Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set BIOMIN
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 20/07/2011 - 02/08/2011
Chief scientist(s) DEFLANDRE Bruno


Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

CS 50023

33615 Pessac Cedex

+33 (0)5 40 00 88 67

DOI 10.17600/11480110

The BIOMIN project is an integrated study on the link between biodiversity/fauna activity and mineralization of organic matter based on a diversified ecological situation (quality of OM and micro/macrofauna). Therefore, the main objective is to study the effects of benthic fauna diversity on processes on bioturbation (bio-irrigation, reworking of sediment), organic matter mineralization processes and the fluxes of the main biogenic elements at the water-sediment interface. In this context, it will involve: 1/ Characterizing the biogeochemical properties of interstitial water and sediment (diagenetic species, nutrients, organic matter, radio elements), 2/ Defining benthic fluxes at the water sediment interface, and 3/ Characterizing the benthic fauna biodiversity and the intensity of bioturbation.



Romero-Ramirez A., Gremare A., Bernard Guillaume, Pascal L., Maire O., Duchene J.C. (2016). Development and validation of a video analysis software for marine benthic applications. Journal Of Marine Systems, 162, 4-17. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Bonifacio Paulo, Labrune Celine, Sarda Rafael, Amouroux Jean Michel, Bellan Gerard, Duchene Jean-Claude, Hermand Rachel, Karakassis Ioannis, Dounas Costas, Gremare Antoine (2016). Long-term (1998–2010) large-scale comparison of the ecological quality status of gulf of lions (NW Mediterranean) benthic habitats. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 102(1), 102-113.

Bonifacio Paulo, Bourgeois Solveig, Labrune Celine, Amouroux Jean Michel, Escoubeyrou Karine, Buscail Roselyne, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Lantoine Francois, Vetion Gilles, Bichon Sabrina, Desmalades Martin, Riviere Beatrice, Deflandre Bruno, Gremare Antoine (2014). Spatiotemporal changes in surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna composition off the Rhône River in relation to its hydrological regime. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 151, 196-209.

Romero-Ramirez A., Gremare A., Desmalades M., Duchene Jc (2013). Semi-automatic analysis and interpretation of sediment profile images. Environmental Modelling & Software, 47, 42-54.

Labrune Celine, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Amouroux Jean Michel, Duchene Jean-Claude, Desmalades Martin, Escoubeyrou Karine, Buscail Roselyne, Gremare Antoine (2012). Comparison of ecological quality indices based on benthic macrofauna and sediment profile images: A case study along an organic enrichment gradient off the Rhone River. Ecological Indicators, 12(1), 133-142.

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

Deflandre B. et O. Maire (2013) Un carottier multitubes à EPOC ! La lettre de l?OASU, Juillet 2013, n°12, p4.

Deflandre B. et A. Grémare (2011) L?interface eau-sédiment sous haute surveillance ! La lettre de l?OASU, Juin 2011, n°9, p4.

References of International Seminar Communications

Deflandre B., Pastor L., Escoubeyrou K., Vetion G., Bichon S. & A. Gremare (2012) Seasonal dynamics of O2 and OM composition in a coastal sediment of the NW Mediterranean Sea. Goldshmidt 2012, Montreal, Quebec (Canada) 24-29 June 2012.

Gremare A., Deflandre B., Schmidt S., Maire O., Romero-Ramirez A., Metzger E., Viollier E., Cesbron F., Labrune C., Amouroux J-M., Lavesque N., Bonifacio P., Lecroart P., Duchêne J-C., Richard M., Poirier D., Coste L., Bichon S. (2012) Assessing the effect of macrobenthos diversity on the remineralisation of sediment organic matter. Goldschmidt 2012, 24-29 June 2012, Montréal (Canada).

Pastor L., Deflandre B., B. Shafei, Couture R.-M., Cathalot C., Van Cappellen P., Viollier E. (2011) Non Steady-state modeling of early diagenetic processes following a major flood event in the Rhône prodelta (NW Mediterranean Sea). Gordon Research conférence « Chemical Oceanography » - 14-19 août 2011 - Andover, USA.

References of National Seminar Communications

Deflandre B., Grémare A., Schmidt, S., Maire O., Romero-Ramirez A., Metzger E., Viollier E., Cesbron F., Labrune C., Amouroux J-M., Lavesque N., Bonifacio P., Bachelet G., Lecroart P., Duchêne J-C., Richard M.,., Garabétian F., Cuitat A., Billy I., Martinez P., Bouillard H., G. Bernard, M.L. Delgard, Portier C., Leconte M., Anschutz P., C. Fontanier, Prévot F., G. Thouzeau, J. Clavier, Coste L., Poirier D., Bichon S (2015) Importance de la diversité biologique sur la reminéralisation de la matière organique au sein d'écosystèmes benthiques côtiers contrastés (Missions BIOMIN). Colloque Flotte Océanographique Française - 12 June 2015 - Bordeaux (France).

Richard M. & Deflandre B. "Mais que font ces scientifiques sur leur bateau océanographique ? Mission BIOMIN 3: Un exemple de campagne à la mer". Colloque Flotte Océanographique Française - 12 June 2015 - Bordeaux (France).

Grémare A., B Deflandre, Schmidt, S., Maire O., Romero-Ramirez A., Metzger E., Viollier E., Cesbron F., Labrune C., Amouroux J-M., Lavesque N., Bonifacio P., Lecroart P., Duchêne J-C., Richard M., Poirier D., Coste L., Bichon S. (2014) Étude comparée de la relation diversité-fonction dans un large spectre d'écosystèmes marins. Colloque restitution LEFE-CYBER, 13-15 janv 2014, CIC Météopôle Toulouse (France).

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Aude Charrier (50%) Master M2 « Environnement, Océanographie littorale et hauturière », (Bordeaux 1) - Janv.-Mai 2012. Relations entre diversité macrobenthique, bioturbation et reminéralisation de la matière organique dans le prodelta du Rhône. Électron libre

Damien Cabanes (100%) Master M2 « Environnement, Océanographie littorale et hauturière », (Bordeaux 1) - Janv.-Mai 2012. Étude de la biogéochimie des sédiments du prodelta du Rhône. Situation actuelle : Thèse de doctorat - University of Geneva / Institute F.A. Forel (Suisse).

Thesis using campaign data

Bonifacio P. (2015). Étude de l'état actuel et des variations temporelles de la composition de la macrofaune benthique des substrats meubles du golfe du Lion, Méditerranée occidentale. Université de Bordeaux.