfgang, Radakovitch Olivier, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Guieu Cecile, Probst Jean-Luc, Monaco Andre, Delsaut Nicole (2012). Impact of oceanic floods on particulate metal inputs to coastal and deep-sea environments: A case study in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 45, 15-26.

Thesis using campaign data

Mayot Nicolas (2016). La saisonnalité du phytoplancton en Mer Méditerranée / The phytoplankton seasonality in the Mediterranean Sea. PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.