Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 27/06/2012 - 07/08/2012
Chief scientist(s) ELDIN Gérard


14 avenue Edouard Belin

31400 Toulouse

+33 (0)5 61 33 47 13

DOI 10.17600/12010050

Studying circulation and water bodies in the South-West Pacific and the Solomon Sea in particular. The approach combined physical and geochemical measurements. For the survey: hydrological and geochemical stations, continuous SADCP current profiles and 11 moorings deployed in the Solomon Sea and its straits to the north. The related project is LEFE Solwara, ANR Solwara.

Published data

Metzl Nicolas, Fin Jonathan, Lo Monaco Claire, Mignon Claude, Alliouane Samir, Bombled Bruno, Boutin Jacqueline, Bozec Yann, Comeau Steeve, Conan Pascal, Coppola Laurent, Cuet Pascale, Ferreira Eva, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Gazeau Frédéric, Goyet Catherine, Grossteffan Emilie, Lansard Bruno, Lefèvre Dominique, Lefèvre Nathalie, Leseurre Coraline, Lombard Fabien, Petton Sébastien, Pujo-Pay Mireille, Rabouille Christophe, Reverdin Gilles, Ridame Céline, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Ternon Jean-François, Touratier Franck, Tribollet Aline, Wagener Thibaut, Wimart-Rousseau Cathy (2024). An updated synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2023: the SNAPO-CO2-v2 dataset.

Metzl Nicolas, Fin Jonathan, Lo Monaco Claire, Mignon Claude, Alliouane Samir, Antoine David, Bourdin Guillaume, Boutin Jacqueline, Bozec Yann, Conan Pascal, Coppola Laurent, Douville Eric, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Gazeau Frédéric, Golbol  Melek, Lansard Bruno, Lefèvre Dominique, Lefèvre Nathalie, Lombard Fabien, Louanchi Férial, Merlivat Liliane, Olivier Léa, Petrenko Anne, Petton Sébastien, Pujo-Pay Mireille, Rabouille Christophe, Reverdin Gilles, Ridame Céline, Tribollet Aline, Vellucci Vincenzo, Wagener Thibaut, Wimart-Rousseau Cathy (2023). A synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2022: the SNAPO-CO2-v1 dataset.

(2023) Isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water analyzed since 1990 at LOCEAN (DICisotopes).

Data managed by SISMER



Metzl Nicolas, Fin Jonathan, Lo Monaco Claire, Mignon Claude, Alliouane Samir, Antoine David, Bourdin Guillaume, Boutin Jacqueline, Bozec Yann, Conan Pascal, Coppola Laurent, Diaz Frédéric, Douville Eric, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Gazeau Frédéric, Golbol Melek, Lansard Bruno, Lefèvre Dominique, Lefèvre Nathalie, Lombard Fabien, Louanchi Férial, Merlivat Liliane, Olivier Léa, Petrenko Anne, Petton SébastienORCID, Pujo-Pay Mireille, Rabouille Christophe, Reverdin Gilles, Ridame Céline, Tribollet Aline, Vellucci Vincenzo, Wagener Thibaut, Wimart-Rousseau Cathy (2024). A synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2022: the SNAPO-CO2-v1 dataset. Earth System Science Data, 16(1), 89-120. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Verwega Maria-Theresia, Somes Christopher J, Scharlau Markus, Tuerena Robyn E, Lorrain Anne, Oschlies Andreas, Slawig Thomas (2021). Description of a global marine particulate organic carbon-13 isotope data set. Earth System Science Data, 13(10), 4861-4880. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Germineaud C., Cravatte S., Sprintall J., Alberty M.S., Grenier M., Ganachaud A. (2021). Deep pacific circulation: New insights on pathways through the Solomon Sea. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 171, 103510 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pham V.Q., Grenier M., Cravatte S., Michael S., Jacquet S., Belhadj M., Nachez Y., Germineaud C., Jeandel C. (2019). Dissolved rare earth elements distribution in the Solomon Sea. Chemical Geology, 524, 11-36. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dutheil Cyril, Aumont Olivier, Gorgues Thomas, Lorrain Anne, Bonnet Sophie, Rodier Martine, Dupouy Cecile, Shiozaki Takuhei, Menkes Christophe (2018). Modelling N2 fixation related to Trichodesmium sp.: driving processes and impacts on primary production in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences, 15(14), 4333-4352. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cravatte S., Kestenare Elodie, Marin Frederic, Dutrieux Pierre, Firing Eric (2017). Subthermocline and Intermediate Zonal Currents in the Tropical Pacific Ocean: paths and vertical structure. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 47(9), 2305-2324.

