Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Pourquoi pas ?
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 31/01/2010 - 11/02/2010
Chief scientist(s) DEPLUS Christine ORCID, FEUILLET Nathalie


1 rue Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 83 95 74 00

DOI 10.17600/10030020

The BATHYSAINTES cruise was proposed in the framework of the ANR Telluric disasters SUBSIMANTI project following the destructive earthquake which occurred near the Saintes islands in November 2004 and the related tsunami. It followed on from the AGUADOMAR (1999), CARAVAL (2002) and GWADASEIS (2009) cruises whose aim is to better delimit the seismic, volcanic and tsunami hazards in the Lesser Antilles arc area. The BATHYSAINTES cruise's main objective is to acquire high resolution multibeam bathymetric data on the Saintes plateau (depths between 0 and 200 m) enabling the transition to be made between Les Saintes islands and the existing surveys from deeper zones. It involved collaborative work between IPG Paris and SHOM. The related project is SUBSISMANTI, within ANR CATELL.

Published data

Deplus Christine, Feuillet Nathalie (2023). Bathymetry from Les Saintes area (Lesser Antilles volcanic arc): 10m grid from the Bathysaintes cruise.

Deplus Christine, Feuillet Nathalie (2021). Bathymetry from Les Saintes area (Lesser Antilles volcanic arc): 25m grid from the Bathysaintes cruise.

Data managed by SISMER



Henri M, Quidelleur X, Le Friant A, Komorowski Jc, Escartin Javier, Deplus C, Mevel C (2022). K-Ar Geochronology and geochemistry of underwater lava samples from the Subsaintes cruise offshore Les Saintes (Guadeloupe): Insights for the Lesser Antilles arc magmatism. Marine Geology, 450, 106862 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hughes Alex, Escartín Javier, Olive Jean‐arthur, Billant Jeremy, Deplus Christine, Feuillet Nathalie, Leclerc Frédérique, Malatesta Luca (2021). Quantification of gravitational mass wasting and controls on submarine scarp morphology along the Roseau fault, Lesser Antilles. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 126(4), e2020JF005892 (25p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Seibert C., Feuillet N., Ratzov Gueorgui, Beck C., Cattaneo AntonioORCID (2020). Seafloor morphology and sediment transfer in the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic environment of the Lesser Antilles forearc along Barbuda to St. Lucia. Marine Geology, 428, 106242 (29p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leclerc Frederique, Feuillet Nathalie (2019). Quaternary coral reef complexes as powerful markers of long-term subsidence related to deep processes at subduction zones: Insights from Les Saintes [Guadeloupe, French West Indies]. Geosphere, 15(4), 983-1007. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Escartin Javier, Leclerc Frederique, Olive Jean-Arthur, Mevel Catherine, Cannat Mathilde, Petersen Sven, Augustin Nico, Feuillet Nathalie, Deplus Christine, Bezos Antoine, Bonnemains Diane, Chavagnac Valerie, Choi Yujin, Godard Marguerite, Haaga Kristian A., Hamelin Cedric, Ildefonse Benoit, Jamieson John W., John Barbara E., Leleu Thomas, Macleod Christopher J., Massot-Campos Miguel, Nomikou Paraskevi, Paquet Marine, Rommevaux-Jestin Celine, Rothenbeck Marcel, Steinfuehrer Anja, Tominaga Masako, Triebe Lars, Campos Ricard, Gracias Nuno, Garcia Rafael, Andreani Muriel, Vilaseca Geraud (2016). First direct observation of coseismic slip and seafloor rupture along a submarine normal fault and implications for fault slip history. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 450, 96-107. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leclerc F., Feuillet N., Deplus C. (2016). Interactions between active faulting, volcanism, and sedimentary processes at an island arc: Insights from Les Saintes channel, Lesser Antilles arc. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 17(7), 2781-2802.

