Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 01/05/2001 - 18/06/2001
Chief scientist(s) BASSINOT Franck ORCID


Orme des Merisiers

Bâtiment 714

Chemin de Saint Aubin - RD 128

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

+33(0)1 69 08 77 11

DOI 10.17600/1200040
Objective Better constraining variability of the Warm Pool reservoir in the West Pacific during the last climate cycles; studying the trends in heat transfers from the equator to middle and high latitudes via the main West Pacific currents (Kuroshio); constraining the trends in heat and salt exchange between the Pacific and Indian Oceans via the Indonesian archipelago during glacioeustatic changes; Analyzing the action of all the above-cited factors in the changes in the Asian Monsoon; studying the formation and the variation of intermediate deep waters in the West Pacific and its marginal seas (Sea of Japan, Sulu Sea, South China Sea, Sea of Okhotsk) in response to global changes in oceanic circulation and in the climate. The core sample sites complemented the sedimentary series collected during the IMAGES III (97) and IMAGES IV (98) cruises and during the recent leg of the ODP 184 cruise. The area covered by the cruise included the Indian Ocean, the Indonesian Archipelago, Halmahera Sea, South-West Pacific, Sea of Japan, Sulu Sea, South China Sea, East China Sea, North-West Pacific, and the Sea of Okhotsk.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations



Wang Feng, Huang Tuqin, Wang Zhongbo, Zhang Weiguo, Qiao Pengyu, Tang Haiyan, Mei Xi, Yin Ping, Lai Zhongping (2025). Magnetic evidence of redox transition event in the Okinawa Trough during the early-middle Holocene and its links to the Kuroshio Current evolution. Global and Planetary Change, 245, 104699 (11p.).

Ossandón Álvaro, Gual Javier, Rajagopalan Balaji, Kleiber William, Marchitto Thomas (2024). Spatial and Temporal Bayesian Hierarchical Model Over Large Domains With Application to Holocene Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Equatorial Pacific. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 39(12), e2024PA004844 (26p.).

Yang Yiping, Zhang Lanlan, Yi Liang, Zhong Fuchang, Lu Zhengyao, Wan Sui, Du Yan, Xiang Rong (2024). Reply to: Dynamics of the intertropical convergence zone during the early Heinrich Stadial 1. Nature Communications, 15(1), 9754 (4p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gallagher Stephen J., Korasidis Vera A., Auer Gerald, de Vleeschouwer David, Groeneveld Jeroen, Christensen Beth (2024). Cenozoic history of the Australian Monsoon. Progress In Earth And Planetary Science, 11(1), 60 (32p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lu Fuzhi, Mohtadi Mahyar, Pausata Francesco S. R. (2024). Dynamics of the intertropical convergence zone during the early Heinrich Stadial 1. Nature Communications, 15(1), 9753 (4p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jiang Shiwei, Zhou Xin, Kok Jasper F., Lin Qifan, Liu Yonggang, Zhan Tao, Shen Yanan, Li Zhibo, Liu Xuanqiao, Chen Anze, Wang Luo, Chen Wen, Smol John P., Guo Zhengtang (2024). Enhanced global dust counteracted greenhouse warming during the mid- to late-Holocene. Earth-science Reviews, 258, 104937 (10p.).

Zhang Peng, Xu Jian, Holbourn Ann, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Pei Renjie, Xiong Zhifang, Li Tiegang (2024). Precession‐Driven Variations in the Indonesian Throughflow Thermocline and Its Implications on the Agulhas Leakage. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(19), e2024GL110520 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zelenin Egor, Garipova Sofia, Ponomareva Vera, Portnyagin Maxim, Dolgaya Anna (2024). Temporal characteristics of a 6.2 Ma-long ash-fall history in the NW Pacific. Journal Of Volcanology And Geothermal Research, 453, 108141 (11p.).

Dauchy-Tric Louise, Carlut Julie, Bassinot Franck, Valet Jean-Pierre (2024). High-resolution relative paleointensities over the last 40 ka from marine sediments in the western equatorial pacific: Magnetic events and interhemispheric correlation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 337, 108800 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Parish Meredith, Russell James, Konecky Bronwen, Du Xiaojing, He Chengfei, Bijaksana Satria, Vogel Hendrik (2024). Changes in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate and vegetation during the last deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 336, 108755 (19p.).

Tang Xiaojie, Yu Zhaojie, Lu Zhengyao, Song Lina, Song Zehua, Colin Christophe, Siani Giuseppe, Kang Xiaoying, Chang Fengming, Bassinot Franck, Wan Shiming (2024). Orbital hydroclimate variability revealed by grain-size evidence in the tropical Pacific Islands since 140 ka. Global And Planetary Change, 236, 104429 (14p.).

