Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 30/07/2001 - 15/08/2001
Chief scientist(s) OLU Karine ORCID


Centre Ifremer Bretagne

ZI Pointe du Diable

CS 10070

29280 Plouzané

+33 (0)2

DOI 10.17600/1010080

Deep-water coral reefs are widely distributed along the continental margins of the Atlantic Ocean and can have species diversity similar to those found in tropical coral reefs. The Caracole cruise aimed to: survey the geological and biological characteristics of different carbonate mound "geotypes"; explore the ocean floor for geological, biological and chemical indicators of fluids; construct a qualitative and quantitative model of the spatial distribution of faunal assemblages to test for zonation on and around mounds; characterize the chemistry of the waters surrounding the coral reefs. Results from this cruise were to be compared with similar phenomena observed on the Congo-Angola margin. This was to allow the establishment of standardized techniques for the exploitation and analysis of video data collected with the ROV submersible for future comparisons.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations




Knorrn Alexander H., Beuck Lydia, Barros‐garcía David, Fernández‐peralta Lourdes, Freiwald André. Gaidropsarus mauritanicus (Gadiformes, Gaidropsaridae) a new three‐bearded rockling from a deep‐water coral ecosystem with a genetically verified biogeographical distribution of the genus and notes to its ecology and behavior. Journal of Fish Biology IN PRESS. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hestetun J. T., Fourt M., Vacelet J., Boury-Esnault N., Rapp H. T. (2015). Cladorhizidae (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida) of the deep Atlantic collected during Ifremer cruises, with a biogeographic overview of the Atlantic species. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 95(7), 1311-1342.

Le Guilloux Erwan, Hall-Spencer J. M., Soeffker M. K., Olu KarineORCID (2010). Association between the squat lobster Gastroptychus formosus and cold-water corals in the North Atlantic. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 90(7), 1363-1369.

Pirlet Hans, Wehrmann Laura M., Brunner Benjamin, Frank Norbert, Dewanckele Jan, Van Rooij David, Foubert Anneleen, Swennen Rudy, Naudts Lieven, Boone Matthieu, Cnudde Veerle, Henriet Jean-Pierre (2010). Diagenetic formation of gypsum and dolomite in a cold-water coral mound in the Porcupine Seabight, off Ireland. Sedimentology, 57(3), 786-805.

Wheeler Andrew J., Beyer A, Freiwald A, de Haas H, Huvenne V. A. I., Kozachenko M, Olu KarineORCID, Opderbecke Jan (2007). Morphology and environment of cold-water coral carbonate mounds on the NW European margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96(1), 37-56. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Mol Ben, Kozachenko M, Wheeler Andy, Alvares Hugo, Henriet Jean-Pierre, Olu KarineORCID (2007). Therese Mound: a case study of coral bank development in the Belgica Mound Province, Porcupine Seabight. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96(1), 103-120. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Huvenne Veerle A. I., Bailey W. R., Shannon P. M., Naeth J, Di Primio R., Henriet J. P., Horsfield B., de Haas H., Wheeler A, Olu KarineORCID (2007). The Magellan mound province in the Porcupine Basin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96(1), 85-101. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dorschel Boris, Hebbeln Dierk, Ruggeberg Andres, Dullo Wolf, Freiwald Andre (2005). Growth and erosion of a cold-water coral covered carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 233(1-2), 33-44.

Grehan Anthony, Long Ronan (2002). Marine Habitat Protection in Sea Areas under the Jurisdiction of a Coastal Member State of the European Union: The Case of Deep-Water Coral Conservation in Ireland. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 17(2), 235-261.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Freiwald André (2019). Les coraux venus du froid. Pour la science. Hors-série, (104), 14-21.

Grehan AJ, Unnithan V, Olu Le Roy K, Opderbecke J (2005) Fishing Impacts on Irish Deepwater Coral Reefs: Making a Case for Coral Conservation. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41:819?832.

Huvenne VAI, Beyer A, de Haas H, Dekindt K, Henriet J-P, Kozachenko M, Olu-Le Roy K, Wheeler AJ, participant TPaCc (2005) The seabed appearance of different coral bank provinces in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: results from sidescan sonar and ROV seabed mapping. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems, p 535-569.

