Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 04/04/2011 - 25/04/2011
Chief scientist(s) GAULLIER Virginie


Université de Lille

Cité Scientifique

Bâtiment SN5

59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq

DOI 10.17600/11450050

Even the most preliminary interpretation of seismic profiles obtained during the METYSS 3 cruise already makes it possible to: 1) Show that Messinian series, particularly UU (Upper Unit), CU (Chaotic Unit) and MU (Mobile Unit), display seismic facies which are quite comparable to those from series identified on other site of the integrated study on the scale of the entire Mediterranean basin. Their physiographic distribution over the Messinian Salinity Crisis should given more detailed study in this key-sector, at an intermediate position between the moderately deep East Corsican basin and the deep Tyrrhenian basin strictly speaking. These series, some of them locally syn-rift in the study zone, will better constrain the rifting time-line. 2) Specify the arrangement and shape of structures related to rifting of the East Sardinia margin, a particularly segmented sector, and especially the tilted blocks bounding numerous mini-basins. 3) Highlight post-rift tectonics along the East Sardinia margin (state of constraints to be determined). 4) Determine more accurately the distribution of the salt layer (MU) present in the study zone, both in the mini-basins along the East Sardinia margin and the deeper Tyrrhenian basin, to the south and east. And 5) highlight particularly robust salt tectonics which have not been described to date. 6) Identify the large number of channel-levee systems in the Plio-quaternary cover as well as slope instabilities, some of which are clearly associated with movements along active faults. The cruise was related to the ACTIONS MARGES + ACTION COORDONNEE INSU project.



Maillard Agnès, Gaullier Virginie, Lézin Carine, Chanier Frank, Odonne Francis, Lofi Johanna (2020). Découverte de la surface d’érosion messinienne onshore/offshore dans deux lieux clés : le Promontoire Baléares (Ibiza) et la marge est-sarde (Orosei) / New onshore/offshore evidence of the Messinian Erosion Surface from key areas: The Ibiza-Balearic Promontory and the Orosei-Eastern Sardinian margin. Bsgf-earth Sciences Bulletin, 191, 9 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lymer Gael, Vendeville Bruno Claude, Gaullier Virginie, Chanier Frank, Gaillard Morgane (2018). Using salt tectonic structures as proxies to reveal post-rift crustal tectonics: The example of the Eastern Sardinian margin (Western Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine And Petroleum Geology, 96, 214-231.

Lymer Gael, Lofi Johanna, Gaullier Virginie, Maillard Agnes, Thinon Isabelle, Sage Francoise, Chanier Frank, Vendeville Bruno Claude (2018). The Western Tyrrhenian Sea revisited: New evidence for a rifted basin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Marine Geology, 398, 1-21. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Giresse P., Bassetti M-A, Chanier F., Gaullier V., Maillard A., Thinon Isabelle, Lofi Johanna, Lymer G., Reynaud Jean-Yves, Negri A., Saavedra-Pellitero Myriam (2015). Depositional environment and age of some key Late Pliocene to Early Quaternary deposits on the underfilled Cedrino paleovalley (Orosei): Insight into the Neogene geodynamic evolution of Sardinia. Quaternary International, 357, 220-236.

Giresse Pierre, Pascucci Vincenzo, Lymer Gael, Gaullier Virginie, Thinon Isabelle (2014). Processes controlling very low sedimentation rates on the continental slope of the Gonone-Orosei canyon system, NE Sardinia-terrestrial and oceanic significance. Geo-marine Letters, 34(6), 483-498.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Gaullier V., Lofi J., F. Sage, F. Chanier, J. Déverchère, V. Dutreuil, C. Gorini, L. Loncke, A. Maillard, V. Pascucci, I. Thinon, N. Sellier, J.P. Suc, G. Clauzon, 2009. The Messinian event on the eastern Sardinian margin (Tyrrhenian sea) from seismic study: new insights from the ?METYSS? cruise (june 2009). 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, Alghéro (Italy), September 20-23, 2009, Medimond International Proceedings, 73-78.

References of International Seminar Communications

Gaullier, V., Chanier F., Vendeville, B. C., Maillard A., Thinon I., Graveleau F., Lofi J., Sage, F., 2016. The Eastern Sardinian Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean) : a key area to study the rifting and post-breakup evolution of a back-arc passive continental margin. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-7626.