Li Dongling, Wu Yanjuan, Seidenkrantz Marit-Solveig, de Vernal Anne, Hu Bangqi, Song Bing, Jiang Hui, Sha Longbin (2024). Contrasted changes of sea-surface salinity in the southern and northern Okinawa Trough since the mid-Holocene. Global And Planetary Change, 235, 104399 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yu Zhaojie, Ruan Jiaoyang, Song Lina, Yun Kyung-Sook, Tang Xiaojie, Colin Christophe, Wilson David J., Dang Haowen, Dinezio Pedro N., Chang Fengming, Pang Xiaolei, Bassinot Franck, Wan Shiming (2024). Late Pleistocene island weathering and precipitation in the Western Pacific Warm Pool. Npj Climate And Atmospheric Science, 7(1), 91 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Huang Yi, Colin Christophe, Liu Zhifei, Joffrey Bertaz, Dapoigny Arnaud, Douville Eric, Yu Zhaojie, Lin Andrew Tien-Shun (2024). Roles of changes in land weathering intensity in the Nd cycle of the South China Sea during the past 30 kyr as inferred from neodymium isotopic composition in foraminifera. Chemical Geology, 648, 121954 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ponomareva V. V., Portnyagin M. V., Bubenshchikova N. V., Zelenin E. A., Derkachev A. N., Jicha B., Gorbarenko S. A., Cook E., Garbe‐schönberg D., Hoernle K. (2023). A 6.2 Ma‐Long Record of Major Explosive Eruptions From the NW Pacific Volcanic Arcs Based on the Offshore Tephra Sequences on the Northern Tip of the Emperor Seamount Chain. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 24(12), e2023GC011126 (39p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yu Pai-Sen, Chen Ting-Ting (2023). An integrated, non-destructive method for evaluating core quality from R/V Legend’s giant piston coring system (LGD-GPC). Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences, 34(17), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Govindankutty Menon Anjaly, Davis Catherine V., Nürnberg Dirk, Nomaki Hidetaka, Salonen Iines, Schmiedl Gerhard, Glock Nicolaas (2023). A deep-learning automated image recognition method for measuring pore patterns in closely related bolivinids and calibration for quantitative nitrate paleo-reconstructions. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 19628 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Todd Victoria, Shanahan Timothy, Dinezio Pedro, Klavans Jeremy, Fawcett Peter, Anderson R. Scott, Jimenez-Moreno Gonzalo, Legrande Allegra, Pausata Francesco, Thompson Alex, Zhu Jiang. North Pacific response to hemispheric warming forces Holocene drought. Under Review at Nature Portfolio IN PRESS. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Sousa Gurjão Carlos Diego, Justino Flávio, Pires Gabrielle, Senna Mônica, Lindemann Douglas, Rodrigues Jackson (2023). Southern Hemisphere Monsoonal System during Superinterglacial Stages: MIS5e, MIS11c and MIS31. Climate Dynamics, 61(3-4), 1867-1885. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yang Yiping, Zhang Lanlan, Yi Liang, Zhong Fuchang, Lu Zhengyao, Wan Sui, Du Yan, Xiang Rong (2023). A contracting Intertropical Convergence Zone during the Early Heinrich Stadial 1. Nature Communications, 14(1), 4695 (8p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zhang Shuai, Li Tiegang, Yu Zhoufei, Chang Fengming, Gu Sifan, Xiong Zhifang, Liu Heng, Qian Fang, Zhang Junru, Cheng Xuhua, Li Baohua (2023). Abrupt warming of the equatorial intermediate Pacific during Heinrich Stadial 1. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 622, 111600 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Parish M. C., Du X., Bijaksana S., Russell J. M. (2023). A brGDGT‐based reconstruction of terrestrial temperature from the Maritime Continent spanning the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 38(3), e2022PA004501 (17p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bagniewski Witold, Rousseau Denis-Didier, Ghil Michael (2023). The PaleoJump database for abrupt transitions in past climates. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4472 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yu Jinyong, Li Li, Zhang Xinkang, He Juan, Jia Guodong, Kuhnt Wolfgang (2023). Mangrove sediment erosion in the Sunda Shelf during meltwater pulses: Insights from biomarker records. Organic Geochemistry, 175, 104542 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jian Zhimin, Wang Yue, Dang Haowen, Mohtadi Mahyar, Rosenthal Yair, Lea David W., Liu Zhongfang, Jin Haiyan, Ye Liming, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Wang Xingxing (2022). Warm pool ocean heat content regulates ocean–continent moisture transport. Nature, 612(7938), 92-99.

Vasilenko Lidiya Nikolaevna (2022). Radiolarian data from the submarine Vityaz Ridge, Northwest Pacific, for biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic reconstructions. Data In Brief, 42, 108092 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tang Xiaojie, Yu Zhaojie, Wan Shiming (2022). Spatial and temporal precipitation variability in the Indo-Pacific region during the Late Quaternary. Quaternary sciences, 42(4), 991-1009.