Könnecker, G. and Freiwald, A. (2005) Plectroninia celtica n. sp. (Calcarea, Minchinellidae), a new specxies of "pharetronid" sponge from bathyal demths in the northern Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic.

Wheeler AJ, Kozachenko M, Beyer A, Foubert A, Huvenne VAI, Klages M, Masson DG, Olu-Le Roy K, Thiede J (2005) Sedimentary processes and carbonate mounds in the Belgica Mound province, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems, p 571-603.

BORCHIELLINI, C., ALIVON, E. & VACELET, J. 2004. The systematic position of Alectona (Porifera, Demospongiae): a tetractinellid sponge. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti biologici dell'Università di Genova 68 : 209-217.

Freiwald, A., JH Fossa, A. Grehan, T. Koslow and J.M. Roberts (2004), Cold-water coral reefs- Out of sight- no longer out of mind.UNEP Report, 84p.

Grehan, A.J., R. Long, M. Mellett (2002). Deep-Water Coral Conservation - a primer for the development of an Irish Integrated Ocean Management Strategy. In: Achievement and Challenge: Rio + 10 in Ireland (J. Feehan and F. Convery, eds.), Environmental Institute, UCD. 386-393pp.

References of Technical Reports

Dyment Jérôme, Lallier François, Le Bris Nadine, Rouxel OlivierORCID, Sarradin Pierre-MarieORCID, Lamare Sylvain, Coumert Coralie, Morineaux Marie, Tourolle JulieORCID (2014). Les impacts environnementaux de l’exploitation des ressources minérales marines profondes. Expertise scientifique collective. Rapport, CNRS – Ifremer, 937 p.

Carteron Sophie, Boury-Esnault Nicole, Vacelet Jean (2005). Identification et description d'Eponges de différents types d'écosystèmes benthiques. Rapport d'étude des échantillons. Contrat n°: 2004/2470254.

Fifis, A., Galéron, J., 2003. Caracole, résultats de tri.

Olu-Le Roy, K., J. Galéron & the Caracole Cruise Scientific Team. 2002. CARACOLE cruise report. Vol. 1&2.

Opderbecke, J. & Pitout C. Campagne CARACOLE, cartographie acoustique et optique avec VICTOR. Rapport interne Ifremer.2002.

Sample-data set of co-located video and high-frequency data-set from the R2 site on CD-ROM provided for engineers within AMASON, an EU funded project (EVK3-2001-00067) developing advanced video and sonar applications. NUIG is a co-partner of IFREMER Toulon in the project.

Report on Two Deep-Water Coral Conservation Stakeholder Workshops held in Galway in 2000 and 2002. (Grehan, A.J, B. Deegan, M.O'Cinneide and R. Long, editors). Marine Environment and Health Series, No. 11, 2003, published by the Marine Institute, Parkmore, Galway.

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

Libération, juin 2004. Le corail froid étudié en profondeurs.

"Europas kalte Koralengärten": VDI-Nachrichten, 13 June 2003.

"Korallengärten in kalten Tiefen". Spektrum der Wissenschaft, February 2003.

"Out of sight, out of mind?"- The Parliament Magazine, 24 March 2003 Wochenend Magazin. Erlanger Nachrichten, 12 April 2003.

Le Marin, septembre 2003. La recherche s?intéresse aux coraux profonds. Marion Francoual.

Pour la Science. Juillet 2003. Les coraux des profondeurs. André Freiwald.

Pêche en mer, août 2003. Des coraux des profondeurs marines.

Interview for Galway Broadsheet (Galway City Tribune). "Irish deep-water coral on public display in Galway's Atlantaquarium" January 2002.

Libération, février 2002. Au nord, les coraux labourés par les chalutiers.

Sea State, Newsletter of the Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland. CARACOLE cruise/corals. Spring 2002. Sherkin comment (Irish newspaper). Ireland's cold water coral reefs.New horizons in irish Marine Science. By Geoffrey O?Sullivan.2002.

The Irish Skipper (On-line journal of the Irish fishing industry). "Beauty beneath the waves". September 2002.

Interview for Nature Science Uptate: "Fishing scars Atlantic Reefs", February 2002.

Interview for national broadsheet (The Irish Times) Science Today Section: "Trawlers damage coral reef". March 2002.

