Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Aslanian, D., F. Klingelhoefer, C. Labails, E. Cosquer, L. Geli, J.-L. Olivet, M. Sahabi, H. Nouze, S. Rouzo, P. Unternehr, Crustal structure of the Morrocan margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data. AGU Fall Meeting 2007.
Klingelhoefer, F., C. Labails, E. Cosquer, S. Rouzo, L. Géli, D. Aslanian, J.-L. Olivet, M. Sahabi, H. Nouzé, P. Unternehr Deep crustal strucure of the Morrocan continental margin from reflection and wide-angle seismic data. Ocean-continent transition meeting, Paris, 19-21 September 2007
Klingelhoefer, F., D. Aslanian, J.-L. Olivet M. Sahabi, J. Perrot, L. Geli, H. Nouze, I. Contrucci, J.-P. Rehault, P. Unternehr, Crustal structure of the Morrocan margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data, MAPG (Marocan Association of Petroleum Geophysicists) Meeting, Marrakech (28-31 Oct. 2007)
Klingelhoefer, F., I. Contrucci, D., M.Moulin, C. Labails, J.-L. Olivet, P. Unternehr, L. Matias, J. Malod, J.-P. Rehault, M. Sahabi, H. Nouzé, L. Géli, The crustal structure of the Moroccan continental margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data, 10th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19-22 November 2007.
Grevemeyer, I., Kaul, N., Gutscher, M.-A., 2004 (poster). The thermal structure of the Gibraltar subduction zone from new heat flow measurements and finite-element modelling, Proceedings EGU Meeting, Nice, April, 2004. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 6, CD-ROM.
Gutscher, M.-A., 2004. The search for the source of the Great Lisbon earthquake, Proc. EuroMargins Meeting, Barcelona, 11-13 Nov. 2004.
Gutscher, M.-A., G. Westbrook, P. Weaver, J.-P. Henriet, W. Brueckmann, J.-O. Park, K. McIntosh, K. Wang, N. Zitellini, E. Gracia, L. Somoza, 2004. A proposal to drill the basement and accretionary wedge in the Gulf of Cadiz. European IODP/ICDP Meeting, Bremen, March 2004.
Gutscher, M.-A., The Iberia-Africa plate boundary in the Cadiz - Alboran region: subduction, roll-back and back-arc extension. EuroMargins MEDIATIC Meeting, Barcelona, March 2004.
Gutscher, M.-A., Thiebot, E., Réhault, J.-P. 2004 (poster). Subduction systems in the Western Mediterranean: Assessing the activity and seismic risk, Proceedings CIESM Meeting, Barcelona, June, 2004. (Extended Abstract, 2 Figs.).
Gutscher, M.-A., Thiebot, E., Réhault, J.-P. 2004. Locked seismogenic zones in the Western Mediterranean? a critical reassessment of the activity of the Gibraltar and Calabrian subduction zones, Proceedings EGU Meeting, Nice, April, 2004. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 6, CD-ROM.
Malod, J.A., Klingelhoefer, F., Bartolome, R., Thiebot, E. et Réhault, J.P. Crustal structure of the NW Moroccan Atlantic margin from seismic data, EAGE 66th Conference and Exhibition, Paris, 2004.
Bartolome, R., Nouzé, H., Malod, J.A., Réhault, J.P., Klingelhöfer, F., Perrot, J., Matias, L. et Contrucci, I. Moroccan margin deep structure from a single bubble mode reflection profile. In: E.G. Society (E.G. Society)E.G. Societys), EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly. Poster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Nice, pp. 08559, 2003.
Gutscher, M.-A., Malod, J., Réhault J.-P., Thiebot, E., Contrucci, I., Baptista, M.A., Miranda, J.M. 2003 (poster). The Gibraltar Arc seismogenic zone and the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755, Proceedings EGS Conference, Nice, 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 5, CD-ROM.
Gutscher, M.-A., Malod, J., Réhault J.-P., Thiebot, E., Contrucci, I., Klingelhoefer, F. 2003. Imaging the Gulf of Cadiz - Gibraltar active margin: Implications for the source of the Great Lisbon earthquake of 1755, Proceedings Ocean Margins Research Conference, Paris, Sept. 2003.
Gutscher, M.-A., Malod, J., Réhault J.-P., Thiebot, E., Contrucci, I., Klingelhoefer, F. 2003. The deep structure of the Gulf of Cadiz: Evidence for active subduction beneath Gibraltar from seismic data and tomography, EuroMargins SWIM Workshop, Bologna, Oct. 2003.