Nugroho Septriono Hari, Zaim Yahdi, Yulianto Eko, Rizal Yan, Kurniasih Anis, Putra Purna Sulastya, Adi Wibowo Singgih Prasetyo, Amar Amar (2021). A Preliminary Study In Vertical Distribution Of Planktonic Foraminifera And Marine Ecological Conditions Of Simeulue Sub-Basin, Aceh, Indonesia. Bulletin Of The Geological Society Of Malaysia, 72, 137-149. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jiwarungrueangkul Thanakorn, Liu Zhifei (2021). East Asian monsoon and sea-level controls on clay mineral variations in the southern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International, 592, 1-11.

Zou Jianjun, Chang Yuan-Pin, Zhu Aimei, Chen Min-Te, Kandasamy Selvaraj, Yang Hu, Cui Jinjin, Yu Pai-Sen, Shi Xuefa (2021). Sedimentary mercury and antimony revealed orbital-scale dynamics of the Kuroshio Current. Quaternary Science Reviews, 265, 107051 (15p.).

Matsu’ura Tabito, Ikehara Minoru, Ueno Tatsuyuki (2021). Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy and cryptotephrostratigraphy of core MD012422: Improving marine tephrostratigraphy of the NW Pacific. Quaternary Science Reviews, 257, 106808 (27p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Stott Lowell D, Shao Jun, Yu Jimin, Harazin Kathleen M (2021). Evaluating the glacial-deglacial carbon respiration and ventilation change hypothesis as a mechanism for changing atmospheric CO2. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(3), e2020GL091296 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bengtson Shannon A., Menviel Laurie C., Meissner Katrin J., Missiaen Lise, Peterson Carlye D., Lisiecki Lorraine E., Joos Fortunat (2021). Lower oceanic δ13C during the last interglacial period compared to the Holocene. Climate Of The Past, 17(1), 507-528. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Shuttleworth R., Bostock H.C., Chalk T.B., Calvo E., Jaccard S.L., Pelejero C., Martínez-García A., Foster G.L. (2021). Early deglacial CO2 release from the Sub-Antarctic Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 554, 116649 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Nuber Sophie, Rae James, Andersen Morten, Zhang Xu, de Boer Bas, Dumont Matthew, Sun Yuchen, Mithan Huw, Hall Ian, Barker Stephen (2021). Sea Level controls on Agulhas Leakage Salinity and the Atlantic Overturning Circulation. Research Square, (Version 1), 12p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bard Edouard, Heaton Timothy J (2021). On the tuning of plateaus in atmospheric and oceanic 14C records to derive calendar chronologies of deep-sea cores and records of 14C marine reservoir age changes. Climate of the Past, 17(4), 1701-1725. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gorbarenko Sergey A., Shi Xuefa, Liu Yanguang, Zou Jianjun, Psheneva Olga Yu., Bosin Aleksandr A., Kirichenko Ivan S., Artemova Antonina V., Yanchenko Elena A., Vasilenko Yuriy P. (2020). Evidence of Southern Ocean influence into the far Northwest Pacific (Northern Emperor Rise) since the Bølling–Allerød warming. Global And Planetary Change, 195, 103315 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sarnthein Michael, Küssner Kevin, Grootes Pieter M., Ausin Blanca, Eglinton Timothy, Muglia Juan, Muscheler Raimund, Schlolaut Gordon (2020). Plateaus and jumps in the atmospheric radiocarbon record – potential origin and value as global age markers for glacial-to-deglacial paleoceanography, a synthesis. Climate Of The Past, 16(6), 2547-2571. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Davis Catherine V., Myhre Sarah E., Deutsch Curtis, Caissie Beth, Praetorius Summer, Borreggine Marisa, Thunell Robert (2020). Sea surface temperature across the Subarctic North Pacific and marginal seas through the past 20,000 years: A paleoceanographic synthesis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 246, 106519 (13p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Huang Yuanhui, Ren Jian, Deng Jia, Shi Xuefa, Hu Limin, Zou Jianjun, Liu Yanguang, Ma Xiaobing (2020). Representativity and applicability of small amounts of sediment samples in the determination of absolute diatom abundances (ADA): Evidence from an orbital shaking method. Marine Micropaleontology, 156, 101851 (9p.).