Forfas Science News On-Line; High Tech Exploration Reveals the True Extent of the Irish Deep-Water Coral Province. August 2001.

Interview for electronic newsletter MPA News (International News and Analysis on Marine Protected Areas): "Conserving Habitats that are poorly understood: deepwater corals and efforts to protect them". November 2001.

Interview for national broadsheet (The Irish Times) Front Page: "Victor' shows underwater world of coral gardens". August 2001.

Interview for national broadsheet (The Irish Times) Science Today: section: "French assist coral reef marine research project" July 2001.

Interview for national broadsheet (The Irish Times): "Pollution of coastal waters growing fast". November 2001.

Interview for national broadsheet (The Irish Times): "Young soak up the world of the sea". November 2001.

Olu-Le Roy, K. (2001) Campagne CARACOLE. Lettre aux Médias, 65, 7. Le télégramme janvier 2007, Ces coraux?qui recherchent le froid.

References of International Seminar Communications

Molodtsova, T., Le Guilloux, E. Black corals of European continental margin: Alfa diversity and reliability of historical data for biogeographic speculations. 4th ISDSC, 1-5 December 2008, Wellington, New Zealand.

Olu K. Cold-water corals in the OSPAR area. OSPAR 2008, Brest, 23-25 juin 2008

Olu-Le Roy, K. & Le Guilloux, E. (2007) Mapping and sampling methods for the study of deep-benthic ecosystems using ROVs Examples from cold-coral reefs and cold seeps. MESH (Mapping European Seabed Habitats) Subtidal Workshop, Galway, January 2007.

Le Guilloux E, Olu-Le Roy K, Lorance P, Lecornu F, Galéron J, Fifis A, Sibuet M, Vacelet M, Zibrowius H, Grehan H, Henriet JP (2006) Structure of megafaunal community associated with deep sea corals on carbonate mounds and distribution at regional scale Deep Sea Biology Symposium, Southampton (England)

Beck, T. and Foubert, A. (2005): Distribution of Benthic Species Associations in the Belgica Mound Province, Porcupine Seabight ? Ecological Aspects and Relation to Facies and Benthic Habitat Features.- 3rd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, November 2005, Miami, USA.

Beck, T. and Freiwald, A. (2005): Key Species of Cold-Water Coral-Associated Fauna.- 3rd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, November 2005, Miami, USA.

Freiwald, A. (2005): A Portrait of deep-water coral ecosystems in the World Oceans.- Vortrag, One-day Conference on Europe?s Hidden Coral Worlds, Februar 2005, Edinburgh.

Le Guilloux E, Olu-Le Roy K, Lorance P, Lecornu F, Sinquin J-M, Opderbecke J, Allais AG, Grehan A (2005). Development of new methods for mound-scale habitat mapping and invertebrate and fish community structure analysis, coupling microbathymetry, mosaïcking and GIS: exemple of the Theresa mound off Ireland 3rd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals (3rd ISDSC), Miami, Florida, USA

Olu-Le Roy K, Fifis A, Freiwald A, Galéron J, Grehan A, Le Guilloux E, Henriet J-P, Lorance P, Sibuet M, Vacelet J, Zibrowius H, team tCcs (2005c) Megafauna and fish community patterns at several carbonate mounds dominated by Lophelia pertusa along the Porcupine and Rockall Bank, west off Ireland 3rd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals (3rd ISDSC), Miami, Florida, USA

Lorance P., Olu K., 2004. Demersal fish distribution and abundance in deep-sea coral and surrounding sedimentary seabed. ICES CM 2004/AA:03 (oral communication)

Beck, T. & Freiwald, A. (2003): Deep-water molluscs: Their assemblage composition and functional role in different carbonate mound habitats.- Poster auf dem 2nd International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, September 2003, Erlangen, Germany.

Beuck, L., Schulbert, C. & Freiwald, A. (2003): Sweet home Lophelia: A multicolour journey into the microcosm of bioeroders from Propeller Mound, Porcupine Seabight.- Poster auf dem 2nd International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, September 2003, Erlangen, Germany.

Dullo, W.-C. & Freiwald, A. (2003): The modern deep water coral reefs off NW-Europe: the largest reef province in the world.- EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.

Freiwald, A. (2003): Europe's deep-water coral margins - myths and facts.- Key-note Vortrag auf der OMARC research Conference, 15-17 September, 2003, Paris.

