TUAM 2011

Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 26/04/2011 - 02/06/2011
Chief scientist(s) DEBITUS Cécile


Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Rue Dumont d'Urville

29280 Plouzané

+33(0)2 98 49 86 40


DOI 10.17600/11100010

Georeferenced inventory of Porifera in French Polynesia, Tuamotu islands. Distribution and biogeography. Description of habitats, harvesting of all sponge species encountered for the inventory, and in sufficient amounts of abundant species to look for molecules of biological and chemical interest. The related project is called Biodiversity and marine substances of French Polynesia.

Data managed by SISMER



Galitz Adrian, Ekins Merrick, Folcher Eric, Büttner Gabriele, Hall Kathryn, Hooper John N. A., Reddy Maggie M., Schätzle Simone, Thomas Olivier P., Wörheide Gert, Petek Sylvain, Debitus Cécile, Erpenbeck Dirk (2023). Poriferans rift apart: molecular demosponge biodiversity in Central and French Polynesia and comparison with adjacent marine provinces of the Central Indo-Pacific. Biodiversity And Conservation, 32(7), 2469-2494. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-023-02613-y , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00836/94814/

Klautau Michelle, Vieira Lopes Matheus, Guarabyra Bruna, Folcher Eric, Ekins Merrick, Debitus Cecile (2020). Calcareous sponges from the French Polynesia (Porifera: Calcarea). Zootaxa, 4748(2), 261-295. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4748.2.3

Mai Tepoerau, Toullec Jordan, Van Wynsberge Simon, Besson Marc, Soulet Stephanie, Petek Sylvain, Aliotti Emmanuelle, Ekins Merrick, Hall Kathryn, Erpenbeck Dirk, Lecchini David, Beniddir Mehdi A., Saulnier Denis, Debitus Cecile (2019). Potential of fascaplysin and palauolide from Fascaplysinopsis cf reticulata to reduce the risk of bacterial infection in fish farming. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1), 30 (11p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s41240-019-0145-0 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00598/71052/

Erpenbeck Dirk, Aryasari Ratih, Benning Sarah, Debitus Cecile, Kaltenbacher Emilie, Al-Aidaroos Ali M., Schupp Peter, Hall Kathryn, Hooper John N. A., Voigt Oliver, de Voogd Nicole J., Worheide Gert (2017). Diversity of two widespread Indo-Pacific demosponge species revisited. Marine Biodiversity, 47(4), 1035-1043. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12526-017-0783-3

Bonneau Natacha, Chen Guanming, Lachkar David, Boufridi Asmaa, Gallard Jean-Francois, Retailleau Pascal, Petek Sylvain, Debitus Cecile, Evanno Laurent, Beniddir Mehdi A., Poupon Erwan (2017). An Unprecedented Blue Chromophore Found in Nature by a "Chemistry First" and Molecular Networking Approach: Discovery of Dactylocyanines A-H. Chemistry-a European Journal, 23(58), 14454-14461. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201702336

Boufridi Asmaa, Lachkar David, Erpenbeck Dirk, Beniddir Mehdi A., Evanno Laurent, Petek Sylvain, Debitus Cecile, Poupon Erwan (2017). Ilimaquinone and 5-epi-Ilimaquinone: Beyond a Simple Diastereomeric Ratio, Biosynthetic Considerations from NMR-Based Analysis. Australian Journal Of Chemistry, 70(6), 743-750. https://doi.org/10.1071/CH16455

Boufridi Asmaa, Petek Sylvain, Evanno Laurent, Beniddir Mehdi A., Debitus Cecile, Buisson Didier, Poupon Erwan (2016). Biotransformations versus chemical modifications: new cytotoxic analogs of marine sesquiterpene ilimaquinone. Tetrahedron Letters, 57(44), 4922-4925. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2016.09.075

Mai T., Tintillier Florent, Lucasson Aude, Moriou C., Bonno E., Petek S., Magre Kevin, Al Mourabit A., Saulnier Denis, Debitus C. (2015). Quorum sensing inhibitors from Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1863. Letters In Applied Microbiology, 61(4), 311-317. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/lam.12461 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00275/38597/

Monniot Francoise, Debitus Cecile (2015). Redescription of Herdmania papietensis Herdman, 1882 (Ascidiacea, Pyuridae) from Polynesia. Zootaxa, 3911(2), 294-300. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3911.2.11

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Monsecour Kevin, Monsecour David (2018). Columbellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from French Polynesia. Gloria Maris, 56(4), 118-151.

References of Technical Reports

Debitus C. Les éponges de Polynésie française, 50 ans de recherche pour le développement en Polynésie française, IRD éditions, 2013, pp121-129.

References of International Seminar Communications

Beniddir M. Identification of minor metabolites from Dactylospongia metachromia using molecular networking, les rendez-vous de Concarneau, European Biotech Week, 15-16/10/2015, Concarneau, France.

Debitus C., Marine benthic invertebrates: biodiversity, interactions and chemodiversity evaluation for a sustainable use in the field of aquaculture, pearl farming and human health, les rendez vous de Concarneau, European Biotech Week, 15- 16/10/2015, Concarneau, France.

Magré K., Quorum sensing inhibitors and aquaculture, les rendez-vous de Concarneau, European Biotech Week, 15- 16/10/2015, Concarneau, France.

Mai T., Pomare project, first results on marine invertebrates quorum sensing inhibitors, R les rendez-vous de Concarneau, European Biotech Week, 9-10/10/2014, Concarneau, France.

Hall K.A., Ekins M., Sutcliff P.R., De Voogd N., Hooper J.N.A., Petek S., Folcher E., Debitus C., The diversity of sponges from French Polynesia, 9th World Sponge Conference, Fremantle, 4-8 Novembre, 2013.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Debitus C. et al., Projet BioPolyVal : « Biodiversité de Polynésie française : Valorisation des substances naturelles, pérennisation et diffusion des connaissances », Rapport final, 06/05/2015.

Debitus C. et al., Polynesian, Martinique's, Reunion's marine benthic invertebrates: interactions and chemodiversity evaluation for a sustainable use, rapport intermédiaire Eranet Netbiome, 28/08/2013.

Debitus C. et al., Rapport d'étape du Projet BioPolyVal « Biodiversité de Polynésie française : Valorisation des substances naturelles, pérennisation et diffusion des connaissances » au 13/12/2013 du contrat de projets 2008-2013 : convention d?application N°113-13 Entre l'État et la Polynésie française et l?IRD.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Emmanuelle Aliotti, criblage d?extraits marins sur Vibrio harheyi, IFREMER-Polynésie française, M2R de l?IUEM, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 06/2015.

Thesis using campaign data

Maslin Mathilde (2022). Étude de la ressource en éponge Dactylospongia metachromia pour une production durable / Study of the Dactylospongia metachromia sponge resource for sustainable production. PhD Thesis, Univesité de Polynésie Française.

El-Demerdash Amr, étude de deux éponges à alcaloides de Polynésie française, ICSN-CNRS, these MNHN, en cours (Mars 2016).