References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field
Ganachaud A., Bowen M., Brassington G., Cai W., Cravatte S., Davis R., Gourdeau L, Hasegawa T, Hill K., Holbrook N., Kessler W., Maes C., Melet A., Qiu B., Ridgway, K., Roemmich D., Schiller A., Send U., Sloyan B., Sprintall J., Steinberg C., Sutton P., Veron J, Widlansky M., Wiles P., Advances from the Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE), CLIVAR Exchanges newsletter, 61, vol 18, no 1, 2013.
References of International Seminar Communications
Maes C., F. Gasparin, J. Sudre, V. Garcon, and A. Ganachaud, Water mass analysis of the Coral Sea through an Optimum Multi-Parameter method, Poster EGU2014-7992 in Session OS1.6 EGU for the General Assembly, 2014.
Maes, C., B. Dewitte, J. Sudre, V. Garcon and D. Varillon, SSS Variability in the Coral Sea, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Poster presented at the Ocean Salinity Science, SMOS+SOS workshop, sponsor by ESA, 26- 28 November 2014, Exeter, UK.
Ganachaud, A., and SPICE contributors, Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE). Poster at the Second International Symposium on Boundary Current Dynamics, Lijiang, China, 2013.
Ganachaud, A., and SPICE contributors, Recent progresses from the Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE). Oral présentation at the 8th CLIVAR Pacific Panel meeting, Lijiang, China, 2013.
Ganachaud, A., and SPICE contributors, Achieved and expected scientific advances from the Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE). Invited presentation at the Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate, Qingdao, China, 15-17 October 2012.
Ganachaud, A., and SPICE contributors, Achieved and expected scientific advances from the Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE). Talk at the 10th international conference on Southern Hemisphere meteorology and oceanography, Nouméa, New Caledonia, 23-27 April 2012.
Maes, C., F. Marin, S. Bonnet, A. Desnues, L. Finot and D. Varillon, Preliminary results of the cruise dedicated to the bifurcation of the North Caledonian Jet onto the Queensland Plateau in the Coral Sea, Abstract OS44B-04 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.
Sudre, J., and C. Maes, Mean and seasonal variations of the ocean surface circulation in the Coral Sea. Talk at the 10th international conference on Southern Hemisphere meteorology and oceanography, Nouméa, New Caledonia, 23-27 April 2012.
Ganachaud, A., and SPICE contributors, Achieved and expected scientific advances from the southwest pacific ocean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE). Invited oral presentation in the IUGG 2011 General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011.
Maes, C., A. Ganachaud, D. Varillon and F. Durand, Monitoring the northern limb of the subtropical gyre with high-resolution XBT surveys in the South Pacific Ocean, Talk at the First XBT Science Workshop: Building a Multi-Decadal Upper Ocean Temperature Record, Melbourne, Australia, 7-8 July 2011.
Ganachaud, A, A. Melet, and C. Maes, SPICE: Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment, poster OS41A-1541 at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December 2010.
Gasparin, F., A. Ganachaud, and C. Maes, Observed features of the jets supplying the Coral Sea, talk OS51E-08 at the AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December 2010.
References of National Seminar Communications
Maes, C., Replacing in situ observation from sea cruises in the oceanic dynamics, Poster présenté lors de l?école d?été OBIDAM14, Brest, 8-9 Sept. 2014.
Maes, C., et al., Apports des campagnes en mer pour l'étude de la dynamique océanique dans le Pacifique tropical ouest, Poster invité aux Journées de la Flotte hauturière, Brest, 10 et 11 juin 2013.
Maes, C., Participation au réseau Argo dans le Pacifique Sud ? Projets SPICE et AMOP, présentation orale lors de la 7ième réunion annuelle Argo France Brest, 20-21 juin 2012.