Ganachaud Alexandre, Cravatte Sophie, Sprintall Janet, Germineaud Cyril, Alberty Marion, Jeandel Catherine, Eldin Gerard, Metzl Nicolas, Bonnet Sophie, Benavides Mar, Heimburger Lars-Eric, Lefevre Jerome, Michael Susanna, Resing Joseph, Queroue Fabien, Sarthou Geraldine, Rodier Martine, Berthelot Hugo, Baurand Francois, Grelet Jacques, Hasegawa Takuya, Kessler William, Kilepak Moyep, Lacan Francois, Privat Emilien, Send Uwe, Van Beek Pieter, Souhaut Marc, Sonke Jeroen E. (2017). The Solomon Sea: its circulation, chemistry, geochemistry and biology explored during two oceanographic cruises. Elementa-science Of The Anthropocene, 5(33), 1-27. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Houssard Patrick, Lorrain Anne, Tremblay-Boyer Laura, Allain Valerie, Graham Brittany S., Menkes Christophe E., Pethybridge Heidi, Couturier Lydie I. E., Point David, Leroy Bruno, Receveur Aurore, Hunt Brian P. V., Vourey Elodie, Bonnet Sophie, Rodier Martine, Raimbault Patrick, Feunteun Eric, Kuhnert Petra M., Munaron Jean-Marie, Lebreton Benoit, Otake Tsuguo, Letourneur Yves (2017). Trophic position increases with thermocline depth in yellowfin and bigeye tuna across the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Progress In Oceanography, 154, 49-63.

Alberty M. S., Sprintall J., Mackinnon J., Ganachaud A., Cravatte S., Eldin G., Germineaud C., Melet A. (2017). Spatial patterns of mixing in the Solomon Sea. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 122(5), 4021-4039. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bonnet Sophie, Caffin Mathieu, Berthelot Hugo, Moutin Thierry (2017). Hot spot of N 2 fixation in the western tropical South Pacific pleads for a spatial decoupling between N 2 fixation and denitrification. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 114(14), E2800-E2801.

Germineaud Cyril, Ganachaud Alexandre, Sprintall Janet, Cravatte Sophie, Eldin Gerard, Alberty Marion S., Privat Emilien (2016). Pathways and Water Mass Properties of the Thermocline and Intermediate Waters in the Solomon Sea. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 46(10), 3031-3049.

Lefevre Jerome, Menkes Christophe, Bani Philipson, Marchesiello Patrick, Curci Gabriele, Grell Georg A., Frouin Robert (2016). Distribution of sulfur aerosol precursors in the SPCZ released by continuous volcanic degassing at Ambrym, Vanuatu. Journal Of Volcanology And Geothermal Research, 322, 76-104.

Grand Maxime M., Chocholous Petr, Ruzicka Jarda, Solich Petr, Measures Christopher I. (2016). Determination of trace zinc in seawater by coupling solid phase extraction and fluorescence detection in the Lab-On-Valve format. Analytica Chimica Acta, 923, 45-54. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bonnet Sophie, Rodier Martine, Turk-Kubo Kendra A., Germineaud Cyril, Menkes Christophe, Ganachaud Alexandre, Cravatte Sophie, Raimbault Patrick, Campbell Ellen, Queroue Fabien, Sarthou Geraldine, Desnues Anne, Maes Christophe, Eldin Gerard (2015). Contrasted geographical distribution of N2 fixation rates and nifH phylotypes in the Coral and Solomon Seas (southwestern Pacific) during austral winter conditions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(11), 1874-1892.