Jian Zhimin, Wang Yue, Dang Haowen, Lea David W., Liu Zhengyu, Jin Haiyan, Yin Yaqian (2020). Half-precessional cycle of thermocline temperature in the western equatorial Pacific and its bihemispheric dynamics. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 117(13), 7044-7051. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Shao Jun, Stott Lowell D., Gray William R., Greenop Rosanna, Pecher Ingo, Neil Helen L., Coffin Richard B., Davy Bryan, Rae James W.B. (2019). Atmosphere‐Ocean CO2 Exchange Across the Last Deglaciation from the Boron Isotope Proxy. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 34(10), 1650-1670. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hong Hoabin, Chang Liao, Hayashida Akira, Roberts Andrew P., Heslop David, Paterson Greig A., Kodama Kazuto, Tauxe Lisa (2019). Paleomagnetic recording efficiency of sedimentary magnetic mineral inclusions: implications for relative paleointensity determinations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 124(7), 6267-6279. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wattripont Adrien, Baudin François, de Rafelis Marc, Deconinck Jean-François (2019). Specifications for carbonate content quantification in recent marine sediments using Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Journal Of Analytical And Applied Pyrolysis, 140, 393-403.

Lattaud Julie, Lo Li, Zeeden Christian, Liu Ya-Jun, Song Sheng-Rong, Van Der Meer Marcel T.J., Sinninghe Damsté Jaap S., Schouten Stefan (2019). A multiproxy study of past environmental changes in the Sea of Okhotsk during the last 1.5 Ma. Organic Geochemistry, 132, 50-61. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dong Liang, Li Zhiyang, Jia Guodong (2019). Archaeal ammonia oxidation plays a part in late Quaternary nitrogen cycling in the South China Sea. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 509, 38-46.

Clark Tara R., Chen Xuefei, Leonard Nicole D, Liu Faye, Guo Yangrui, Zeng Ti, Wei Gangjian, Zhao Jian-Xin (2019). Episodic coral growth in China’s subtropical coral communities linked to broad-scale climatic change. Geology, 47(1), 79-82. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gorbarenko Sergey, Shi Xuefa, Zou Jianjun, Velivetskaya Tatyana, Artemova Antonina, Liu Yanguang, Yanchenko Elena, Vasilenko Yuriy (2019). Evidence of meltwater pulses into the North Pacific over the last 20 ka due to the decay of Kamchatka Glaciers and Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Global And Planetary Change, 172, 33-44.

Liu Zhi, Huang Shaopeng, Jin Zhangdong (2018). A last deglacial climate dataset comprising ice core data, marine data, and stalagmite data. Data In Brief, 21, 1764-1770. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Belt Simon T. (2018). Source-specific biomarkers as proxies for Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. Organic Geochemistry, 125, 277-298. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ponomareva Vera, Bubenshchikova Natalia, Portnyagin Maxim, Zelenin Egor, Derkachev Alexander, Gorbarenko Sergey, Garbe-Schoenberg Dieter, Bindeman Ilya (2018). Large-magnitude Pauzhetka caldera-forming eruption in Kamchatka: Astrochronologic age, composition and tephra dispersal. Journal Of Volcanology And Geothermal Research, 366, 1-12.

Zhang Peng, Xu Jian, Schroeder Jan F., Holbourn Ann, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Kochhann Karlos G. D., Ke Fei, Wang Zhen, Wu Hanning (2018). Variability of the Indonesian Throughflow thermal profile over the last 25-kyr: A perspective from the southern Makassar Strait. Global And Planetary Change, 169, 214-223.

Li Gang, Rashid Harunur, Zhong Lifeng, Xu Xing, Yan Wen, Chen Zhong (2018). Changes in Deep Water Oxygenation of the South China Sea Since the Last Glacial Period. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(17), 9058-9066. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Kissel C., Sarnthein M., Laj C., Wang P. X., Wandres C., Egli R. (2018). Magnetic Fingerprints of Modern Sediments in the South China Sea Resulting from Source-to-Sink Processes. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 19(7), 1979-1993. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Maier E., Zhang X., Abelmann A., Gersonde R., Mulitza S., Werner M., Meheust M., Ren J., Chapligin B., Meyer H., Stein R., Tiedemann R., Lohmann G. (2018). North Pacific freshwater events linked to changes in glacial ocean circulation. Nature, 559, 241-245.

Li Ziye, Chen Min-Te, Lin Da-Cheng, Wang Houjie, Shi Xuefa, Liu Shengfa, Yokoyama Yusuke, Yamamoto Masanobu, Shen Chuan-Chou, Mii Horng-Sheng, Troa Rainer Arief, Zuraida Rina, Triarso Eko, Hendrizan Marfasran (2018). Holocene surface hydroclimate changes in the Indo-Pacific warm pool. Quaternary International, 482, 1-12.