Leclerc F., Feuillet Nathalie, Cabioch G., Deplus Christine, Lebrun J. F., Bazin S., Beauducel F., Boudon G., Lefriant A., de Min L., Melezan D. (2014). The Holocene drowned reef of Les Saintes plateau as witness of a long-term tectonic subsidence along the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc in Guadeloupe. Marine Geology, 355, 115-135.

References of International Seminar Communications

Feuillet N., Leclerc F., Deplus C., Tapponnier P., Beauducel F., Jacques E., Beck C., Le Friant A., Boudon G., Lebrun J.-F. et Bazin S., 2012 - Slip partitioning in the Lesser Antilles arc: implications for seismic and volcanic hazards - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.

Leclerc F., Feuillet N., Deplus C., Cabioch G., Tapponnier P., Lebrun J.-F., Bazin S., Beauducel F., Boudon G., Le Friant A., De Min L. et Melezan D., 2012 - Late Quaternary reef growth history of Les Saintes submarine plateau: a key to constrain active faulting kinematics in Guadeloupe (FWI) - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.

References of National Seminar Communications

Leclerc F., Feuillet N., Perret M., Cabioch G., Deplus C., Beauducel F. & Weil-Accardo J., 2013 - Drowned reef plateaus as markers of repetitive deep earthquakes in the mantle wedge of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone? - Congrès des Doctorants, IPG Paris, 18-22 mars 2013.

Leclerc F., Feuillet N. & Tapponnier P., 2012 - Reef growth history of Les Saintes submarine plateau: a key to constrain active faulting kinematics in Guadeloupe (French West Indies) - Congrès des Doctorants, IPG Paris, 19-23 mars 2012.

Leclerc F., Feuillet N., Cabioch G., Tapponnier P., Deplus C. & BATHYSAINTES scientific group, 2011 - Seismic hazard in Les Saintes archipelago from BATHYSAINTES marine cruise data: what did we learn of active faulting after the 21st November 2004 Mw 6.3 earthquake? - Congrès des Doctorants, IPG Paris, 14-18 mars 2011.

Hirn A. et coll. 2010 - SUBSISMANTI: subduction et séismes aux Antilles, approche pluridisciplinaire par un faisceau de projets - Colloque de bilan et d'avancement des programmes ANR Catell et RiskNat, Lyon, 29- 30-31 mars 2010.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Vivien Rousseau, 2013 - Caractérisation de l'aléa tsunamigénique dans l'arc antillais - Stage de M2, master STEP, IPG Paris, juin 2013. Responsables de stage : Nathalie Feuillet, Hélène Hébert.

Guillaume Gigou, 2011 - Traitement de données gravimétriques marines (campagnes BathySaintes, février 2010 & campagne Aguadomar, décembre 1998 et janvier 1999) - stage 1ère année EOST effectué à l'IPG Paris, juillet 2011, Responsable de stage : Christine Deplus.

Frédérique Leclerc, 2010 - Fonctionnement des failles actives dans l?arc Antillais: apport des nouvelles campagnes à la mer Gwadaseis (2009) et Bathysaintes (2010). Implications pour l?aléa sismique et volcanique aux Saintes (Guadeloupe) et à Montserrat - Stage de M2, master STEP, IPG Paris, Juin 2010, Responsable de stage: Nathalie Feuillet.

Thesis using campaign data

Cordrie Louise (2021). Identification et caractérisation des séismes passés de l'arc des Petites Antilles : simulation des tsunamis et du transport sédimentaire / Identification and characterization of the Lesser Antilles arc past earthquakes : insight from tsunami modeling and sediment transport simulation. PhD Thesis, Université de Paris.

Laurencin Muriel (2017). Etude de la géométrie, de la nature et des déformations de la zone de subduction des Petites Antilles du Nord / Deep structure geometry, crust nature and tectonic deformation in the northern Lesser Antilles margin. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Frédérique Leclerc, en cours - Déformation active permanente induite par le fonctionnement du mégachevauchement dans l'arc antillais: apports des complexes récifaux quaternaires - Thèse de Doctorat préparée à l'IPG Paris, directrice de thèse: N. Feuillet. Soutenance prévue 26 mai 2014.