Cravatte Sophie, Kestenare Elodie, Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Lefevre Jerome, Marin Frederic, Menkes Christophe, Aucan Jerome (2015). Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 249-271.

Djath Bughsin', Verron Jacques, Melet Angelique, Gourdeau Lionel, Barnier Bernard, Molines Jean-Marc (2014). Multiscale dynamical analysis of a high-resolution numerical model simulation of the Solomon Sea circulation. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 119(9), 6286-6304.

Grenier Melanie, Jeandel Catherine, Lacan Francois, Vance Derek, Venchiarutti Celia, Cros Alexandre, Cravatte Sophie (2013). From the subtropics to the central equatorial Pacific Ocean: Neodymium isotopic composition and rare earth element concentration variations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(2), 592-618.

Ceccarelli Daniela M., McKinnon A. David, Andrefouet Serge, Allain Valerie, Young Jock, Gledhill Daniel C., Flynn Adrian, Bax Nicholas J., Beaman Robin, Borsa Philippe, Brinkman Richard, Bustamante Rodrigo H., Campbell Robert, Cappo Mike, Cravatte Sophie, D'Agata Stephanie, Dichmont Catherine M., Dunstan Piers K., Dupouy Cecile, Edgar Graham, Farman Richard, Furnas Miles, Garrigue Claire, Hutton Trevor, Kulbicki Michel, Letourneur Yves, Lindsay Dhugal, Menkes Christophe, Mouillot David, Parravicini Valeriano, Payri Claude, Pelletier Bernard, de Forges Bertrand Richer, Ridgway Ken, Rodier Martine, Samadi Sarah, Schoeman David, Skewes Tim, Swearer Steven, Vigliola Laurent, Wantiez Laurent, Williams Alan, Williams Ashley, Richardson Anthony J. (2013). The Coral Sea: Physical Environment, Ecosystem Status and Biodiversity Assets. Advances In Marine Biology, 66(Chap.4), 213-290.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Cravatte Sophie, Jeandel Catherine (2013). Pandora cruise provides an unprecedented description of the Solomon Sea. CLIVAR Exchanges, 18(1. n°61), 24-25.

References of International Seminar Communications

Alberty, M., J. Sprintall, J. MacKinnon, A. Ganachaud, S. Cravatte, & C. Germineaud: Spatial Patterns of Mixing in the Solomon Sea (plenary talk), Solomon Sea Oceanography Workshop, 3-5 mai 2017, Toulouse, France.

Michael S. et al., 2017, Using Aluminum and Manganese to constrain the contribution of the Solomon Sea to the Equatorial Undercurrent trace metal pool, Goldschmidt Conference, 13-18 août 2017, Paris, France.

Pham V., et al, 2017, Land-ocean processes traced by Rare Earth Elements in the Solomon Seas (Pandora, GEOTRACES cruise GP#12), Goldschmidt Conference, 13-18 août 2017, Paris, France.

Pham V., et al, 2017, Land-ocean processes traced by Rare Earth Elements in the Solomon Seas, Solomon Sea Oceanography Workshop, 02-03 3-5 Mai 2017, Toulouse, France.

Alberty, M., J. Sprintall, J. MacKinnon, A. Ganachaud, S. Cravatte, & C. Germineaud, Preliminary Observation of AAIW in the Solomon Sea (poster), AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 22-25 février 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Ganachaud A. et al., 2016, Southwest Pacific ocean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE), scientific advances and future west Pacific coordination, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 22-25 février 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Germinaud C. et al., 2016, Circulation and water mass properties in the Solomon Sea, from two oceanographic cruises, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 22-25 février 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Michael S., et al., 2016, Aluminum and Manganese Distributions in the Solomon Sea: Results from the 2012 PANDORA Cruise, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 22-25 février 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Alberty, M. S., J. Sprintall, J. MacKinnon, 2015. Observed Spatial Patterns of Mixing in the Solomon Sea, IUGG/IAPSO General Assembly, 22-30 juin 2015, Prague, Rep. Tcheque.

