LATEX 2010

Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 01/09/2010 - 23/09/2010
Chief scientist(s) QUEGUINER Bernard


163 avenue de Luminy

Bâtiment Méditerranée

13288 Marseille Cedex 9

+33(0)4 86 09 05 00

DOI 10.17600/10020030

Studying eddies related to water circulation in the Gulf of Lion. The LOPB and LOMIC labs will implement a technique never used before for coastal systems, i.e. tracking of a water mass using the chemically inert compound sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). After injecting the tracer from aboard RV Suroît, the substance's dissemination will be estimated thanks to real-time measurements performed on board. To monitor the eddy structure, RV Suroît will be accompanied by RV Tethys II. Several innovative devices or systems will be deployed simultaneously (measuring currents using Doppler acoustic profiler (with the moorings already in the zone since 2009 and the 2 vessels' shipboard current meters); Measuring surface currents using an array of HF radars installed onshore; several satellite-monitored drifting buoys, including a CARIOCA buoy which will continuously log the physical parameters and CO2 trends near the surface; autonomous underwater gliders fitted with various biogeochemical sensors; real-time satellite observation of surface temperature and phytoplankton concentrations; and operational numerical modelling. The measurements will be analyzed on board and will be used to locate the eddy's position in order to guide the vessels to the drifting research zone. The original aspect of LATEX is that it combines expertise in physical oceanography and marine biogeochemistry to try and penetrate the mystery of these mesoscale structures and particularly to assess the role they play in transfer of matter between the coastal zone and the open sea. The fate of organic matter will be closely observed during this monitoring of the drifting eddy structure to understand how the biogeochemical properties (quality of organic matter, stoichiometry of particulate matter, primary and bacterial production) evolve over time in this volume of water enclosed by physical processes.

Data managed by SISMER



Metzl Nicolas, Fin Jonathan, Lo Monaco Claire, Mignon Claude, Alliouane Samir, Antoine David, Bourdin Guillaume, Boutin Jacqueline, Bozec Yann, Conan Pascal, Coppola Laurent, Diaz Frédéric, Douville Eric, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Gazeau Frédéric, Golbol Melek, Lansard Bruno, Lefèvre Dominique, Lefèvre Nathalie, Lombard Fabien, Louanchi Férial, Merlivat Liliane, Olivier Léa, Petrenko Anne, Petton SébastienORCID, Pujo-Pay Mireille, Rabouille Christophe, Reverdin Gilles, Ridame Céline, Tribollet Aline, Vellucci Vincenzo, Wagener Thibaut, Wimart-Rousseau Cathy (2024). A synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2022: the SNAPO-CO2-v1 dataset. Earth System Science Data, 16(1), 89-120. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Kersale M., Petrenko A. A., Doglioli A. M., Nencioli F., Bouffard J., Blain S., Diaz F., Labasque T., Queguiner B., Dekeyser I. (2016). Lateral diffusivity coefficients from the dynamics of a SF6 patch in a coastal environment. Journal Of Marine Systems, 153, 42-54. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bouffard Jerome, Nencioli Francesco, Escudier Romain, Doglioli Andrea, Petrenko Anne A., Pascual Ananda, Poulain Pierre-Marie, Elhmaidi Dalila (2014). Lagrangian analysis of satellite-derived currents: Application to the North Western Mediterranean coastal dynamics. Advances In Space Research, 53(5), 788-801.

Nencioli Francesco, D'Ovidio Francesco, Doglioli Andrea, Petrenko Anne (2013). In situ estimates of submesoscale horizontal eddy diffusivity across an ocean front. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(12), 7066-7080. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Doglioli Andrea, Nencioli Francesco, Petrenko Anne, Rougier Gilles, Fuda Jean-Luc, Grima Nicolas (2013). A Software Package and Hardware Tools for in situ Experiments in a Lagrangian Reference Frame. Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, 30(8), 1940-1950. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Campbell Rose, Diaz Frederic, Hu Ziyuan, Doglioli Andrea, Petrenko Anne, Dekeyser Ivan (2013). Nutrients and plankton spatial distributions induced by a coastal eddy in the Gulf of Lion. Insights from a numerical model. Progress In Oceanography, 109, 47-69.

