Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 15/01/2012 - 19/02/2012
Chief scientist(s) MICHAUD François , PROUST Jean-Noël


250 rue Albert Einstein

CS 10269

Campus Azur

06905 Sophia-Antipolis

+33 (0)4 92 94 26 02

DOI 10.17600/12010010

There were three objectives to the ATACAMES cruise: 1) To analyze the Pleistocene tectonic-climatic records using seismic and sequential stratigraphy on the continental shelf and upper slope basins (depths between 100 and 1,000m). Using geophysical techniques (high resolution seismic reflection profiles + core sampling), the aim was to identify the geometry, seismic facies and distribution of sedimentary bodies to benchmark the stratigraphic successions of transgression and regression during the Pleistocene. This succession of sequences will be calibrated using the coring performed, comparison of global climatic-eustatic curves and correlations with emerged sequences. This chronostratigraphic benchmark will be the basis for determining the chronology of tectonic deformation of sedimentary bodies and reconstructing the morphological-structural evolution of the margin in the Pleistocene. 2) To analyze paleo-seismicity based on study of cores taken in the subduction trench. Climate-related events and high magnitude earthquakes cause slope instability which generates turbiditic deposits and debris flows. These catastrophic events are recorded in the stratigraphy of slope basins and of the marginal trench in subduction. These sedimentary recordings provide a unique opportunity to expand the local seismic catalogues for the prehistoric to Holocene period, thus supplying a broader basis for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. This will make it possible to document the return period, spatial distribution and magnitude of subduction earthquakes, as well as their potential impact on marine and coastal environments. 3) Adding these elements will enable us to date and understand how the fields of pockmarks in the carbonate sediment on the flanks of the Carnegie Ridge were formed.

Data managed by SISMER



Bulois Cédric, Saillard Marianne, Espurt Nicolas, Benítez Pedro Reyes, Michaud François, Barba Diego, Peuzin Andréa, Hernández Salazar María José, Schenini Laure, Régnier Marc, Ratzov Gueorgui (2023). Structural evolution of the southern Ecuadorian forearc in the Santa Elena Peninsula region. Journal Of South American Earth Sciences, 130, 104503 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bablon Mathilde, Ratzov Gueorgui, Nauret François, Samaniego Pablo, Michaud François, Saillard Marianne, Proust Jean‐noël, Le Pennec Jean‐luc, Collot Jean‐yves, Devidal Jean‐luc, Orange François, Liorzou Celine, Migeon Sebastien, Vallejo Silvia, Hidalgo Silvana, Mothes Patricia, Gonzalez Miguel (2022). Holocene marine tephra offshore Ecuador and Southern Colombia: First trench‐to‐arc correlations and implication for magnitude of major eruptions. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 23(9), e2022GC010466 (38p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Collot J‐y, Proust J‐n., Nocquet J‐m, Martillo C., Michaud F., Lebrun J‐f., Schenini L., Popescu S., Hernandez M‐j., Ratzov Gueorgui (2022). From long‐ to short‐term inter‐plate coupling at the subducted Carnegie Ridge crest, offshore Central Ecuador. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 127(8), e2022JB024192 (26p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Collot Jean-Yves, Ratzov Gueorgui, Silva P., Proust J.‐n., Migeon Sebastien, Hernandez M.‐j., Michaud F., Pazmino A., Barba Castillo D., Alvarado A., Khumara S. (2019). The Esmeraldas Canyon: a helpful marker of the Pliocene‐Pleistocene tectonic deformation of the north Ecuador southwest Colombia convergent margin. Tectonics, 38(8), 3140-3166. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Proust Jean Noel, Martillo Carlos, Michaud Francois, Collot Jean-Yves, Dauteuil Olivier (2016). Subduction of seafloor asperities revealed by a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the active margin shelf sediments of Central Ecuador. Marine Geology, 380, 345-362.

Michaud Francois, Proust Jean-Noel, Dano Alexandre, Collot Jean-Yves, Guiyeligou Grace Daniella, Hernandez Salazar Maria Jose, Ratzov Gueorgui, Martillo Carlos, Pouderoux Hugo, Schenini Laure, Lebrun Jean-Frederic, Loayza Glenda (2016). Flare-Shaped Acoustic Anomalies in the Water Column Along the Ecuadorian Margin: Relationship with Active Tectonics and Gas Hydrates. Pure And Applied Geophysics, 173(10-11), 3291-3303.