Freiwald, A. (2003): Ocean margin deep-water research.- Key-note Vortrag auf der OMARC research Conference, 15-17 September, 2003, Paris.

Grehan, A.J. 2003. European deep-water coral research. Invited presentation delivered as NOAA Seminar , NOAA Head Office, Washington and at a House Ocean Caucus briefing on deep-water corals to the US Congress on Capital Hill, Washington, US, March, 2003.

Grehan, A.J., Kiriakoulakis, K., Mahaffey, C., Wolff, G. (2003). Food web relationships in deep-water corals from the Porcupine Sea Bight and Rockall Trough, west coast of Ireland. Poster presented at the 2nd International Deep-Water Coral Symposium, Erlangen, Germany and at the Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris, France.

Grehan, A.J., Lundalv, T., Bett, B.J., Freiwald, A., Gage, J.D., Roberts, J.M. & Rogers, A. (2003): The Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study: Bridging the science-policy divide.- Poster auf dem 2nd International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, September 2003, Erlangen, Germany.

Jurkiw, A., Hebbeln, D. & Freiwald, A. (2003): Sedimentary facies distribution over Propeller Mound, a deep- water coral carbonate mound at the Irish continental margin.- Vortrag auf dem 2nd International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, September 2003, Erlangen, Germany.

Kiriakoulakis, K., White, M., Freiwald, A. & Wolff, G.A. (2003): Biogeochemistry of deep-water coral systems at the NW European continental margin.- Vortrag auf dem 2nd International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, September 2003, Erlangen, Germany.

Kozachenko, M., Wheeler, A., Beyer, A., Blamart, D., Masson, D., Olu-Le Roy, K. (2003). Ireland's Deep-Water Coral Carbonate Mounds: Multidisciplinary Research Results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGS-AGI- EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, 061-11 April 2003. Vol. 5, p.10095

Kozachenko, M., Wheeler, A.J., Beyer, A., Blamart, D., Masson, D., Olu-Le Roy, K. (2003). Ireland's Deep- Water Coral Carbonate Mounds: Multidisciplinary Research Results. 13th Irish Environmental Research Colloquium, National University of Ireland, Galway, 8-10 January 2003.

Kozachenko, M., Wheeler, A.J., Beyer, A., Blamart, D., Masson, D., Olu-Le Roy, K. (2003). Sedimentary Processes and Carbonate Mound Morphology: the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight. 2nd International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Erlangen, Germany, 8-14th September, 2003. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 4, p.53

Lorance P. & C. Scalabrin (2003) : Abundance estimation of deep-water species in the Northeast Atlantic. Assessment and Management of Deepwater Fisheries, Pre-conference meeting to Deep Sea 2003, University of Otago. 27-29 November 2003. Dunedin. New Zealand.

Lorance P. (2003) : Ecosystem and habitat effects of deep-water fisheries. World conference on deep sea fisheries, Cotongrande IVEFI. 18-19 septembre 2003. Vigo. Espagne.

Unnithan, V., A. Grehan, T. van Weering and K. Olu-LeRoy (2003). Biological and Geological characterisation of the R1 and R2 coral mounds, Rockall Trough, west of Ireland. European Geophysical Society 27th Annual Meeting, Nice, France, 21-26 April, 2003

Wheeler, A.J., Kozachenko, M., Beyer, A., Blamart, D., Masson, D., Olu-Le Roy, K. (2003). Sedimentary processes and carbonate mound morphology: the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight. Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris 15th-17th September 2003. p.163.

Wheeler, A.J., de Haas, H., Huvenne, V., Kozachenko, M., Olu-Le Roy, K. & Masson, D.G. (2003). Coral mound morphology and growth: evidence for environmental controls. . 2nd International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Erlangen, Germany, 8-14th September, 2003. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 4, p.88.

Grehan, A. J., Unnithan, V., Olu, K. and Opderbecke, J. 2002. Fishing impacts on Irish deep-water coral reefs: making the case for coral conservation. Poster presented at the Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics and Management, Tampa, USA, November, 2002.

Grehan, A.J., J. Opderbecke, V. Unnithan and D. Lane (2002). Improved mapping of deep-water coral ecosystems. Poster presented at the Marine Geological Habitat Mapping (GEOHAB) Workshop, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, California, US (May 1st to 3rd, 2002).