Kersale M., Petrenko A. A., Doglioli Andrea, Dekeyser I., Nencioli Francesco (2013). Physical characteristics and dynamics of the coastal Latex09 Eddy derived from in situ data and numerical modeling. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 118(1), 399-409.

Hu Z. Y., Petrenko A. A., Doglioli Andrea, Dekeyser I. (2011). Numerical study of eddy generation in the western part of the Gulf of Lion. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 116(C12030), 1-15.

Hu Z. Y., Petrenko A. A., Doglioli Andrea, Dekeyser I. (2011). Study of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy in the western part of the Gulf of Lion. Journal Of Marine Systems, 88(1), 3-11.

Nencioli Francesco, D'Ovidio Francesco, Doglioli Andrea, Petrenko A. A. (2011). Surface coastal circulation patterns by in-situ detection of Lagrangian coherent structures. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(L17604), 1-5.

Kersale M., Doglioli A.M., Petrenko A. A. (2011). Sensitivity study of the generation of mesoscale eddies in a numerical model of Hawaii islands. Ocean Science, 7(3), 277-291. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hu Z. Y., Doglioli A.M., Petrenko Anne, Marsaleix Patrick, Dekeyser I. (2009). Numerical simulations of eddies in the Gulf of Lion. Ocean Modelling, 28(4), 203-208.

References of International Seminar Communications

Kersalé, M., Petrenko, A. A., Doglioli, A. M., Nencioli, F., Dekeyser, I., Dynamics of meso- and submesoscale processes from in situ data and numerical modeling in a coastal environment., Feb. 2014 Ocean Sciences meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii

Nencioli, F., d'Ovidio, F., Doglioli, A.M., Petrenko, A. A. (2013) In-situ estimate of submesoscale horizontal eddy diffusion coefficients across a front. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-8237-2EGU. European Geosciences Union.

Petrenko, A.A., , Kersale, M., Nencioli, F., Gatti, J., Doglioli, A. M., Dekeyser, I. (2013), Coastal circulation in the Gulf of Lion, the influence of mesoscale processes on interregional exchanges, 40th CIESM Congress, 28 October - 1 November 2013, Marseille, France

Kersalé, Petrenko, A.A., Doglioli, A.M., Nencioli, F., Bouffard, J. and Dekeyser I. (2012), Role of mesoscale eddies on exchanges between coastal regions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU 2012-858. European Geosciences Union.

Campbell, R., Diaz F., Hu, Z.Y., Doglioli, A.M., Petrenko, A.A., Dekeyser, I. (2011), Eddy induced coastal plankton community changes in a coupled numerical model of the Gulf of Lion. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8036-1. European Geosciences Union.

Doglioli, A.M., Fuda, J.-L., Grima, N., Nencioli, F., Petrenko, A.A., Rougier, G. (2011), LATEX_tools: a software package for navigation in a Lagrangian reference frame. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-3759. European Geosciences Union.

Nencioli, F., D'Ovidio, F., Doglioli, A.M., Petrenko, A.A., (2011), Real-time in-situ tracking of Lagrangian coherent structures in a coastal region. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-3778-3. European Geosciences Union.

Nencioli, F., Doglioli, A.M., Petrenko, A.A., D'Ovidio, F. (2011), Influence of (sub)mesoscale anticyclones on the coastal biogeochemical processes in the western part of the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-6287-1. European Geosciences Union.

Petrenko, A.A., Hu, Z.Y., Doglioli, A.M., Dekeyser, I. (2011), Generation of coastal mesoscale anticyclonic eddies in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-3996. European Geosciences Union.

Petrenko, A.A., LAgrangian Transport Experiment, TurbinterMed, Toulon, France, Mars 2011.

Petrenko, A.A., séminaire invité, LAgrangian Transport Experiment, Coastal Modeling Dynamics School, La Londe-les Maures, France, Sept 19-23, 2011.

Campbell R., Diaz F., Hu Z., Estournel C., Ulses C., Petrenko A., Doglioli A., Dekeyser I.,. Nutrients dynamics and trophic interactions between plankton groups in a submesoscale anticyclonic eddy. Conférence EUROCEANS "Biogeochemistry and ocean turbulence: the next big climate challenge? Influence of meso- and submesoscale ocean dynamics on the global carbon cycle and marine ecosystems". Aber Wrac'h, Bretagne, 31 mai-2 juin 2010.

