Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 07/07/2011 - 16/07/2011
Chief scientist(s) D'ACREMONT Elia


4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 44 27 52 73

DOI 10.17600/11480100

The MARLBORO cruise project aimed to study Post-Messinian tectonic evolution in the South Alboran basin (Morocco). The presence of sediment formations, especially contourites (sediments deposited or reworked by marine bottom currents) and instabilities, deposited since the end of the Messinian (approx. 5.33 Ma), provide us with top rate sedimentary markers to recreate the tectonic evolution well. Moreover, the region is affected by strong quakes and by slope instabilities which cause concern. Although active accidents have been identified and recently mapped on the Andalusia margin, no such detailed studies have been conducted yet on the Moroccan margin. The Xauen/Tofino and Alboran ridges off Morocco, in the south of the Alboran Sea, were chosen for the study zone since they show both past and current signs of strong tectonic deformation, underwater landslides and activity of bottom currents whose contourite type deposits can provide an excellent stratigraphic marker. The cruise's objective was the imaging of post-Messinian structures using medium resolution reflection seismics. The cruise (7 days in the zone) made it possible to acquire about 1,100 km of reflection seismic surveys along the 15 profiles perpendicular to the ridges, and 3 profiles parallel to the ridges, in order to monitor the lateral and longitudinal evolution of contourites and of Mass Transport Deposits (MTDs), as well as the geometric relationships existing between these objects and active tectonic structures. The MARLBORO cruise is related to the French TerMex (Mediterranean margin) and Actions Marges (Améditer) programmes as well as to Spanish national Contouriber and SAGAS programmes and the international Topomed programme.



D'Acremont E., Lafuerza Sara, Rabaute A., Lafosse M., Jollivet Castelot M., Gorini C., Alonso B., Ercilla G., Vazquez J.T., Vandorpe T., Juan C., Migeon Sebastien, Ceramicola S., Lopez-Gonzalez N., Rodriguez M., El Moumni B., Benmarha O., Ammar A. (2022). Distribution and origin of submarine landslides in the active margin of the southern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea). Marine Geology, 445, 106739 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

D'Acremont E., Lafosse M., Rabaute A., Teurquety G., Do Couto D., Ercilla G., Juan C., Mercier De Lépinay B., Lafuerza Sara, Galindo‐zaldivar J., Estrada F., Vazquez J.T., Leroy S., Poort J., Ammar A., Gorini C. (2020). Polyphase tectonic evolution of fore‐arc basin related to STEP fault as revealed by seismic reflection data from the Alboran Sea (W‐Mediterranean). Tectonics, 39(3), e2019TC005885 (25p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lafosse M., Gorini C., Le Roy P., Alonso B., D'Acremont E., Ercilla G., Rabineau MarinaORCID, Vazquez J. T., Rabaute A., Ammar A. (2018). Late Pleistocene-Holocene history of a tectonically active segment of the continental margin (Nekor basin, Western Mediterranean, Morocco). Marine And Petroleum Geology, 97, 370-389. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lafosse Manfred, D'Acremont Elia, Rabaute Alain, de Lepinay Bernard Mercier, Tahayt Abdelilah, Ammar Abdellah, Gorini Christian (2017). Evidence of Quaternary transtensional tectonics in the Nekor basin (NE Morocco). Basin Research, 29(4), 470-489.

Ercilla Gemma, Juan Carmen, Hernandez-Molina F. Javier, Bruno Miguel, Estrada Ferran, Alonso Belen, Casas David, Farran Marceli, Llave Estefania, Garcia Marga, Vazquez J. Tomas, D'Acremont Elia, Gorini Christian, Palomino Desire, Valencia Javier, El Moumni Bouchta, Ammar Abdellah (2016). Significance of bottom currents in deep-sea morphodynamics: An example from the Alboran Sea. Marine Geology, 378, 157-170.

Juan Carmen, Ercilla Gemma, Hernandez-Molina F. Javier, Estrada Ferran, Alonso Belen, Casas David, Garcia Marga, Farran Marcelli, Llave Estefania, Palomino Desiree, Vazquez Juan-Tomas, Medialdea Teresa, Gorini Christian, D'Acremont Elia, El Moumni Bouchta, Ammar Abdellah (2016). Seismic evidence of current-controlled sedimentation in the Alboran Sea during the Pliocene and Quaternary: Palaeoceanographic implications. Marine Geology, 378, 292-311.

Do Couto Damien, Gorini Christian, Jolivet Laurent, Lebret Noemie, Augier Romain, Gumiaux Charles, D'Acremont Elia, Ammar Abdellah, Jabour Haddou, Auxietre Jean-Luc (2016). Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Western Alboran Sea Basin in the last 25Myrs. Tectonophysics, 677, 280-311.

D’acremont Elia, Gutscher Marc-Andre, Rabaute A., Mercier De Lepinay Bernard, Lafosse Marc, Poort Jeffrey, Ammar A., Tahayt A., Le Roy Pascal, Smit J., Do Couto D., Cancouët RomainORCID, Prunier C., Ercilla G., Gorini Christian (2014). High-resolution imagery of active faulting offshore Al Hoceima, Northern Morocco. Tectonophysics, 632, 160-166.

References of International Seminar Communications

Ercilla G., Estrada F., Juan C., Hernández-Molina F.J., Medialdea T., Casas D., Alonso B., Llave E., Somoza L., Vázquez J.T., Palomino D., El Moumni B., Arrabiou S., Ammar A., Gorini C., d'Acremont E., Gensous B., Tesson M., 2011. Reappraising the sedimentation in the alboran sea, Workshop Results and Prospects of Research on the Alboran Domain and the Arc of Gibraltar, Tetouan (Morocco) 27-28 Octobre 2011.

d'Acremont E., Gorini C., Ammar A., Do Couto D., El Abbassi M., Le Pourhiet L., Smit J., Farran M., Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B., Migeon S., Poort J., Ercilla G., Alonso B., 2011. SARAS- South Alboran Research of Active Systems : First results and future cruises, Workshop Results and Prospects of Research on the Alboran Domain and the Arc of Gibraltar, Tetouan (Morocco) 27-28 Octobre 2011.

d'Acremont E., Gorini C., El Abbassi M., Farran M., Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B., Migeon S., Poort J., Ammar A., Smit J., Ercilla G., Alonso B, 2011. Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution in South Alboran Sea (Morocco), in: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

d'Acremont E., Gorini C., El Abbassi M., Farran M., Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B., Migeon S., Poort J., Ammar A., Smit J., Ercilla G., Alonso B., and the Marlboro team, 2011. Marlboro Project: Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution in South Alboran Sea (Morocco), MAPG, Marrakech 5-7 octobre 2011.