Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set PIRATA
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 01/05/2011 - 16/06/2011
Chief scientist(s) BOURLES Bernard , GRELET Jacques


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable



+33 (0)2


DOI 10.17600/11020030
Objective This is part of the general international PIRATA programme. As the 21st French cruise of this type, it is called FR21. The previous PIRATA-FR20 cruise was conducted in September/October 2010, making it possible to replace 5 Pirata buoys located in the Gulf of Guinea and at 23°W-0°N, as well as the current meter mooring at 0°-10°W. The objectives of the cruise were to replace 5 Pirata buoys located in the Gulf of Guinea and at 23°W-0°N, deploy 3 gliders (collaborative work by INSU and IFM-GEOMAR), deploy 5 drifting SVPBS buoys and 6 Arvor profiling floats (CORIOLIS), and recover 4 current meter moorings for the RSMAS (TACE/CLIVAR framework). The cruise had three legs: -LEG 1: Route Cotonou - 1°30N/10°W - 10°S/10°W - 0°N/0°N - Cotonou, LEG 2: Cotonou - 2°S/0°E - Cotonou, LEG 3: Cotonou - 0°N/0°E - 0°/23°W - Dakar. The related projects are SO-OA PIRATA (SOERE CTDO2), TACE/CLIVAR and AMMA2.

Published data

Bourles Bernard, Cariou Thierry, Hillion Sandrine, Brouquier Armelle, Rousselot Pierre, Roubaud Fabrice, Pondaven Ildut, Diverres Denis, Bachelier Celine, Francois Grelet, Gouriou Yves, Chuchla Remy, Llido Jerome (2025). French PIRATA cruises: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS data. https://doi.org/10.17882/58141

Bourlès Bernard, Herbert Gaëlle, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Pondaven Ildut, Llido Jerome (2024). French PIRATA cruises: S-ADCP data. https://doi.org/10.17882/44635

Data managed by SISMER



Perez Renellys C, Hormann Verena, Lumpkin Rick, Brandt Peter, Johns William E., Hernandez Fabrice, Schmid Claudia, Bourles Bernard (2014). Mean meridional currents in the central and eastern equatorial Atlantic. Climate Dynamics, 43(11), 2943-2962. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-013-1968-5

Johns W. E., Brandt P., Bourles B., Tantet A., Papapostolou A., Houk A. (2014). Zonal structure and seasonal variability of the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent. Climate Dynamics, 43(11), 3047-3069. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2136-2

Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Marin Frederic, Bourles Bernard, Gouriou Yves, Berger Henrick (2014). Seasonal variability of the equatorial undercurrent termination and associated salinity maximum in the Gulf of Guinea. Climate Dynamics, 43(11), 3025-3046. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2107-7

Da-Allada Casimir Yelognisse, Alory G., Du Penhoat Y., Jouanno J., Hounkonnou M. N., Kestenare E. (2014). Causes for the recent increase in sea surface salinity in the north-eastern Gulf of Guinea. African Journal Of Marine Science, 36(2), 197-205. https://doi.org/10.2989/1814232X.2014.927398

Lefevre Nathalie, Caniaux Guy, Janicot Serge, Gueye Abdou Karim (2013). Increased CO2 outgassing in February-May 2010 in the tropical Atlantic following the 2009 Pacific El Nino. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(4), 1645-1657. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrc.20107

Lellouche J. -M., Le Galloudec O., Drevillon M., Regnier C., Greiner E., Garric G., Ferry N., Desportes C., Testut C. -E., Bricaud C., Bourdalle-Badie R., Tranchant B., Benkiran M., Drillet Y., Daudin A., de Nicola C. (2013). Evaluation of global monitoring and forecasting systems at Mercator Ocean. Ocean Science, 9(1), 57-81. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5194/os-9-57-2013 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00141/25229/

Cabanes CecileORCID, Grouazel AntoineORCID, von Schuckmann Karina, Hamon Michel, Turpin Victor, Coatanoan ChristineORCID, Paris Francois, Guinehut Stephanie, Boone C., Ferry N., de Boyer Montegut ClementORCID, Carval ThierryORCID, Reverdin Gilles, Pouliquen SylvieORCID, Le Traon Pierre-YvesORCID (2013). The CORA dataset: validation and diagnostics of in-situ ocean temperature and salinity measurements. Ocean Science, 9(1), 1-18. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5194/os-9-1-2013 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00117/22799/

Scott Robert, Ferry Nicolas, Drevillon Marie, Barron Charlie N., Jourdain Nicolas C., Lellouche Jean-Michel, Metzger Edward Joseph, Rio Marie-Helene, Smedstad Ole Martin (2012). Estimates of surface drifter trajectories in the equatorial Atlantic: a multi-model ensemble approach. Ocean Dynamics, 62(7), 1091-1109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-012-0548-2

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Herbert Gaelle, Kermabon Catherine, Grelet Jacques, Bourles Bernard (2015). French PIRATA cruises S-ADCP data processing. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter, (52), 22-26. Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00272/38320/