Hu, Z.Y., Doglioli, A.M., Petrenko, A.A., Campbell, R., Diaz F. and Dekeyser, I. (2010), Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the Gulf of Lion and their role in the coastal-offshore exchanges. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11392. European Geosciences Union.

Campbell R., Diaz F., Ulses C., Hu Z., Estournel C., Petrenko A., Doglioli A., Dekeyser I. (2009), Impact of a mesoscale eddy on the structure of the trophic food web in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean), ASLO, Nice, Jan.25-30, 2009.

Campbell R., Diaz F., Ulses C., Hu Z., Estournel C., Petrenko A., Doglioli A., Dekeyser I.,. « Impact of a mesoscale eddy on the structure of the trophic food web in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean) ». 4th International SOLAS Summer School, August 2009, Cargese, Corsica.

Hu, Z.H., Doglioli A., Petrenko A., Marsaleix P., Dekeyser I. (2009), Numerical Simulations and observation of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies in the Gulf of Lion, Congrès Liège, GHER, mai 2009.

Petrenko, A.A., A. Doglioli, Z. Hu, F. Diaz, R. Campbell, I. Dekeyser and the LATEX group, LATEX (LAgrangian Transport Experiment): strategy and preliminary results, presentation, LAPCOD 2009, La Londe-les-Maures, France, September 7-11, 2009.

Petrenko, A.A., A. Doglioli, Z. Hu, I. Dekeyser and the LATEX group (2009), Anticyclonic coastal eddies in the LATEX project, presentation invitée, Workshop TWISTED (PI: M. Levy), Paris, September 28-29, 2009.

Doglioli, A., Z. Hu, A. Petrenko, P. Marsaleix and the LATEX group (2008), Modelling the (sub) mesoscale eddies of the Gulf of Lion, 2nd Atelier Hymex, June 2-4, 2008, WG5 The Coastal Zone, Shelf-slope exchanges, poster.

Petrenko, A.A., Z. Hu, A. Doglioli, P. Marsaleix and the LATEX group (2008), Impacts of spatial resolution and diffusion scheme on modelled (sub-)mesoscale eddies in the gulf of Lion, presentation invitee, Workshop TWISTED (PI: M. Levy), September 2008.

Petrenko, A., F. Diaz and the LATEX group (2007), Présentation du programme LATEX LAgrangian Transport Experiment, 1st Atelier Hymex, Sept. 10, 2007, Toulouse.

References of National Seminar Communications

Hu Z., A. Petrenko, A. Doglioli (2008), Étude des structures tourbillonnaires dans le golfe du Lion et leur rôle dans les échanges côte-large, École doctorale, CEREGE, mars 2008.

Petrenko, A. (2008), L?impact de la circulation méso-échelle sur les échanges côte-large, réunion SIROCCO, 25-26 novembre 2008, POC, Toulouse.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Romain Rainaud (Master OPCB - Option Physique - Stage de M2)- « Mesures de turbulence océanique dans le golfe du Lion: expérimentation et interprétation »; co-direction : A. Petrenko et A. Doglioli ; janvier à mai 2012.

Anna Rumyantseva (Master de Physique M2, Université de Moscou) - « Turbulent measurements in North Western Mediterranean using SCAMP (Self Contained Autonomous MicroProfiler) »; co-direction : A. Petrenko et A. Doglioli ; juillet 2010 à décembre 2010.

Thesis using campaign data

Marion KERSALE - « Modélisation de tourbillons anticycloniques », directeurs: A. Petrenko, A. Doglio, I. Dekeyser, oct. 2010; soutenance prévue en automne 2013

Rose CAMPBELL - « Tourbillons anticycloniques dans le Golfe du Lion : Modélisation couplée physique-biogéochimique », directeurs: I. Dekeyser et F. Diaz, nov. 2008-déc. 2012 ; thèse soutenue le 10 décembre 2012.

Dekeyser, A. Petrenko et A. Doglioli, sept. 2007-fév. 2011; thèse soutenue le 24 février 2011 ; actuellement : Chercheur océanographe modélisation couplée physique-biologie à l'Institut d'Océanographie de la Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) à Qingdao, Chine.

Zi Yuan HU - « Suivi de structures tourbillonnaires dans le Golfe du Lion » ; directeurs: I.