Michaud F., Proust J. N., Collot J.Y., Lebrun J. F., Witt C., Ratzov G., Pouderoux H., Martillo C., Hernandez M. J., Loayza G., Penafiel L., Schenini L., Dano A., Gonzalez M., Barba D., de Min L., Ponce G., Urresta A., Calderon M. (2015). Quaternary sedimentation and active faulting along the Ecuadorian shelf: preliminary results of the ATACAMES Cruise (2012). Marine Geophysical Research, 36(1), 81-98.

References of Technical Reports

The ATACAMES Cruise, Rapport de la campagne ATACAMES à bord du N/O Atalante, Michaud F, Proust JN et the ATACAMES team, 180 p.

References of International Seminar Communications

González M., Proust J-N., Michaud F., Pouderoux H., Ratzov G. , Dufeu C. , 2017, Nature and distribution of recent sediments in the trench of the subduction margin of Ecuador, VIII jornadas en Ciencias de la Tierra, Escuela Politecnica, Quito, 1p.

Martillo C., Proust J.N., Michaud F., Collot J.Y., Muthre M., and Loayza G., 2017, Stratigraphic record of the Atacames seamount subduction beneath the North- Ecuadorian margin, Subduction Interface Processes (SIP), Madrid, April 18-21, 2017. Hernandez Salazar M.-J., Michaud F., Collot J.-Y., Proust J.-N., 2017, Segmentación de la Plataforma continental Ecuatoriana (0°40'n - 2°20's), a partir de la Interpretación de Altimetría Satelital Y datos Mcs, VIII jornadas en Ciencias de la Tierra, Escuela Politecnica, Quito, 3 p.

Proust, J.N., Martillo C., Michaud F., Collot JY and Dauteuil O. 2017, Margin sedimentary record of active deformation due to the subduction of topographic asperities (Carnegie Ridge, Manta-Plata area, Central Ecuador), VIII jornadas en Ciencias de la Tierra, Escuela Politecnica, Quito, 1p.

Gonzales M., Proust J.-N., Michaud F., Pouderoux H. et Ratzov G., Nature and Architecture of the Sedimentary Deposits in the Trench of the Ecuadorian Subduction Margin, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 18, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, April 17?22 , Vienne (Autriche), 2016.

Proust, J.N., Martillo C., Michaud F., Collot JY and Dauteuil O., 2015, Margin sedimentary record of active deformation due to the subduction of topographic asperities (Carnegie Ridge, Manta Plata area, Central Ecuador. 2015. 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Kraków-Poland.

Hernandez Salazar M.-J., Michaud F., Collot J.-Y., Proust J.-N., Ortega R. et Aleman A., The Neogene Forearc Basins of the Ecuadorian Shelf (1°N-2°20'S): Preliminary Interpretation of a Dense Grid of Mcs Data, American Geophysical Union (AGU), n°T11C-4578, AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, San Francisco (USA), 2014.

Michaud, F., Proust JN, Collot J-Y, Barba D., Calderon M., Dano A., De Min L., Gonzalez M., Hernandez Salazar M.J., Lebrun J-F, Loayza G., Martillo C., Penafiel L., Ponce G., Pouderoux H., Ratzov, G., Schenini L., Urresta A., Witt C., 2013, Sediments distribution and tectonic faults (Ecuadorian shelf): preliminary results of the ATACAMES Cruise (2012), Eos Trans. AGU, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23B-06.

References of National Seminar Communications

Dufeu C., Proust J.-N., Gonzales M., Pouderoux H. et Michaud F., Impact de la subduction de monts sous-marins sur l?érosion tectonique et la sédimentation des marges actives. Exemple de la marge en subduction d?Equateur, 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST 2016), vol. Livre des résumés, pp. 106, Caen (France), Octobre, 2016.