Gaullier, V., Vendeville, B. C., Chanier F., Lymer, G., Maillard A., Sage, F., Lofi J., Thinon I., 2016. Interaction between crustal tectonics and salt deformation in the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian Sea : Seismic data and analogue modelling. COST-ANR MEDSALT Symposium, Palermo, Sicile, Italie, 24-26 October, volume des résumés.

Chanier F., Gaullier V., Maillard A., Thinon I., Sage F., Lymer G., Vendeville B., Giresse P., Bassetti M.A., Lofi J., 2014. Post-rift compressional deformation on the passive margin of a young Mediterranean back-arc basin (Eastern Sardinian Margin, Tyrrhenian Sea). 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December, Paper number : T53A-4667.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Vendeville B., Lymer G., Lofi J., Sage F., Maillard A., Thinon I., 2014. Rifting and Post-Rift Reactivation of The Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Back-Arc Basin) Evidenced by the Messinian Salinity Crisis Markers and Salt Tectonics. 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December, Paper number : T53A-4666.

Gaullier, V., Chanier F., Vendeville, B.C., Lymer, G., Maillard, A., Thinon, I., Lofi, J., Sage, F., Giresse, P., Bassetti, M.-A., 2014. Relations between tectonics and sedimentation along the Eastern Sardinian margin (Western Tyrrhenian Sea) : from rifting to reactivation. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April-02 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-12356.

Vendeville, B.C., Lymer, G., Gaullier, V., Chanier F., Maillard, A., Sage, F., Lofi, J., Thinon, I., 2014. Interaction between crustal tectonics and salt deformation in the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian Sea: seismic data and analogue modelling. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April- 02 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-7072.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Vendeville B., Lymer G., Maillard A., Thinon I., Lofi J., Sage F., Giresse P., Bassetti M.A., Loncke L., 2013. Relations between tectonics and sedimentation along the East-Sardinian Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) : from rifting to reactivation. 2013 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 December, Abstract reference number : 1808388.

Gaullier V., Vendeville B.C., Loncke L., Déverchère J., Droz L., Mascle J., Sellier S., Evrard E., Maillard A., Benkhelil J., 2013. The various structural deformation style of the Messinian salt and its overburden in response to the diverse geodynamic and sedimentological settings throughout the Mediterranean. 8th workshop of the ILP-Task Force - Sedimentary Basin, "Lithosphere dynamics and sedimentary basins: The circum-Mediterranean Basins and analogues", Marseille, 16-18 October, Keynote, Abstract volume, 55.

Lymer G., Lofi J., Gaullier V., Maillard A., Thinon I., Sage F., Chanier F., Vendeville B.C. and Loncke L., 2013. The seismic markers of the Messinian Salinity Crisis along the East-Sardinian Margin : New constraints on the margin's geodynamic evolution. 40th CIESM Congress, Marseille, France, 28 October - 1 November 2013, 40th CIESM Congress Proceedings, Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 40, p. 62.

Lymer G., Lofi J., Maillard A., Thinon I., Gaullier V., Sage F., Chanier F., Vendeville B. C., L. Loncke, 2013. Messinian seismic markers offshore Eastern Sardinia: important tools for the understanding of the basin geodynamical history. AAPG European Regional Conference : « Exploring the Mediterranean : New concepts in an Ancient Seaway », Barcelona, Spain, 8-10 April, Abstract reference number : 1541709.

Lymer G., Vendeville B. C., Gaullier V., Chanier F., Thinon I., Maillard A., Sage F., Lofi J., L. Loncke, 2013. Salt tectonics controlled by pre-, syn- and post-salt basement normal faulting in the Tyrrhenian Sea. AAPG European Regional Conference : « Exploring the Mediterranean : New concepts in an Ancient Seaway », Barcelona, Spain, 8-10 April, Abstract reference number : 1545948, Abstract Book, p. 28.

Vendeville B. C., Lymer G., Gaullier V., Chanier F., Maillard A., Thinon I., Sage F., Lofi J., L. Loncke, 2013. Early onset and rapid growth of sediment depocenters subsiding into Messinian salt in the Tyrrhenian Sea. AAPG European Regional Conference : « Exploring the Mediterranean : New concepts in an Ancient Seaway », Barcelona, Spain, 8-10 April, Abstract reference number : 1548553.

