References of International Seminar Communications
Ingale, V.V., Bazin, S. & Royer, J.-Y., 2021, Hydroacoustic observations of two contrasted seismic swarms along the Southwest Indian Ridge in 2018. Abstract EGU21-5131, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Dziak, R.P., Lau, T.K., Matsumoto, H., Mellinger, D.K., Haxel, J., Haver, S., Bohnenstiehl, D.R., Gedamke, J., Hatch, L., Lee, W.S., McKenna, M., Royer, J.-Y. & Smith, D.K., 2020, Seasonal variation of the global low-frequency ocean soundscape from 25 years of NOAA-PMEL hydrophone deployments. Abstract #644292, Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Royer, J.-Y., Beauverger, M., Torterotot, M. & Lecoulant, J., 2019, Seismic crises along the Southwest Indian Ridge: insights from hydroacoustic observations. Abstract #544476, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Royer, J.-Y., Hello, Y., Rozen, J., Yegikyan, M. & Beauverger, M., 2019, HYDROBS: a versatile long-term data-logger with messengers for monitoring the water column. Abstract EGU2019-16793, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Torterotot, M., Samaran, F. & Royer, J.-Y., 2019. Detection strategy for long-term acoustic monitoring of blue whale stereotyped and non-stereotyped calls in the Southern Indian Ocean. In Proceedings of OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Marseille, pp. 190113-190009 Marseille, France.
Torterotot, M., Samaran, F. & Royer, J.-Y., 2019. Seasonal and geographical occurrence of blue whale stereotyped and non-stereotyped calls in the southern Indian Ocean. In Proceedings of World Marine Mammal Conference, pp., Barcelona, España.
Torterotot, M., Samaran, F. & Royer, J.-Y., 2019. Sounds from airguns and blue whales recorded from a long-term hydrophone network in the Southern Indian Ocean. In Proceedings of 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, pp. 2939, San Diego Ca, USA.
Leroy, E.C., Thomisch, K., Royer, J.-Y., Boebel, O. & Van Opzeeland, I., 2018, On the reliability of acoustic annotations and automatic detections of Antarctic blue whale calls under different acoustic conditions. 8th International DCLDE workshop, Paris.
Torterotot, M., Socheleau, F.-X., Samaran, F. & Royer, J.-Y., 2018, Automated detection of non-stereotyped whale calls using dictionary-based representations: application to blue whale D-calls. 8th International DCLDE workshop, Paris.
Leroy, E.C., Samaran, F., Bonnel, J. & Royer, J.-Y., 2017. Two new whale calls in the southern Indian Ocean, and their geographic, seasonal distribution over five sites and seven years (Abstract #2aAB6). In Proceedings of Acoustics '17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, pp. 3544, Boston, MA.
Samaran, F., Royer, J.-Y., Leroy, E.C., Maia, M.A. & Stafford, K.M., 2017. Antarctic blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) recorded north of the Equator in the Atlantic Ocean. In Proceedings of 22nd Biennial Conference of the Biology of Marine Mammals, pp., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Peureux, C., Ardhuin, F. & Royer, J.-Y., 2016, Near field ocean surface waves acoustic radiation observation and modelling. Abstract #170499, AGU Fall Meeting, San-Francisco, CA.
Royer, J.-Y., Perrot, J., Sukhovich, A., Guennou, C. & Beauverger, M., 2016. Hydroacoustic measurements for seismology. In Proceedings of 2016 ORFEUS Observatory Coordination Meeting, pp., Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Leroy, E., Socheleau, F.-X., Carvallo Pecci, A., Samaran, F., Bonnel, J. & Royer, J.-Y., 2015, Robust detection of Antarctic blue whale calls, and comparison with classical spectrogram correlation. The 7th International DCLDE [Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation] Workshop, La Jolla, CA.
Royer, J.-Y., Perrot, J., Guennou, C., Sukhovich , A. & Maia, M., 2015. Relevance of passive hydroacoustic observatories for monitoring the high-seas marine environment. In Proceedings of IEEE/OES RIO Acoustics 2015, pp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Samaran, F., Leroy, E., Miller, B.S., Double, M. & Royer, J.-Y., 2015, Chatty Antarctic blue whales, tell me more about your calls. 21st Biennal Conference on Marine Mammals, San-Francisco, CA.
Tsang-Hin-Sun, E. & Royer, J.-Y., 2015, Contribution of seasonal presence of cetaceans, earthquakes, drifting icebergs and anthropogenic activity to the ambient noise level in the Southern Indian Ocean. Abstract EGU2015-10422, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Tsang-Hin-Sun, E. & Royer, J.-Y., 2015, From T-wave energy to fault parameters: empirical relationship and preliminary results from modelling. Abstract EGU2015-11782, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Tsang-Hin-Sun, E., Royer, J.-Y. & Perrot, J., 2015, Spatial and temporal distribution of the seismicity along two mid-oceanic ridges with contrasted spreading rates in the Indian Ocean. Abstract #62357, AGU Fall Meeting, San-Francisco, CA.
Tsang-Hin-Sun, E., Royer, J.-Y., Sukhovich , A. & Perrot, J., 2014, Analysis of the low-level seismicity along the Southern Indian Ocean spreading ridges recorded by the OHASISBIO array of hydrophones in 2012. Abstract EGU2014-1351, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Jamet, G., Guennou, C., Guillon, L. & Royer, J.-Y., 2013. Analysis of a T-wave simulated by a spectral element method. In Proceedings of ECUA & UAM Conference, pp., Corfu, Greece.
Royer, J.-Y., Chateau, R., D'Eu, J.-F., Guennou, C., Jamet, G., Perrot, J., Sukhovich, A., Tsang-Hin-Sun, E., Brachet, C., Guinet, C. & Samaran, F., 2013. Long-term hydroacoustic monitoring in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In Proceedings of IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly, pp. Abstract P2S2.06, Goteborg, Sweden.
Royer, J.-Y., D'Eu, J.-F., Sukhovich , A. & Perrot, J., 2013. Autonomous hydrophone array for long-term acoustic monitoring in remote oceans. In Proceedings of ECUA & UAM Conference, pp., Corfu, Greece.
Samaran, F., Stafford, K.M., Pressiat, G., Adam, O., Royer, J.-Y. & Guinet, C., 2013. Geographic, seasonal and diel patterns of Antarctic blue whale calls in the Indian and Southern oceans. In Proceedings of 27th European Cetacean Society Conference, pp., Setubal, Portugal.
Samaran, F., Stafford, K.M., Royer, J.-Y. & Guinet, C., 2013. Diel variation of the acoustic activity of two blue whale subspecies in the Indian and Southern Oceans. In Proceedings of 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, pp., Dunedin, New-Zealand.
Ardhuin, F., Herbers, T., Marié, L., Royer, J.-Y., Obrebski, M., Stutsmann, E. & Schimmel, M., 2012. Low frequency noise generated by ocean waves: a consistent theory from surface gravity waves to seismic Rayleigh and waves. In Proceedings of EGU Meeting, pp. EGU2012-11535, European Geophysical Union, Vienna.
Royer, J.-Y., Perrot, J., Guennou, C., D'Eu, J.-F. & Brachet, C., 2011. Autonomous-hydrophone arrays: a powerful tool for long-term monitoring of geological processes, biological activity and iceberg tremors over large and remote areas of the ocean. In Proceedings of EGU Meeting, pp. Abstract EGU2011-8794, European Geophysical Union, Vienna.