Gonzales M., Proust J.-N., Michaud F., Ratzov G. et Dufeu C., Nature and distribution of recent sediments in the trench of the subduction margin of Ecuador, 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST 2016), vol. Livre des résumés, pp. 144, Caen (France), Octobre, 2016.

Martillo C., Proust J.-N., Michaud F. et Collot J.-Y., Impact of the subduction of the Carnegie Ridge on the ecuadorian shelf and slope basins during the last 1MA, ASF 2015, Association des Sédimentologistes Français. 15ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Chambéry (France), 13-15 octobre, 2015.

Proust J.-N., Martillo C., Michaud F., Collot J.-Y. et Dauteuil O., Enregistrement de la subduction d'aspérités sur la Marge active de l?Équateur, ASF 2015, Association des Sédimentologistes Français. 15ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Chambéry (France), 13-15 octobre, 2015.

Loayza Toro Gl., Proust JN, Michaud F, Collot JY (2013). Evolution pléistocene du système de canyons du Golfe de Guayaquil (Equateur). Contrôles paléo-climatique et tectonique. 14e Congrès ASF, 5-7 Novembre, Paris.

Martillo C, Proust JN, Michaud F, Collot JY (2013). Pleistocene stratigraphic signature of active deformation laong the Central Ecuadorian subduction margin. 14e Congrès ASF, , 5-7 Novembre, Paris.

Michaud F., Ratzov G., Khaoulani A., Stoll Y., Proust J.-N., Dano A. et Collot J.-Y., Contrôles de la formation d'un mega-karst sous-marin (Flans de la Ride de Carnégie, océan Pacifique) : analyse préliminaire de données de géophysique marine (sismique THR, chirp et bathymétrie multifaisceaux ; campagne ATACAMES 2012), ASF 2015, Association des Sédimentologistes Français. 15ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Chambéry (France), 13-15 octobre, 2015.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

2016 : Dufeu Camille, Géosciences-Rennes, M2 L'érosion frontale des marges en subduction (Nature, Echelles) : le cas de la marge Equatorienne, 35p.

2014 : Durand Matthieu, Géosciences-Rennes, M2 La sédimentation marine profonde post-glaciaire (< 22 ka) sur la marge équatorienne en subduction Caractérisation des différents processus sédimentaires et apport des foraminifères benthiques à la détermination de l'origine spatiale des dépôts, 35 p.

2014 : Hernandez Maria José, Géoazur, M2 : Structures de la plateforme continentale de la marge d'Équateur à partir de l'interprétation de sismique pétrolière. Interaction plaque plongeante/plaque chevauchante et segmentation de la marge. 35 p.

2013 : Loayza Glenda, Géoazur, M2 Evolution Pléistocène du Système de canyons du Golfe de Guayaquil (Équateur) Contrôles paléo-climatiques et tectoniques, 35p.

2012 : Penafiel Lilia, Géosciences-Rennes/Géoazur M2, Calibration géologique et calage chronostratigraphique des données sismiques de la campagne Atacames dans le secteur de la Péninsule de Manta : Implications sur la chronologie de la déformation du plateau continental. 35p.

Thesis using campaign data

Gonzalez Miguel (2018). Nature et origine des dépôts sédimentaires de la fosse de subduction d’Equateur : implications paléosismologiques / Nature and origin of sedimentary deposits in the Ecuador subduction trench : paleoseismological implications. PhD Thesis, Université de Rennes.

2016-2020 : Hernandez Maria José, Géoazur, Thése en cours. Evolution des bassins avant arc de l'Equateur : analyse des profils sismiques offshore/onshore et calibration par les données de puits et de terrain. Contrôle thermo-chronologique de l'exhumation et du développement des pièges structuraux associés à l'inversion des bassins.

2014-2017 : Gonzalez Miguel, Géosciences Rennes, Thèse en cours. Recent sedimentary deposit in the Ecuadorian trench: implications for paleoseismic sedimentary record : exploitation des données de la campagne ATACAMES.

2012-2016 : Martillo Carlos: Géoazur/Géosciences Rennes Enregistrements stratigraphiques des cycles glacio- eustatiques et de la déformation durant le Pleistocène le long de la marge centrale d?Équateur (exploitation des données de la campagne ATACAMES) 233p. Thèse soutenue le 11 Mai 2016