Grehan, A.J., V. Unnithan and K. Olu-Le Roy (2002). Mapping Irish deep-water corals: a necessary first step towards their conservation. Poster presented at the Marine Geological Habitat Mapping (GEOHAB) Workshop, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, California, US (May 1st to 3rd, 2002).

Huvenne, V.A.I., Bailey, W.R., Shannon, P.M., Naeth, J., di Primio, R., Horsfield, B. (2002). The Magellan mystery in the Porcupine Basin : a thousand mounds over a frozen slope failure. Geomound/Ecomound ? Industry workshop, Dublin, November 6, 2002 : The message of carbonate mounds and cold-water coral banks in hydrocarbon provinces. Book of Abstracts, 28-30. (oral presentation)

Kozachenko, M., Wheeler, A., Beyer, A., Blamart, D., Masson, D., Olu-Le Roy, K. (2002) A Four Dimensional Prospective of the Sedimentary Processes and their Interactions with Ireland?s Deep-water Coral Carbonate Mound Ecosystems: Belgica Carbonate Mound province, Eastern Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic, 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, 21-26 April 2002.

Sarradin, P.-M., Olu-Le Roy, K. Ondréas, H., Sibuet, M., Klages, M., Fouquet, Y., Savoye, B., Drogou, J.-F., Michel, J.-L. (2002) Evaluation of the first year of scientific use of the french ROV VICTOR 6000. Underwater Technology 2002. Tokyo, Japan (extended abstract)

Wheeler, A.J., Beyer, A., Kozachenko, M., Masson, D.G.& Olu-Le Roy, K. (2002) Deep Marine Coral Reefs in Irish and British Waters: New Insights into a Fascinating Environment. 12th Irish Environmental Research Colloquium, University College Cork, 25-27January 2002

Wheeler, A.J., Kozachenko, M. & Olu-Le Roy, K (2002). Integrated high resolution side-scan sonar and video mapping of Irish deep-water coral-colonised carbonate mounds. Extended Abstract: Geophysical Association of Ireland seminar "Marine Geophysical Investigations in Ireland Today", Dublin 22nd May 2002 Wheeler, A.J., Kozachenko, M. & Olu-Le Roy, K. (2002) The Role of Benthic Currents and Sediment Transport on Deep-water Coral Mound Morphology and Growth: Examples from the Belgica and Moira Mounds, Eastern Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic. Abstract, 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, 21-26 April 2002.

References of National Seminar Communications

Lorance P., 2005. Biodiversité et pêche profonde. 3ème Symposium des Entretiens de Port-Cros. Biodiversité des mers profondes, Porquerolles 5-7 octobre 2005 (communication orale)

Freiwald, A. (2003): Die Tiefwasser-Korallenriff-Provinz - Ergebnisse aus dem ACES-Projekt (Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study).- Öffentlicher Abendvortrag auf der 124. Tagung des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins e.V., April 2003, Erlangen.

Lorance P. (2003). Pêcheries et écosystèmes profonds. Symposium pêche et Biodiversité (2ème Symposium des Entretiens de Port-Cros), Porquerolles, 21-23 Septembre 2003.

Dullo, W.-C. & Freiwald, A. (2002): The modern deep water coral reefs off NW-Europe: The largest reef province in the world.- Vortrag auf der GEO 2002, Würzburg.

Freiwald, A. (2002): Korallenmounds im Nordatlantik - Bio-geologische Forschung am Kontinentalrand.- Kolloquiumsvortrag am 10. Januar im Paläontologischen Institut Bonn.

Freiwald, A. (2002): Korallenriffe am Kontinentalhang?- Vortrag am 5. Januar in der Wendelstein Klinik, Gammertingen.

Freiwald, A. (2002): Postglaziale Evolution von Tiefwasser-Riffen vor dem Hintergrund der Storegga- Rutschung.- Kolloquiumsvortrag am 23. Januar im Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde.

Grehan, A.J. , V. Unnithan and J. Opderbecke 2002. Improved mapping of deep-water corals. Poster presented at the Marine Institute 10th Year Anniversary Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, November, 2002.