Gray William R., Rae James W. B., Wills Robert C. J., Shevenell Amelia E., Taylor Ben, Burke Andrea, Foster Gavin L., Lear Caroline H. (2018). Deglacial upwelling, productivity and CO2 outgassing in the North Pacific Ocean. Nature Geoscience, 11(5), 340-344. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zhao Ning, Marchal Olivier, Keigwin Lloyd, Amrhein Daniel, Gebbie Geoffrey (2018). A Synthesis of Deglacial Deep-Sea Radiocarbon Records and Their (In)Consistency With Modern Ocean Ventilation. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 33(2), 128-151. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wang Kun-Shan, Shi Xue-Fa, Zou Jian-Jun, Kandasamy Selvaraj, Gong Xun, Wu Yong-Hua, Yan Quan-Shu (2017). Sediment provenance variations in the southern Okhotsk Sea over the last 180 ka: Evidence from light and heavy minerals. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 479, 61-70. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Li Dawei, Zheng Li-Wei, Jaccard Samuel L., Fang Tien-Hsi, Paytan Adina, Zheng Xufeng, Chang Yuan-Pin, Kao Shuh-Ji (2017). Millennial-scale ocean dynamics controlled export productivity in the subtropical North Pacific. Geology, 45(7), 651-654.

Kim Sunghan, Khim Boo-Keun, Ikehara Ken, Itaki Takuya, Shibahara Akihiko, Yamamoto Masanobu (2017). Millennial-scale changes of surface and bottom water conditions in the northwestern Pacific during the last deglaciation. Global And Planetary Change, 154, 33-43.

Hayashi Ryoma, Takahara Hikaru, Inouchi Yoshio, Takemura Keiji, Igarashi Yaeko (2017). Vegetation and endemic tree response to orbital-scale climate changes in the Japanese archipelago during the last glacial-interglacial cycle based on pollen records from Lake Biwa, western Japan. Review Of Palaeobotany And Palynology, 241, 85-97.

Kawahata Hodaka, Matsuoka Megumi, Togami Ami, Harada Naomi, Murayama Masafumi, Yokoyama Yusuke, Miyairi Yosuke, Matsuzaki Hiroyuki, Tanaka Yuichiro (2017). Climatic change and its influence on human society in western Japan during the Holocene. Quaternary International, 440(Part A), 102-117.

Dong Zhi, Shi Xuefa, Ge Chendong, Zou Jianjun, Yao Zhengquan, Gorbarenko Sergey, Wang Chenglong, Zong Xian (2017). Evolution of westerly jet during the last 60 ka: Evidence from core deposits in the central Japan (East) Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 62(11), 1172-1184.

Kawahata Hodaka, Ishizaki Yui, Kuroyanagi Azumi, Suzuki Atsushi, Ohkushi Ken-Ichi (2017). Quantitative reconstruction of temperature at a Jomon site in the Incipient Jomon Period in northern Japan and its implications for the production of early pottery and stone arrowheads. Quaternary Science Reviews, 157, 66-79.

Gill Emily C., Rajagopalan Balaji, Molnar Peter H., Kushnir Yochanan, Marchitto Thomas M. (2017). Reconstruction of Indian summer monsoon winds and precipitation over the past 10,000 years using equatorial pacific SST proxy records. Paleoceanography, 32(2), 195-216. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Psheneva O. Yu., Gorbarenko S. A. (2017). The Responses of Benthic Foraminifera to Paleoceanographic Changes during the Last Glacial Maximum, Deglaciation, and the Holocene in the Northwestern Pacific. Russian Journal Of Marine Biology, 43(1), 65-75.

Umling Natalie E., Thunell Robert C. (2017). Synchronous deglacial thermocline and deep-water ventilation in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Nature Communications, 8(14203), 10 p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Schroder Jan F., Holbourn Ann, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Kuessner Kevin (2016). Variations in sea surface hydrology in the southern Makassar Strait over the past 26 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews, 154, 143-156.

Derkachev Alexander N., Nikolaeva Nataliya A., Gorbarenko Sergey A., Portnyagin Maxim V., Ponomareva Vera V., Nuernberg Dirk, Sakamoto Tatsuhiko, Iijima Koiji, Liu Yanguang, Shi Xuefa, Lv Huahua, Wang Kunshan (2016). Tephra layers of in the quaternary deposits of the Sea of Okhotsk: Distribution, composition, age and volcanic sources. Quaternary International, 425, 248-272.

Chang Liao, Roberts Andrew P., Heslop David, Hayashida Akira, Li Jinhua, Zhao Xiang, Tian Wei, Huang Qinghua (2016). Widespread occurrence of silicate-hosted magnetic mineral inclusions in marine sediments and their contribution to paleomagnetic recording. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 121(12), 8415-8431. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Igarashi Yaeko (2016). Vegetation and climate during the LGM and the last deglaciation on Hokkaido and Sakhalin Islands in the northwest Pacific. Quaternary International, 425, 28-37.

