References of International Seminar Communications
Deschamps, A., B. Van Vliet-?Lanoe, S. A. Soule, M. Le Saout, P. Allemand, and C. Delacourt (2013), Analysis of inflated submarine and sub-?lacustrine Pahoehoe lava flows using high-?resolution bathymetric and lidar data, Abstract V34C-?01 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-?13 Dec.
Tilot V, Moreno J. 2013. "Methodology for marine spatial management in deep seas", The Deep Sea Mining summit 2013, 31 July-1 August 2013, The Cumberland Hotel, London, UK.
Deschamps A., M. Le Saout, , S.A. Soule, P. Allemand, B. Van Vliet Lanoe, C. Delacourt, Submarine and aerial inflated lava flows, Geocean meeting, Brest (France), 2012.
Deschamps, A., S. A. Soule, M. Le Saout, P. Allemand, and C. Delacourt (2012), Analysis of inflated submarine and sub-?lacustrine Pahoehoe lava flows using high-?resolution bathymetric and lidar data, Abstract V21A-2754 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.
Le Saout M., A. Deschamps, S.A. Soule, P. Allemand, P. Gente, Lava flows morphologies at the intersection of the East-?Pacific Rise with the Math ematician hot-spot, 16° N, Geocean meeting, Brest (France), 2012.
Le Saout, M., A. Deschamps, S. A. Soule, P. Allemand, and P. Gente (2012), Submarine inflated flows at the East Pacific Rise, 16°N, Abstract V21A-2756 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.
Mougel, B., A. Agranier, C. Hemond, M. Moreira and P. Gente (2012), Identification of an extremily unradiogenic lead component below the Est Pacific Rise (15°43'N), Abstract DI51A-2349, presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.
Tilot V., 2012. "Assessment of the biodiversity and options for conservation and management: high seas and deep ocean ecosystems earmarked for mining". International Conference on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MarCoastEcos2012): increasing knowledge for a sustainable conservation and integrated management. Tirana, Albania, 25 ? 28 April 2012.
DESCHAMPS, A., AGRANIER, A., MOUGEL, B. & DYMENT, J., 2011 - Axial morphology of the East-Pacific Rise crest in the vicinity of its intersection with the Mathematician hot-spot: results of the PARISUB?2010 cruise, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienne, 03-08/04.
Deschamps A., Allemand P., Delacourt C., M. Le Saout, P. Gente, Comparative study of volcanic landforms on Mars and on the East Pacific Rise using high-resolution AUV and HiRISE data, Abstract EGU2011-8545, PS10.0/GMPV28, presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, EGU, Vienna Austria, 3-8 Apr.
Deschamps A., Allemand P., M. Le Saout, Delacourt C., P. Gente, Axial morphology and lava emplacement at East-Pacific Rise at its intersection with the Mathematician hot-spot, 16°N, Abstract V53D-2648, presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
Mougel, B. Agranier, A., Hemond, C. and Gente, P. (2011) An unusual Hf-Pb signature below the EPR- Mathematician Hotspot system. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), 1507.
Tilot V., 2011. "Recommendations for the conservation and management of the biodiversity of deep sea ecosystems targeted by seabed mining (Polymetallic Nodule Deposits, Cobalt-Rich Ferromanganese Crusts and Hydrothermal Sulfides)". 40th annual conference of the Underwater Mining Institute, Hilo, Hawaii, 14-18 septembre, 2011.
DESCHAMPS, A., GENTE, P., DYMENT, J., AGRANIER, A., MAIA, M.A., HEMOND, C., BENOIT, M., SZITKAR, F., JANIN, M., THIBAUD, R., AGUILLON-ROBLES, A., RODRIGUEZ-LEON, L. & TILOT, V., 2010 ? Axial morphology of the East Pacific Rise crest at its intersection with the Mathematician hot-spot: results of the PARISUB 2010 cruise, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, 13-17/12.
DYMENT, J., DESCHAMPS, A., GENTE, P. & the PARISUB Scientific Party, 2010 - Complex dyke emplacement at the hyper-inflated EPR 16°N segment, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, 13-17/12.
Deschamps A., Agranier A., Mougel B., M. Le Saout, P. Gente, Axial morphology of the East-Pacific Rise crest in the vicinity of its intersection with the Mathematician hot-spot: results of the PARISUB?2010 cruise, Abstract EGU2011-8515, TS5.1/GD4.4/GMPV35/SM2.9, presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, EGU, Vienna Austria, 3-8 Apr.
Tilot V., Gente P. and the Parisub scientific team, 2010. Discovery of new faunal sites on the EPR (16°N): abyssal, bathyal and hydrothermal communities, 12th Deep-sea Biology Symposium, Reykjavík, Iceland, 7-11 June 2010.