Grehan, A.J. 2002. Deep-water coral conservation. Royal Dublin Society (RDS) Science and Media Seminar, Dublin, Ireland, November, 2002

Grehan, A.J. Irish deep-water corals. Talk given to the Zoological Society and the Department of Zoology, Trinity College, Dublin, November, 2002.

Huvenne, V. (2002) Presentation during the first preparatory meeting for the Victor/Polarstern cruise in 2003, Bremerhaven (23/04/02, 14.00u), Huvenne, V. "Suggestions for the return of Victor 6000 to the Porcupine Seabight".

Huvenne, V. (2002) Presentation during the general assembly of the "GGG" (association of the Geologists of the University of Gent), Gent (29/03/02, 19.30u), Huvenne, V. 'Een portret van de Magellan Mound-provincie, ten zuidwesten van Ierland'

Huvenne, V. (2002). Departemental seminar, University College Dublin (04/02/02, 13.00u), Huvenne V. "The Magellan mound province SW of Ireland : a portrait".

Freiwald, A. (2001): "Deep, dark and dirty" - Korallenmounds am Kontinentalhang.- Kolloquiumsvortrag am 20. November in Fribourg, Schweiz.

Freiwald, A. (2001): Tiefwasser-Riffe/Mounds des Nordatlantiks im Brennpunkt multidisziplinärer Forschungsprogramme.- Kolloquiumsvortrag am 24. Oktober im Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut Frankfurt.

Huvenne, V. (2001). Geomound/Ecomound meeting, Gent (10/12/01, 10.15u), Huvenne V. "Results from l'Atalante Caracole survey".

Olu-Le Roy, K. Campagne CARACOLE, Étude multidisciplinaire des monts carbonatés et massifs de coraux profonds sur les marges Nord est Atlantique (bancs de Porcupine et Rockall). Journée bilan de la première année d?utilisation de Victor, Ifremer octobre 2001.

References of the Described New Species (faunal, floral, microorganisms), locations where the holotypes were stored

Molodtsova, T., Le Guilloux, E. Black corals of European continental margin: Alfa diversity and reliability of historical data for biogeographic speculations. 4th ISDSC, 1-5 December 2008, Wellington, New Zealand.

Könnecker, G. and Freiwald, A. (2005) Plectroninia celtica n. sp. (Calcarea, Minchinellidae), a new specxies of "pharetronid" sponge from bathyal demths in the northern Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic". Étude taxonomique en cours sur les antipathaires.

BORCHIELLINI, C., ALIVON, E. & VACELET, J. 2004. The systematic position of Alectona (Porifera, Demospongiae): a tetractinellid sponge. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti biologici dell'Università di Genova 68 : 209-217.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Contribution à ICES (2005) Report of the Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC). Copenhagen, ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea). 76 pages.

Sample-data set of co-located video and high-frequency data-set from the R2 site on CD-ROM provided for engineers within AMASON, an EU funded project (EVK3-2001-00067) developing advanced video and sonar applications. NUIG is a co-partner of IFREMER Toulon in the project.

Contribution à : EU 5FP "Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study" (EVK3 CT1999 00008) Final Report (2003).

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Erwan Le Guilloux. Stage de Master 2eme année. Encadrement K. Olu & P. Lorance (Ifremer). Structure des peuplements de mégafaune (invertébrés et poissons) associée aux coraux profonds.

Thesis using campaign data

Fangueiro Ramos Manuela (2010). Sea anemones (Anthozoa: actiniaria) fauna of the North Atlantic deep sea. PhD Thesis, Universidade de Aveiro.

Guinan, J. (2006) sous la direction d?Anthony Grehan and Colin Brown (Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway). Doctoral thesis - Geohabitat mapping studies in the offshore west of Ireland. 2005.

Le Guilloux E., sous la responsabilité de Karine Olu & D. Desbruyères- Ecosystèmes de coraux profonds : structure spatiale et diversité des communautés d?invertébrés et poissons. Thèse co-financée Ifremer/région bretagne. Nov 2005-Oct 2008 (soutenance prévue 1er trimestre 2010).

Huvenne, V. (2003). Spatial geophysical analysis of the Magellan carbonate build-ups and the interaction with sedimentary processes : key to a genetic interpretation? PhD thesis, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology and Soil Science. University of Gent, Gent, 285pp.