Chang Liao, Bolton Clara T., Dekkers Mark J., Hayashida Akira, Heslop David, Krijgsman Wout, Kodama Kazuto, Paterson Greig A., Roberts Andrew P., Rohling Eelco J., Yamamoto Yuhji, Zhao Xiang (2016). Asian monsoon modulation of nonsteady state diagenesis in hemipelagic marine sediments offshore of Japan. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 17(11), 4383-4398. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ujiie Yurika, Asahi Hirofumi, Sagawa Takuya, Bassinot Franck (2016). Evolution of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre during the past 190 kyr through the interaction of the Kuroshio Current with the surface and intermediate waters. Paleoceanography, 31(11), 1498-1513. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zheng Xufeng, Li Anchun, Kao Shuhji, Gong Xun, Frank Martin, Kuhn Gerhard, Cai Wenju, Yan Hong, Wan Shiming, Zhang Honghai, Jiang Fuqing, Hathorne Edmund, Chen Zhong, Hu Bangqi (2016). Synchronicity of Kuroshio Current and climate system variability since the Last Glacial Maximum. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 452, 247-257.

Zhang Peng , Zuraida Rina, Xu Jian , Yang Ce (2016). Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of four planktonic foraminiferal species from core-top sediments of the Indonesian throughflow region and their significance. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(10), 63-75.

Seo Inah, Lee Yuri, Lee Yong Il, Yoo Chan Min, Hyeong Kiseong (2016). Climatic evolution of the central equatorial Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 17(8), 3454-3468. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lindsay Colin M., Lehman Scott J., Marchitto Thomas M., Carriquiry Jose D., Ortiz Joseph D. (2016). New constraints on deglacial marine radiocarbon anomalies from a depth transect near Baja California. Paleoceanography, 31(8), 1103-1116. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zheng Xufeng, Kao Shuhji, Chen Zhong, Menviel Laurie, Chen Han, Du Yan, Wan Shiming, Yan Hong, Liu Zhonghui, Zheng Liwei, Wang Shuhong, Li Dawei, Zhang Xu (2016). Deepwater circulation variation in the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(16), 8590-8599. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yang Shouye, Bi Lei, Li Chao, Wang Zhongbo, Dou Yanguang (2016). Major sinks of the Changjiang (Yangtze River)-derived sediments in the East China Sea during the late Quaternary. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 429(1), 137-152.

Meyer Vera D., Max Lars, Hefter Jens, Tiedemann Ralf, Mollenhauer Gesine (2016). Glacial-to-Holocene evolution of sea surface temperature and surface circulation in the subarctic northwest Pacific and the Western Bering Sea. Paleoceanography, 31(7), 916-927. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ronge T. A., Tiedemann R., Lamy F., Koehler P., Alloway B. V., de Pol-Holz R., Pahnke K., Southon J., Wacker L. (2016). Radiocarbon constraints on the extent and evolution of the South Pacific glacial carbon pool. Nature Communications, 7(11487), 1-12-. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Riethdorf Jan-Rainer, Thibodeau Benoit, Ikehara Minoru, Nuernberg Dirk, Max Lars, Tiedemann Ralf, Yokoyama Yusuke (2016). Surface nitrate utilization in the Bering sea since 180 kA BP: Insight from sedimentary nitrogen isotopes. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 125-126, 163-176. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yamamoto Yasuto, Ajioka Taku, Yamamoto Masanobu (2016). Climate reconstruction based on GDGT-based proxies in a paleosol sequence in Japan: Postdepositional effect on the estimation of air temperature. Quaternary International, 397, 380-391. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Huang Jie, Jiang Fuqing, Wan Shiming, Zhang Jin, Li Anchun, Li Tiegang (2016). Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22,000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: Relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes. Journal Of Asian Earth Sciences, 117, 317-327.

Liu Zhifei, Zhao Yulong, Colin Christophe, Stattegger Karl, Wiesner Martin G., Huh Chih-An, Zhang Yanwei, Li Xiajing, Sompongchaiyakul Penjai, You Chen-Feng, Huang Chi-Yue, Liu James T., Siringan Fernando P., Le Khanh Phon, Sathiamurthy Edlic, Hantoro Wahyoe S., Liu Jianguo, Tuo Shouting, Zhao Shaohua, Zhou Shiwen, He Ziding, Wang Yuchen, Bunsomboonsakul Suratta, Li Yanli (2016). Source-to-sink transport processes of fluvial sediments in the South China Sea. Earth-science Reviews, 153, 238-273.

Derkachev A. N., Nikolaeva N. A., Portnyagin M. V. (2016). Mineral Composition of Tephra Layers in the Quaternary Deposits of the Sea of Okhotsk: Heavy Minerals Associations and Their Geochemistry. Geochemistry International, 54(2), 167-196.

