References of International Seminar Communications
Miroshnichenko, M. L., S. L'Haridon, O. Nercessian, S. Spring, P. Schumann, E. Stackebrandt, E. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, & C. Jeanthon. Novel thermophilic bacteria from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists. Juillet 2003, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
Nercessian, O., A-L. Reysenbach, S. C. Cary & C. Jeanthon. 2003. Diversity of archaeal communities associated with hydrothermal vent samples from the East-Pacific Rise 9°N, 13°N and Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36°N. 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists. Juillet 2003, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
Nercessian, O., A-L. Reysenbach, S. C Cary, Y. Fouquet & C. Jeanthon. 2003. Novel archaeal lineages in microbial assemblages associated with Atlantic and Pacific hydrothermal vents. 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists. Juillet 2003, Ljubljana, Slovénie.
Charlou J.L., Donval J.P., 2003.Les manifestations hydrothermales associées à la serpentinisation des péridotites océaniques.. Société Géologique de France journées thématiques "Serpentines", 20-21 novembre 2003, Paris. Résumé. and diffuse fluids: European Geophysical Society, Nice, 2001, p. 793.
Charlou J.L., Donval J.P., Mastalerz V., Jean Baptiste P., Foucher J.P., Ondreas H., Cochonat P., Levaché D., 2003. Fluid circulation on mud volcanoes and pockmarks. Examples of eastern Mediterranean Sea and Congo-Angola basin. Ocean Margin Research Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Paris. Abstract, 18.
Charlou J.L., Donval J.P., Mastalerz V., Jean-Baptiste P., 2003. Hydrogen, methane and organics in ultramafic fluids from slow spreading ridges and brines and gas hydrates from margins- abiogenic and biogenic origins - Energy source for microbial metabolism. Workshop " Biogeography and biodiversity of chemosynthetic ecosystems: planning for the future", 16-18 june 2003, Southampton, 10-12.
Eissen J.P., Fouquet Y., Hardy Y., Ondréas H., 2003. Dépôts volcanoclastiques explosifsà composition basaltique formés entre 500 et 1750 mètres de profondeur à l'axe de la dorsale medio-Atlantique au sud des Açores. Réunion spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France "Océans et Ophiolites", 3-5 mars 2003, Brest. Abstract, 24.
Fouquet Y., Charlou J.L., 2003. Minéralisations hydrothermales associées au manteau sur les dorsales lentes : état des connaissances et perspectives. Réunion spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France "Océans et Ophiolites", 3-5 mars 2003, Brest. Abstract, 26.
Fouquet, Y., Charlou, J. L., Ondreas, H., Radford, K. J., Cambon, P., Barriga, F., Costa, I. A., Relvas, J., Ribeiro, A., German, C. R., and Parson, L., 2003, Hydrothermal processes in oceanic ultramafic environments; the Rainbow hydrothermal sulfide deposit, in Anonymous, ed., Brazil 2000; 31st international geological congress; abstracts volume., [International Geological Congress]. [location varies], International. 2000.
Nercessian, O., A-L. Reysenbach, S. C. Cary & C. Jeanthon. 2003. Diversity of archaeal communities associated with hydrothermal vent samples from the East-Pacific Rise 9°N, 13°N and Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36°N. Colloque d'Ecologie Microbienne. Carry-Le-Rouet.
Chernyh, N. A., A. V. Lebedinskii, A. N. Perov, O. Nercessian, C. Jeanthon, E. A. Bonch-Osmolowskaya & A. D. Mirzabekov. 2002. Design of biological microchip to express analysis of biodiversity in thermal habitats. The 4th International Congress on Extremophiles, Septembre 2002, Naples, Italie.
Nercessian, O. G, M. I. Prokof'eva, A. V. Lebedinskii, & C. Jeanthon. 2002. Design and evaluation of 16S rRNA-targeted probes to assess the structural composition of archaeal communities thriving in hot biotopes. 8th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Traormina (Italie).
Nercessian, O., Reysenbach, A.?L., Cary, S. C. & Jeanthon, C. 2002. Diversity of archaeal communities associated with hydrothermal vent samples from the East-Pacific Rise 9°N, 13°N and Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36°N. 8th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Taormina, Italy.
Bougault, H., 2002, Les dorsales : historique et stratégie de la recherche sur l'hydrothermalisme: Séminaire "Ressources Minérales et Océan Profond", Paris, 7 mars 2002, 2002.
Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., Fouquet, Y., Jean-Baptiste, P., and Holm, N., 2002, Hydrogen and organics produced by serpentinization on the Mid-Atalntic Ridge: Thermal regime of ocean ridges and dynamics of hydrothermal circulation, Pavia (Italy), 9-13 September 2002, 2002, p. 35-36.
Costa, R. P., Barriga, F., and Fouquet, Y., 2002, Evidence for a late steatization process at the Saldanha Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°33'50"N, 33°26'W): Thermal regime of ocean ridges and dynamics of hydrothermal circulation, Pavia (Italy), 9-13 septembre 2002, 2002, p. 30-31.
Dias, A. S., Barriga, F., and Fouquet, Y., 2002, Hydrothermal sediments from Saldanha Mount (Mid Atlantic Ridge, FAMOUS/AMAR): Thermal regime of ocean ridges and dynamics of hydrothermal circulation, Pavia (Italy), 9-13 September 2002, 2002, p. 41.
Foriel, J., Philippot, P., Susini, J., Khodja, H., and Fouquet, Y., 2002, Imagerie chimique à haute résolution de bactéries hyperthermophiles fossiles: 19ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nantes, 9-12 avril 2002, 2002, p. 119.
Marques, A. F., Barriga, F., and Fouquet, Y., 2002, Rainbow hydrothermal field: new insights into the hydrothermal mineralization processes: Thermal regime of ocean ridges and dynamics of hydrothermal circulation, Pavia (Italy), 9-13 septembre 2002, 2002, p. 61-63.
Miroshnichenko, M. L., S. L'Haridon, O. Nercessian, S. Spring, E. Stackebrandt, P. Schumann, E. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya & C. Jeanthon. 2002. Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The 4th International Congress on Extremophiles, Septembre 2002, Naples, Italie.
Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., Jean-Baptiste, P., Holm, N., and Fouquet, Y., 2001, Serpentinization of ultramafics along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: abiotic process generating hydrogen, light hydrocarbons and other various organic species in black smokers
Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., Jean-Baptiste, P., and Holm, N., 2001, IRIS cruise results on the MAR : hydrogen and organics from serpentinization: AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2001.
Fouquet, Y., 2001, Geometry and composition of the Rainbow sulfide deposit. Consequence on the potential occurences of bacteria in an ultramafic hydrothermal system: European Geophysical Society, Nice, 2001, p. 799.
Ludden, J., Rouxel, O., and Fouquet, Y., 2001, Antimony isotope variations in natural systems determined by MC-ICP-MS: AGU Fall Meeting, 2001.
Radford-Knoery, J., Dorval, P., Landuré, J. Y., Pellé, H., Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., and Fouquet, Y., 2001, On the spatial/temporal variability of dissolved manganese concentrations at the vent field scale observed by in situ analysis: Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, 2001.
Rouxel, O., Fouquet, Y., and Ludden, J., 2001, Copper, selenium and sulphur isotope systematics of seafloor hydrothermal systems: EUG XI Meeting 8th, Strasbourg (France), 2001.
Rouxel, O., Ludden, J., J., C., and Fouquet, Y., 2001, Natural variations of Selenium, Copper and Antimony isotopes determined by MC-ICP-MS: application to seafloor hydrothermal systems: Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) Workshop, San Diego (U.S.A.), 2001.
Rouxel, O., Ludden, J., Kelley, K., and Plank, T., 2001, Metal and Metalloïd input to the Mariana-Izu subduction factory (leg 185 ODP): ODP Leg 185 Postcruise Meeting, Torino (Italy), 2001
Rouxel, O., Ludden, J., and Fouquet, Y., 2001, Selenium and antimony isotope variations in natural systems determined by MC-ICP-MS: experimental and field studies: Applied Isotope Geochemistry IV, Pacific Grove, California, 2001.
Rouxel, O., Ludden, J., and Fouquet, Y., 2001, Selenium isotopes as biosignatures in seafloor hydrothermal systems: AGU Fall Meeting, 2001.
Rouxel, O., and Ludden, J., 2001, Input to the Mariana-Izu subduction factory (leg 185 ODP): siderophile and chalcophile trace elements behavior during seafloor weathering: Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) Workshop, San Diego, U.S.A., 2001.