Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set SPRAYALIS
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 14/10/2011 - 20/10/2011
Chief scientist(s) FUDA Jean-Luc


INSU Division Technique

Zone portuaire de Brégaillon

CS 20330

83507 La Seyne-sur-Mer Cedex

33 (0)4 94 30 49 80


DOI 10.17600/11100110
Objective 1) Recovery of a current meter mooring deployed off Lifou (New Caledonia) in November 2010 - Cruise's main objective. 2) CTD-LADCP stations in the vicinity of the mooring. 3) Deployment of a PROVOR float in the zone. The cruise is related to the ALTRIGLIDEX project (CNES's SARAL/Altika action).

Data managed by SISMER



Cravatte Sophie, Kestenare Elodie, Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Lefevre Jerome, Marin Frederic, Menkes Christophe, Aucan Jerome (2015). Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 249-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.03.004

Ganachaud A., Cravatte S., Melet A., Schiller A., Holbrook N. J., Sloyan B. M., Widlansky M. J., Bowen M., Verron J., Wiles P., Ridgway K., Sutton P., Sprintall J., Steinberg C., Brassington G., Cai W., Davis R., Gasparin F., Gourdeau L., Hasegawa T., Kessler W., Maes C., Takahashi K., Richards K. J., Send U. (2014). The Southwest Pacific Ocean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE). Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 119(11), 7660-7686. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JC009678 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00244/35504/

Thesis using campaign data

Receveur Aurore (2019). Ecologie spatiale du micronecton : distribution, diversité et importance dans la structuration de l'écosystème pélagique du Pacifique sud-ouest. PhD Thesis, Unversité d'Aix Marseille.