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Xu Jian, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Holbourn Ann, Regenberg Marcus, Andersen Nils (2010). Indo-Pacific Warm Pool variability during the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography, 25(4 / PA4230), 1-16. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Takahara Hikaru, Igarashi Yaeko, Hayashi Ryoma, Kumon Fujio, Liew Ping-Mei, Yamamoto Masanobu, Kawai Sayuri, Oba Tadamichi, Irino Tomohisa (2010). Millennial-scale variability in vegetation records from the East Asian Islands: Taiwan, Japan and Sakhalin. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(21-22), 2900-2917.

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Katsuki Kota, Khim Boo-Keun, Itaki Takuya, Okazaki Yusuke, Ikehara Ken, Shin Yuna, Yoon Ho Il, Kang Cheon Yun (2010). Sea-ice distribution and atmospheric pressure patterns in southwestern Okhotsk Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Global And Planetary Change, 72(3), 99-107.

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Kawahata Hodaka, Minoshima Kayo, Ishizaki Yui, Yamaoka Kyoko, Gupta Lallan P., Nagao Masayuki, Kuroyanagi Azumi (2009). Comparison of settling particles and sediments at IMAGES coring site in the northwestern North Pacific - Effect of resuspended particles on paleorecords. Sedimentary Geology, 222(3-4), 254-262.

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Ku Yueh-Ping, Chen Chang-Hwa, Song Sheng-Rong, Iizuka Yoshiyuki, Shen Jason Jiun-San (2009). Late Quaternary Explosive Volcanic Activities of the Mindanao-Molucca Sea Collision Zone in the Western Pacific as Inferred from Marine Tephrostratigraphy in the Celebes Sea. Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences, 20(4), 587-605. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sadekov Aleksey, Eggins Stephen M., de Deckker Patrick, Ninnemann Ulysses, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Bassinot Franck (2009). Surface and subsurface seawater temperature reconstruction using Mg/Ca microanalysis of planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. Paleoceanography, 24(PA3201), 1-17. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Isono Dai, Yamamoto Masanobu, Irino Tomohisa, Oba Tadamichi, Murayama Masafumi, Nakamura Toshio, Kawahata Hodaka (2009). The 1500-year climate oscillation in the midlatitude North Pacific during the Holocene. Geology, 37(7), 591-594.

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Yu Pai-Sen, Mii Horng-Sheng, Murayama Masafumi, Chen Min-Te (2008). Late Quaternary planktic foraminifer fauna and monsoon upwelling records from the western South China Sea, near the Vietnam margin (IMAGES MD012394). Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences, 19(4), 347-362. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Chen Chih-Wei, Wei Kuo-Yen, Mii Horng-Sheng, Yang Tien-Nan (2008). A late Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record of the Banda Sea: Chronostratigraphy, orbital forcing, and paleoceanographic implications. Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences, 19(4), 331-339. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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Xu Jian, Holbourn Ann, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Jian Zhimin, Kawamura Hiroshi (2008). Changes in the thermocline structure of the Indonesian outflow during Terminations I and II. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 273(1-2), 152-162.

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Harada Naomi, Sato Miyako, Sakamoto Tatsuhiko (2008). Freshwater impacts recorded in tetraunsaturated alkenones and alkenone sea surface temperatures from the Okhotsk Sea across millennial-scale cycles. Paleoceanography, 23(3 / PA3201), 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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Itaki Takuya, Khim Boo-Keun, Ikehara Klen (2008). Last glacial-Holocene water structure in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea inferred from radiolarian assemblages. Marine Micropaleontology, 67(3-4), 191-215.

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Steinke Stephan, Kienast Markus, Groeneveld Jeroen, Lin Li-Chuan, Chen Min-Te, Rendle-Buehring Rebecca (2008). Proxy dependence of the temporal pattern of deglacial warming in the tropical South China Sea: toward resolving seasonality. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(7-8), 688-700.

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Levi Camille, Labeyrie Laurent, Bassinot Franck, Guichard Francois, Cortijo Elsa, Waelbroeck Claire, Caillon Nicolas, Duprat Josette, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Elderfield Harry (2007). Low-latitude hydrological cycle and rapid climate changes during the last deglaciation. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8(5), 1-11. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Broecker Wallace, Clark Elizabeth, Barker Stephen, Hajdas Irena, Bonani Georges, Moreno Eva (2007). Radiocarbon age of late glacial deep water from the equatorial Pacific. Paleoceanography, 22(2/PA2206), 1-6. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tada Ryuji, Oba Tadamichi, Jordan Richard W. (2007). Preface for special volume: "Quaternary paleoceanography of the Japan Sea and its linkage with Asian monsoon". Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 247(1-2), 1-4.

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Yamamato Masanobu, Yamamuro Masumi, Tanaka Yuichiro (2007). The California current system during the last 136,000 years: response of the North Pacific High to precessional forcing. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(3-4), 405-414.