Gaullier V., F. Chanier, G. Lymer, A. Maillard, F. Sage, I. Thinon, J. Lofi, B. Vendeville, L. Loncke, 2011. Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian: New insights from the « METYSS 1 » cruise. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 december, Abstract reference number : T43E-2417.

Gaullier, V., Lofi, J., and the METYSS Team, 2010. Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian : New insights from the « METYSS » cruise (June 2009). EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-15469, 2010.

Lofi, J., Gaullier, V., Sage, F., Chanier, F., Deverchere, J., Gorini, C., Maillard, A., Pascucci, V., Sellier, N., and Thinon, I., 2010. Messinian seismic Markers in the Western Tyrrhenian Sea: preliminary results from the "METYSS" Cruise (June 2009). EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-10022-1, 2010.

Gaullier V., Lofi J., and the METYSS scientific party, 2009. The Messinian event on the eastern Sardinian margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) from seismic study: new insights from the ?METYSS? cruise. 13th Congress RCMNS: "Earth System Evolution and the Mediterranean area from 23 Ma to the Present", Naples (Italy), 2-6 September 2009, Abstract book, Acta Naturalia de ?L?Ateneo Parmense?, 45, n°1/4, 350-351.

Lofi J., Gaullier V., and the METYSS scientific party, 2009. The Messinian event on the eastern Sardinian margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) from seismic study: new insights from the "METYSS" cruise. 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, 20th-23rd September 2009, Book of Abstracts, V. Pascucci and S. Andreucci (Eds.), Editrice Democratica Sarda, 577.

References of National Seminar Communications

Chanier F., Gaullier V., Vendeville B., Maillard A., Lofi J., Thinon I., Sage F., Lymer G., Graveleau F., Bassetti M.-A., Giresse P., 2015. Rifting et réactivation post-rift sur la marge est-sarde (Mer Tyrrhénienne) à partir des marqueurs sédimentaires et de la tectonique salifère. 15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 13-15 octobre 2015, Chambéry, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, :asf2015 :73443, p. 100.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Graveleau F., Vendeville B., 2015. Evidence of Mass Transport Deposits Along the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Basin) and potential links with salt and/or crustal tectonics. 15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 13-15 octobre 2015, Chambéry, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, :asf2015 :73277, p. 192.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Vendeville B., Lymer G., Lofi J., Sage F., Maillard A., Thinon I., 2015. Rifting and post-rift reactivation of the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian back-arc basin) evidenced by the Messinian Salinity Crisis markers and salt tectonics (?METYSS? project). 3ème Colloque de la Flotte Océanographique Française, Bordeaux, 11-12 juin, Volume des Résumés, p. 31.

Chanier F., Gaullier V., Maillard A., Thinon I., Lofi J., Sage F., Giresse P., Bassetti M.-A., Lymer G., Graveleau F., 2014. Enregistrement de l?activité post-rift pliocène sur la marge occidentale de la Mer Tyrrhénienne. 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, France, Volume des résumés, p. 149.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Vendeville B., Lofi J., Lymer G., Maillard A., Sage F., Thinon I., 2014. Interactions déformation-sédimentation le long de la Marge Est-Sarde (Mer Tyrrhénienne) : Du rifting a la réactivation. 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, France, Volume des résumés, p. 150.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Vendeville B., Lymer G., Maillard A., Thinon I., Lofi J., Sage F., Giresse P., Bassetti M.-A., Loncke L., 2013. Relations tectonique et sédimentation le long de la marge est-sarde (Mer Tyrrhénienne) : du rifting a la réactivation. 14ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 4-8 novembre 2013, Paris, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 73, p. 159.

Chanier F., Reynaud J.-Y., Gaullier V., Maillard A., Thinon I., Lymer G., Giresse P., Bassetti M.-A., Lofi J., 2011. Contrôle de l?enregistrement stratigraphique du Pliocène sur la côte est-sarde : Effets de la Crise de Salinité Messinienne ou tectonique post-rift ? 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 14-16 novembre 2011, Dijon, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 68, p. 78.

Gaullier V., Chanier F., Lymer G., Maillard A., Sage F., Thinon I., Lofi J., Vendeville B., Loncke L., 2011. Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian: New insights from the « METYSS 1 » cruise. 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 14-16 novembre 2011, Dijon, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 68, p. 145.