Alberty, M., J. Sprintall & J. MacKinnon: Water Mass Modification through Mixing in the Solomon Sea (poster), European Geosciences Union, 12-17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Cravatte S. et al., 2015, Influence of mesoscale eddies on oceanic circulation around islands : the case study of New Caledonia, 11th ICSHMO Conference, 6-9 octobre 2015, Santiago, Chili.

Ganachaud A. et al., 2015, The Southwest Pacific ocean circulation and climate experiment, 11th ICSHMO Conference, 6-9 octobre 2015, Santiago, Chili.

Germinaud C. et al., 2015, Thermocline and intermediate circulation in the Solomon sea, 11th ICSHMO Conference, 6-9 octobre 2015, Santiago, Chili.

Germineaud C., et al., 2015, Thermocline and Intermediate circulation in the southwest Pacific Low Latitude Western Boundary Currents, IUGG/IAPSO General Assembly, 22-30 juin 2015, Prague, Rep. Tcheque.

Pham V., et al, 2015, Rare Earth elements in the Coral and Solomon seas (Pandora-GEOTRACES), Goldschmidt Conference, 16-21 août 2015, Prague, Rep. Tchèque.

Alberty M., S. Sprintall and J. MacKinnon: Observing Internal Waves in the Solomon Sea, Nonlinear Effects in Internal Waves Conference, 9-12 juin 2014, Ithaca,NY, USA.

Alberty, M., J. Sprintall & J. MacKinnon: Spatial Patterns of Mixing in the Solomon Sea, International Meeting of Students in Physical Oceanography, Nov 2014, Ensenada, Mexico.

Heimburger L. et al, 2013: Marine methylmercury production and marine boundary exchange ? results of the 2012 GEOTRACES West Pacific PANDORA cruise, 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Edinburgh, 28/7 ? 2/8/2013, Scotland.

Heimburger, L. et al., 2013, Marine methylmercury production and marine boundary exchange ? results of the 2012 GEOTRACES West Pacific PANDORA cruise, 29th International Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Toulouse, 8-12 July 2013.

Point D. et al, 2013: Methylmercury Origin, Accumulation And Distribution In Tuna And Swordfish From The Southwestern Pacific Ocean, 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Edinburgh, 28/7 ? 2/8/2013, Scotland.

References of National Seminar Communications

Cravatte S., et al., 2014 , Solwara, oceanic circulation, geochemistry and water masses in the south-west tropical Pacific project overview, Colloque LEFE, 13-15 janvier 2014, Toulouse.

Ganachaud A. et al., 2014, Solwara, oceanography in the Solomon sea, Pandora cruise and SPICEMoor projects, Colloque LEFE, 13-15 janvier 2014, Toulouse.

Jeandel C., et al., 2014, Enrichissement de la langue d'eau froide du Pacifique équatorial (source et processus) et premier zoom sur la mer des Salomon (champagne Pandora), Colloque LEFE, 13-15 janvier 2014, Toulouse.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Susanna Michael, University of Washington, Master?s Thesis, "Aluminum and Manganese in the Solomon Sea: a source to the Equatorial Undercurrent ?", septembre 2017.

Quoc Viet Pham, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi/LEGOS, Master?s Thesis, « Tracing the land to ocean inputs : Focus on the Coral and Solomon seas », septembre 2015.

Emilien Privat, LEGOS, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Stage Master 2, « Circulation des eaux de thermocline de la Mer des Salomon lors de la campagne Pandora », juin 2013.

Thesis using campaign data

Quoc Viet Pham, LEGOS: Tracing from land to ocean input: Focus on the Coral and Solomon Sea, Université Paul Sabatier, soutenance prévue en 2020.

Marion Alberty, PhD University of California, SIO, ?Mixing and transports from in situ data in the Solomon Sea ?, soutenance prévue en 2018.

Cyril Germinaud, LEGOS, ? Ocean circulation and variability in the Solomon Sea?, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, décembre 2016.

Maxime Grand, PhD U. of Hawaii, ?Dissolved Fe and Al cycling in the Indian Ocean. From high-resolution shipboard sections to the prospect of miniaturized autonomous determinations?, décembre 2014.