Klingelhöfer, F., Perrot, J., Contrucci, I., Matias, L., Teixeira, F., Jaffal, M., Malod, J.A. et Réhault, J.P. The Morocco-Nova Scotia margin conjugate: structure of the Moroccan margin from the wide-angle seismic data. In: E.G. Society (E.G. Society)E.G. Societys), EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Nice, pp. 03422, 2003.
Malod, J.A., Klingelhöfer, F., Perrot, J., Réhault, J.P., Bartolomé, R., Sahabi, M., Thiébot, E. et Gutscher, M.A. Imaging the ocean-continent boundary (OCB) off NW Morocco, Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris, poster, 2003.
Malod, J.A., Réhault, J.P., Bartolome, R., Sahabi, M., Géli, L., Maillard, A., Ruellan, E. et SISMAR scientific team. Crustal structure of the Moroccan margin from the SISMAR seismic survey. In: E.G. Society (E.G. Society)E.G. Societys), EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Nice, pp. 11188, 2003.
Sahabi M., Olivet J.L., Aslanian D., Patriat M., Géli L., Matias L., Réhault J.P., Malod J., El Mostaïne M., and Bouabdelli M. (2003). A Revised Reconstruction of the Central Atlantic at Liassic Times. Am. Ass. Petr. Geol. Proceeding, Barcelonne.
Sahabi, M., Olivet, J.L., Aslanian, D., Patriat, P., Géli, L., Matias, L., Réhault, J.P., Malod, J.A. et Bouabdelli, M. The North West African margin magnetic anomaly revisited: implications for the initial evolution of the central Atlantic ocean. In: E.G. Society (E.G. Society)E.G. Societys), EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, poster. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Nice, pp. 13580, 2003.
Bartolome, R., Perrot, J., Klingelhöfer, F., Contrucci, I., Gutscher, M.A., Malod, J.A. et Réhault, J.P. The crustal structure of the NW Moroccan continental margin from wide angle and reflection seismic data, Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2002.
Gutscher, M.A., Malod, J.A., Réhault, J.P., Contrucci, I., Klingelhöfer, F., Mendes-Victor, L. et Spakman, W. Evidence for active subduction beneath Gibraltar, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2002.
Malod, J.A., Réhault, J.P., Sahabi, M., Géli, L., Matias, L., Zitellini, N. et Groupe SISMAR. The Northwestern Atlantic Moroccan Margin from deep multichannel seismic reflection, European Geophysical Society 2002 meeting. EGS, Nice, France, 2002.
Malod, J.A., Réhault, J.P., Sahabi, M., Géli, L., Matias, L., Zitellini, N. et SISMAR Group. La marge nord-ouest marocaine: apport de la sismique réflexion profonde (campagne SISMAR), R.S.T. 2002, Nantes, pp. 169, 2002.
Perrot, J., Contrucci, I., Géli, L., Matias, L., Malod, J.A. et Sahabi, M. Deep structure of the NW Moroccan margin off El Jadida using the SISMAR cruise seismic refraction data, European Geophysical Society, Nice, 2002.
Réhault, J.P., Malod, J.A., Sahabi, M., Géli, L., Matias, L., Zitellini, N. et Groupe SISMAR. Deep Structure of the Moroccan Margin off El Jadida: preliminary results of the seismic reflection and refraction SISMAR cruise, 19ème Colloque de géologie africaine, El Jadida, Maroc, 2002.
Réhault, J.P., Malod, J.A., Sahabi, M., Géli, L., Matias, L., Zitellini, N. et Groupe SISMAR. Deep Structure of the Moroccan Margin off El Jadida: preliminary results of the seismic reflection and refraction SISMAR cruise, Marrakech Oil and Gas Conference, Marrakech, Maroc, 2002.
Sahabi, M., Fidalgo, L., Olivet, L., Aslanian, D., Matias, L., Rabineau, M., Patriat, M., Réhault, J.P., Malod, J.A. et Bouabdelli, M. Evolution mésozoïque de l'Atlantique central et problème de la reconstitution initiale: hypothèses et discussions, Poster, R.S.T. 2002, Nantes, France, pp. 208-209, 2002.
Malod, J.A., Réhault, J.P., Sahabi, M., Géli, L., Matias, L., Diaz, J., Zitellini, N. et SISMAR Group. Deep Stucture of the Northwestern Atlantic Moroccan Margin Studied by OBS and Deep Multichannel Seismic Reflection, AGU 2001, poster, Fall meeting. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, pp. 1262, 2001