Giresse P., Bassetti M.-A., Chanier F., Maillard A., Reynaud J.-Y., Gaullier V., Lymer G., Lofi J., Thinon I., 2011. Les dépôts marins et continentaux pliocènes de la côte orientale de la Sardaigne (secteur d?Orosei) dans le cadre de l?évolution morphostructurale de la région. 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 14-16 novembre 2011, Dijon, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 68, p. 155.

Lymer G., Giresse P., Gaullier V., Thinon I., Loncke L., 2011. Observations sur la lenteur de la sédimentation sur la pente orientale de la Sardaigne (versant du canyon d?Orosei). 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 14-16 novembre 2011, Dijon, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 68, p. 217.

Lymer G., Lofi J., Sage F., Maillard A., Thinon I., Gaullier V., Chanier F., Vendeville B., 2011. Les marqueurs sismiques de la Crise de Salinité Messinienne sur la marge est-sarde (Mer tyrrhénienne). 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 14-16 novembre 2011, Dijon, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 68, p. 218.

Reynaud J.-Y., Tessier B., Thinon I., Guennoc P., Ferrandini J., Ferrandini M., André J.-P., Gaullier V., Santiago M., Lymer G., , 2011. Contrôle tectonique de la mise en place d?une dynamique tidale dans les Bouches de Bonifacio au Miocène. Apports de nouvelles données sismiques THR. 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 14-16 novembre 2011, Dijon, Livres des résumés, Publ. ASF, Paris, 68, p. 287.

Gaullier V., Lofi J., Sage F., Chanier F., Déverchère J., Gorini C., Loncke L., Maillard A., Pascucci V., Thinon I., Sellier N., 2010. Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian : New insights from the « METYSS 1 » cruise (June 2009). 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre 2010.

Lofi J., Gaullier V., Sage F., Chanier F., Déverchère J., Gorini C., Maillard A., Pascucci V., Sellier N., Thinon I., 2010. Messinian seismic markers in the western Tyrrhenian Sea. Preliminary results from the ?METYSS 1? cruise. 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre.

Gaullier V., Lofi J. et l?équipe scientifique METYSS, 2009. Les marqueurs sismiques de la crise de salinité messinienne sur la marge est-sarde (bassin tyrrhénien) : résultats préliminaires de la campagne « METYSS » (Juin 2009). 12ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, 21-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, Livre des résumés, Publ. ASF, n°64, 362 p., ISSN 0990-3925, ISBN 2-907205-63-3, p. 145.

References of Atlases

Gaullier V., Klotz A., Chanier F., Lofi J., Thinon I., Maillard A., Lymer G., Sage F., 2016. Eastern Sardinia ? 8A. Regional setting. In: Lofi J., et al., dont Gaullier V., 2016. In "Seismic atlas of the "Messinian Salinity Crisis" markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas", Volume 2. Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) / Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, n.s., xxx, xx pp., 1 CD, submitted.

Lymer G., Gaullier V., Lofi J., Chanier F., Thinon I., Maillard A., Sage F., 2016. Eastern Sardinia - 8C. MSC units. In: Lofi J., et al., dont Gaullier V., 2016. In "Seismic atlas of the "Messinian Salinity Crisis" markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas", Volume 2. Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) / Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, n.s., xxx, xx pp., 1 CD, submitted.

Lymer G., Gaullier V., Lofi J., Chanier F., Thinon I., Maillard A., Sage F., 2016. Eastern Sardinia ? 8B. MSC surfaces. In: Lofi J., et al., dont Gaullier V., 2016. In "Seismic atlas of the "Messinian Salinity Crisis" markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas", Volume 2. Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) / Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, n.s., xxx, xx pp., 1 CD, submitted.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Adeline KLOTZ, 2013. « Contribution à l?atlas sismique des marqueurs de la Crise de Salinité Messinienne (Volume 2) : La marge est-sarde et le bassin tyrrhénien». Stage de Master 2 GMEA - Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, CEFREM.

Alexis NDONGO, 2010. « Impact de la Crise de Salinité Messinienne sur les marges Est-Sarde et Sud-Est?Corse : campagne METYSS 1, 2009 ». Stage de Master 2 GMA - Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, CEFREM.

Thesis using campaign data

Gaël LYMER, 2014. « Interactions entre tectonique crustale, tectonique salifère et sédimentation : la marge occidentale du bassin tyrrhénien depuis le Messinien ». Allocation ministérielle. Soutenue le 3 décembre 2014, Géosystèmes-Université de Lille 1, Villeneuve d?Ascq.