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Fujine Kazuho, Yamamoto Masanobu, Tada Ryuji, Kido Yoshiki (2006). A salinity-related occurrence of a novel alkenone and alkenoate in Late Pleistocene sediments from the Japan Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 37(9), 1074-1084.

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Kuroyanagi Azumi, Kawahata Hodaka, Narita Hisashi, Ohkushi Ken'Ichi, Aramaki Takafumi (2006). Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental changes based on the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages off Shimokita (Japan) in the northwestern North Pacific. Global And Planetary Change, 53(1-2), 92-107.

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Ueshima Toshinori, Yamamoto Masanobu, Irino Tomohisa, Oba Tadamichi, Minagawa Masao, Narita Hisashi, Murayama Masafumi (2006). Long term Aleutian Low dynamics and obliquity-controlled oceanic primary production in the mid-latitude western North Pacific (Core MD01-2421) during the last 145,000 years. Global And Planetary Change, 53(1-2), 21-28.

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References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Aoki Kaori (2022). Detection of Fuji Hoei tephra produced by Mt. Fuji volcano in 1707 (Hoei) present in the MD01- 2421 sediment core collected off the Kashima coast of east Japan. Geographical reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University, (57), 55-62. Open Access version :

Bjorklund Kjell R., Hatakeda Kentaro, Kruglikova Svetlana B., Matul Alexander G. (2015). Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve) (Polycystina, Nassellaria) - a stratigraphic and paleoecological marker of migrating polar environments in the northern hemisphere during the Quaternary. Stratigraphy, 12(1), 23-37.

Frigola J, Canals M, Mata P (2015). Techniques for the non-destructive and continuous analysis of sediment cores. Application in the Iberian continental mar. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 126(2-3), 609-634. Open Access version :

Xie Hongqin, Jia Guodong, Peng Ping'An, Shao Lei (2007). Sea surface temperature variations in the southwestern South China Sea over the past 160 ka. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 26(2), 49-55.

Sakamoto Tatsuhiko, Iijima Koichi, Kanamatsu Toshiya, Harada Naomi, Uchida Masao, Ikehara Minoru, Aoki Kaori, Takahashi Yasuyuki, Sakai Hideo, Shibata Yasuyuki, Kawahata Hodaka (2006). Dansgaard-Oeschgar-scale sea-ice expansion in southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea during 120 kyrs and its impact to Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water (OSIW) formation. Frontier Research on Earth Evolution, 2, 1-7.

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Koizumi Itaru, Yamamoto Hirofumi (2005). Paleohydrography of the Kuroshio-Kuroshio Extension based on fossil diatoms. JAMSTEC report of research and development, 1, 57-68.

Thesis using campaign data

Delong Kimberly (2024). Paleo-Biogeochemistry of the Subpolar Pacific: How Nutrient Supply Responds to Climate Change. PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Cruz.

Rand Devin Scott (2023). Ocean Sediment Core Age Models, Stacks, and Benthic Foraminiferal δ18O Lags. PhD Thesis, University of california Santa Barbara.

Huang Yi (2023). Past changes in weathering of the peri-Himalayan rivers and ocean circulations in the South China Sea and the Bay of Bengal : new constraints from the εNd proxy. PhD Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay.

Gurjào Carlos Diego De Sousa (2022). Sistema de monçôes tropicais e mudanças de vegetaçào em periodos interglaciais passados. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

Taylor Ben Justin (2019). The North Pacific from glacial to modern : assemblages, isotopes and CO₂. PhD Thesis, University of St Andrews.

Zhao Ning (2017). Reconstructing deglacial ocean ventilation using radiocarbon : data and inverse modeling. PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Hoffman Jeremy Scott (2016). Ocean Temperature Variability during the Late Pleistocene. PhD Thesis, University of Oregon State.

Cote Melissa C (2016). The Driver of the Carbon Isotope Minima During the Last Deglaciation: A Weakened Biological Pump or Enhanced Southern Ocean Circulation? PhD Thesis, University of Connecticut.

de La Fuente Maria (2016). Marine Carbon Cycle Evolution in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the Last Deglaciation. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Struve Torben (2015). Deciphering glacial-interglacial Southern Ocean dynamics with deep-sea corals. PhD Thesis, Imperial College London.

Ren Jian (2015). Late Pleistocene paleoceanography of the Subarctic Pacific derived from the diatom record. PhD Thesis, Universität Bremen.

Gill Emily (2015). Hydroclimate Variability of the Indian Monsoon During Contemporary and Mid-Holocene Periods. PhD Thesis, University of Colorado Boulder.

Ronge Thomas Alexander (2014). Glacial and Interglacial Changes in Southwest Pacific Water Mass Ventilation and Circulation. PhD Thesis, University of Bremen.

Gibbons Fern Tolley (2012). The centennial and millennial variability of the IndoPacific warm pool and the Indonesian Throughflow. PhD Thesis, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.